quantity of Lovely Dress Goods at quality and completeness of this | Exhibit of New Goods. ~ - a ate, Ht a i Fancy Silk Striped and Figured Eoliennes--only i one dress of each shade. All the new, rich colors ¥ to choose from, such as Cream, Old Rose, Sky Blue, & Azure Grey, New Mustard, Canard Blue, Light . Bronze and Hunter's Green, and Black. Eight . yards in each length, at per yard $1.00 RRS Rich Black Dress Goods in Endless Profusion, keep wage of out 10 you, When its black we have them: Plain Black, Fancy " living), 6Fhonest, meritotious Black, Blue Black and Jet Black, in wool, silk and clothes and thi satin, From 50c. to $2.00 per yard. These two numbers we describe here : Just a ' use our Specience and con- 3 Ribbon Striped Voil. . hen compare with anything in all the world. Bo o¥ ak ta $12 per dress length. Fine French Wool Voil with ! ne, soft fihished wool, Panam a; not treated properly we want ribbon stripe of satin, the most elegant of exclusive thread worsteds, (that wear clean) woven Ton ol Bed oa ata ve black dress goods. Eight yards in the dress, at per self an d si : oie you and use you yard $1.50 Dunk & Mcintyre | Perino A silk and wool material that resembles so closely the Shan Tung silk. The newest of this season's light weight black dress fabrics. In plain $1.00 per yard. Fancy, per yard $1.50 & CO. Fv ys ee gone] epmneyra |." DISPERSION SALE OF ojeifan. mmensiy. inter dr. agga s gone to of foot ball was: played on the| Belleville for o few weeks liolidar a SHORTHORNS ball enthusiasts. [n| city for 8 few days last week To be conducted by Geo. Jackson at lot 3, con 9, Scugog, em a eh te p ; We are pleased to see Miss Jennie the ga SD nen aua a and Floss McTaggart able to be Wednesday Mar ch 2nd, 1910 and farions and lagig after a severe attack of Having been engaged in the breeding of Shorthorns upwards ¢ ; He of thirty years, I feel that it is wise, on account of increasing years, We welcome again to our midst and having rented mv farm, to discontinue the business. In pre- Mr. N. Ferguson and Miss Wilson senting our Catalogue, I do so with the full assurance that the of Lifford. RR animals therein described are of a character that will prove most Mr. Win. Dowier sold a team of profitable to the purchaser, This herd is founded oun two of the colt fast week for a handsome Sum.) best English families, on which have been used the best Scotch Mr. John Ferguson who has been bred bulls available: . This combination of breeding has not only spend a few weeks holidays| given quality but size, as a number of the cows will weigh npwards: with his parents returns to the West | of fifteen hundred pounds. Another feature I would mention, is next week, : ; their grand milking qualities, I believe these cattle will commend fiotice the farmers are :all| themselves from a business standpoint to lovers of good stock. the advantage of the high| Representatives of this herd have beet sold as far 'east as Nova /Btock. - Several Ioads| Scotia and west to Saskatchewan, at gdod prices and in every ins- tance have given entire satisfaction, * The cattle will be presented in good breeding condition. = 'No . nofi-breeders 'have been retained in the herd, and should there be a doubtful one, it will be made known on day of sale. - All females "of breeding age have been bred to the straight bred Gloster bull --Gloster's Duke-- a fine high class Scotch bull, which will be in- 'cluded iu this sale." Certificate of registration and transfers will be furnished with each animal. Animals when sold will be at the " purchaser's risk, but every care will be taken to place animals safe- "ly on the cars for those who wish them shipped. ; eng TL PAI RT t the same time I sell the followingi--g Horses, 30 Hi, Grads Short a. o pure bred Povsud Bowes, Yorkshire Foto Farm Implements, etc. ; a ; 'erms for Shorthorns = it months credit on approved notes ; 67, per annum off