Mes 1 Burdham dnl Miss Allen Burnham are visiting in Toronto, Dr. Crandell and wife, of Cran- _ delitown, Manitoba, 'are visiting "Mrs. Caleb Crandell. Mr D G McKay, of Prince Ru- , was a guest at the home of uncle, Mr H Carmichael, for a few days Mr. Chas. Evans, of Toronto is home. Mr. Wm, Oke, Toronto, spent a day or two in town last' week, Miss Dowsley, Toronto, has re- turned home after visiting Mrs. We i. Harris. SST. D; Adams, W. S. Short, ly, KE. B: Flint, H. H. Stone, EB. H. Purdy, and W. U. Camegie, attended a Masonic of Instruction at Reutlon Falls last week. Mrs. Orr Graham spent 'Sunday io Lindsay. Mr.' Chas. Cawker, Toronto, spent a few days home last week. Miss Eva and Mrs. Jas. Carnegie are visiting in Toronto. Mr. Harland Graliam, Toronto is home for a few days. The Cannington Game - Had the teams been mote even- ly matched the game between Port Perry and Cauniugton would have) been more interesting. = Canning-. ton says theirs was a *'pick. up" team and one was compelled to be-; lieve them: There two best play- ers were the man at centre and the goaltender who deserves credit for the number of 'goals Te saved.| Messts Sinclair 'and D. Carnegie did good work for the home team ; < and R. Woodly made 2 good show Village Council should do more to ing in goal. Our defence" was strong and the combination play was. much better than usual. Braius entered into the game and | the forwards liad the puck fed to them with good skill. When they got it they took care tocarry it to; the enemy's goal, as will be: easily seen 'when it is known that the score was 11-1 in favor of Fort It has been suggested that an exhibition game be arranged be- tween an Intérmediate team: from Whitby and one from Port Perry. Presentation YTast week Mr. W. H. Harris was presented with' a handsome | marble clock in token of his services in connection with the Methodist | choir, 2 The presentation * was made on behalf of the trustee board by the pastor. Mr. Harris for: warded a suitable reply, as t 'Presentation was made privately, Ro-Connt of East Whithy Ballets | training, Mr- Editor You have asked me to write for the STAR some of my opinions on hockey and other ath: letics. It is generally conceded that ac- tive games such as hockey are of great benefit Ip roperly con ducted. t mustal so be admitted that the games may becotne a means of sipation if not run on right lines. The question to be decided is-- How shall hockey or other games be conducted so as to strengthen both the'bodies and the characters" of the youths practising them. My solution is' that our hockey and town athletics must have pro- per controlling bodiesand thorough disciplint. I believe that: the school trustees should compel all school children to Berry practice some form ot game or phy- sical exercises. Care should be taken that the games do not encourage the desire to win at any cost, or the vanity of grand stand display or personal TOWeSS. The objects to be-pursued should be to cultivate endurance, strength, stamina, courage, self control; men- tal alertiiess under diffloulties, and the discipline that comes ' from such as self-denial and gentlemanly cenduot. The chief difficulty in getting a good hockey team together with- a getting' in outside players is that we have no material to draw 'from - The 'voung men attending. our schools have not the physical condition or 'training to play the strenvous game of hockey as well as other towns in the O.H.A, 1 advise, then, that our school trustees employ teachers whose | duties shall partly consist in regu: i lating and controlling school games In. addition," I think that the encourage a field day in sports. { Lhey should also provide a pub* lic park: or playground. Finally, "if we are to have a winning team rhat can beat any: thing in our District or beyond, we must organize 4 strong control- iing body, willing and capable of enforclug discipline and compelling the players to live up to the | highest tdeal. of sport. As an incentive to young players to attain' the reguired effic periodical contests might be held at the schools, and prizes given for running, jumping, etc. These need be little more than an Rr tcation of the standing of the different contestants. Delicate boys should be encouraged to take part in these games as well as the 'strong. There should be a grading. ficiency.' Hockey, is not valuable where only seven or eight men get a chance to play in one season, Our according to athletic & 'system should be broad enough" to ency,. Ee proceeds were Ned $20 Annual. Meeting Publle Library The aunual meeting of the lic Library was held on Friday " [evening of last week. The atten: dance was better than usual. following officers were' elected: -- Pres,, Mr. W. L. Parrish; 2 Sec'y, Mr, Forman; Treas, Mr. Harris, * The directors of last year were|' all re-elected and' the following rsons were added to' the list-- rs. D. Archer; Miss Varnold; Mrs G. Jackson; Mr. McBride, and Dr. book committee, quite large, 'The idea is to get as many people as possible interested in keeping their eves opén for good | books. Readers are asked to let the committee know of any books]: they would like to see in the libra-| ry. The tollowing: persons were. elected for the committee, Mrs. W. I. Parrish; Mrs. J. 2 McLean; McE Murray; Miss P. Mrs, D. Archer; Mrs. S. Farmer; Miss Varnold; Mrs. Geo. Jacksons] Mrs. Forman; Mr. Forman; Mr. McE Murray; Mr. Farmer; Mr. Harris. Ak A motion was made. conveying the thanks of the Public Library' members to. Mr. MeBride for his excellent services to the library all 'times, "particularly when solid be: found. to give. the "needed elp. : Shawl Lost Green, plaid woolen & between lot 9 on the 6th ¢ con, and Shirley, Reach Finder please return: same to STAR Office Small Black Dog s hair, brown fint, small face.' scen last on Wed. of last week. Finder please notify Mrs: D. Boe, Port Perry. Tuesday, 8th day of F at 8 pm. to take into cor b advisability of gers a ne Eair and Pose Perry, Reach Hig Society. A large atten ge neue everyone who Wishes tol. Their was & change made in the : "This year 'it 'is| { Slippers: in felt, velvet and nd esther values up to $1, sale Tapioca rg LF hop. for 25c- ) Headehesse 10¢.:1b ing effected: "A glance at the nina pastal list steck should prove that we mean to " make | ~ PARLOR GOODS Roman armchair, spring seat, i dg silivlstored. carve arms; 5 ply genuine mahogany venecred oval Back, richl ca polished. A snap at drssrivacuiveed i; Gent's armchair; polished mahogany finish : spring seat, shaped legs' and arms panel back, bi Hands face 3 m, ished' fancy ms and legs, genuine ples' 'green crushed plush, h cord and | tas quick er at