Special Russian Overcoat Ages 2to 5a good," warm, heavy Cheviot C oat for small boys, bittoned close to the neck. with "velvet collar, trimmed with "black silk braid 'and : brass 'buttons, with belt on back. : Boy s College Ulktet, made from 4 durable Cana. * dian tweed, -very dark grey "and olive shades, made doyble breasted, with three inch Prussian collar. PROSPECT Among 'the winners 'at - recefit Al Bity young and old. from Xmas fairs, we have noticed that ahoat Awenty-five Vel Ernie Holtby won 6 firsts. on his id DiREto: 5 Sasiet driver, and ladies driving his horse won 3 firsts, and 1 second: eld in the Methodist Ehareh We are sorry to report 'that Mi Mr, Was, Bethel Hemmingway lost one of his valu e and Bethe abléfhorses last week, MissjCornish bas, been engaged 5 to teach at Prospect this year, as. hie MANCHESTER Mr. H: Baird and Mr. F. Clirist t the school meeting | ie spent: Xmas at home. he Nol: Well, you| We regret to say that Mr.Stubbs ou know 'what {18 Do better. arant annually We are sorry to report that Mr. a" John Parki is very Ssriously ilk of erysipehs and blood poison