'Re {duced me to give Dodd's Kidney Pills a trial, and I wrote for six) ar taking: the 3 I felt quite well again. I am now able to gét about my. work and feel no effects what- Dos. ae pant Dodd's. Kidney Pills. - clean a Kidney Diseases and all diseases re- "fsulting from disordered Kidneys right out of 'the system. That's cure Bright's Disease, { Diabetes, Dropsy, Rheumatism and Backache. = They do it by putting turneth away!thc Kidneys in good working order nned. Pa.--Everybody's|and they always do it. p a Cold In Aud Cure Any Cough 'and nr sme SR FEW BRITISH WAR-HORSES. | Scarcity of Horses Available for Military Purposes. Something akin to a panic has taken possession of British states- men in the last few years owingeto {the sedicity of available hoses for purposes in case of war OWIer | milita we hi kgince the automobile has come in- to the field 'as a rival and a menace ransport them to the scene of action. Canada has an 2,155,490, or more than the mother - he Lea ot he and put up country; Australia 1,571,608, and 'British India 1,468,283, while other in half-ounce vials. dependencies swell the total num- girl's idea of having a good to do'something she thought be fun because she wasn't ed to doit, . = IN ONE DAY il Son many peoplé do you know repeat; the" en ommand. ne Tablets. | F ber of 'horses about 8,500,000. id WAIT until your neighbor fw get! = better crops than yourself. Geo, ITH & SONS, Seed Merchants, Toronto, are offering 0.4.0."'No, "21. Barley and Seoteh grown Regenerated Banner Oats, in 6 'Bush. lots, at $135 per bush. bags Bend for samples, also catalogue. Pagser-By--"Is: that Jour pork down there or the road, guyv"nor?' Farmer-- 'Pork! What d'ye mean? There's a pig o' mine out there!" Rasser-By-- 'Ah, but there's a mo- Lor-car just gone by." . in the. Empire to Many patent m and, sumptive Syrup continues to occupy es have come Tou a foremost: place among remedies |. fer coughs and colds, and as a pre- ventive of decay of the lungs, Tt is idard medicine that widens Sphere of usefulness year by ear. If you a need of some- ou can cold, you cannot do better than sry Bickle's Syrup. nk ' they are am- 'réality" they are | Cure." 6 money," said '! said the rail- E88. laint of the qua- that I thought I would [ "there would about." USE an advertisement in: |' ne, but Bickle's Anti-Con- "There i nded as a speedy regain 'health. These pills Speci nd tried a great] pa: sis ill ; but Ato at dyspepsia and the many ills that llow in its traip, and they are uccessful always. . i e---- : WOULD THY AGAIN. "Won't you try to love me 1" he '1 have tried," she replied, kind- 1y but firmly. . "My rich aunt has just died,'"' he went on. 'In that case, dear, I will try again Pe # pe AT THE RESTAURANT. 'Waiter, why do you recommend everybody to take a beef a la mode t.-day 1" "Because, sir, if it isn't all eat- en we shall have it for dinner our- selves.' cin Ey VERY SORRY----AFTERWARDS. In a town not fifty miles from hore a lady went into a store and asked for a box of Zam-Buk. Bhe was told that it would cost fifty cents, anid that a larger box of an- other ointment ..could be hought cheaper. Ina moment of weakness she took the cheaper box. - When she had. used it she still needed the Zam-Bule as badly as before; and bought a box. o The Zam-Buk did what she need- ed, but as she had bought the use- less ointment, too, she paid just as much again for the benefit derived | as if she had bought Zam-Buk in the first instance. She was sorry-- afterwards, Zam-Buk has years of honest re- commendation 'behind it. People have proved that it cures. Imitation food contains no noufishment, and imitations of Zam-Buk fail in the wne essential featuré--they never work Zam-Buk cures. When you ask for Zam-Buk don't take any: thing else: The name is protected y compounded to com-| Write "for part © MACHINERY . = over 1 mac H. Ww, Limited, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver. At -------- FARM FOR, RENT. i THE LINDMAN TRUS will hold hari " : reduci ria, SR rms mon, CALVES Fins Nihon mn Sesto, briggs Seed Ou, Lid, Torento, Ons. CHENILLE CURTAINS of hovae hangings, ond all kinds alse. 'LACE CURTAINS EE ae * Write to us abosit yours. BRITISH AMERIGAN DYEING 60., Sex 188, Montreal] of Vu Ce. A Few Shares for Sale «in_one of the best Loatr 'Co len i Citintly onl easy terms ; only 1000 dow in Money to Lend at securitioe. App ne oa pray od M. J. KENT, Box 419, London, Ons Se ---------------------------------- DO YOU WANT TO KNOW 1001. curious (mostly untold) facts about Human Nature? Read Dr. Foote's "Wonder" hnok on the delionte srhiscts of Love, Marriare, Parentage. Health, Diseass, and Freaks. It is the fruit of 50 years' exnerience of a suooeseful anthor and practitioner. Foll of advice neces. Fry to everv man and woman. Contains mare vital fects then vour doctor would fra von for ten Anllars. In 3 sactions, 40 'nemag and 40 {linatraginee, Pplog 100, LoL HII Bopk Co, 120 E.288t, New York: by law and is clearly shown on each' package, ----e Just think of the clothes a man's wife 'could buy withthe: money he squanders for cigars! PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any esve of Itching; Blind. Blesuling or Protrudiag Piles in 8't0 14 days or money refunded. 50, Aman never" izes~fiow many faults he has urtil he has been married two or three years. a Ee a A AT sam, which re iy : 3 of She fhe chads, snd irritation throas. People look upon a six-footer who weighs over 200 pounds as a big man--until _he proves that he's little. Thos, Sabin of Eglington, says: "I have removed ten corns from my feet with Holloway's Corn Reader, go thou and do likewise. I Ghitdren , Th HE Le SR a ME r any i, ATES, Be 8 2 Re etl lu 'What do you mean by the rising generation, pat" "Oh, the ple who can afford to have airships; sonny I"* - WHAT HE GOT. 'Well, what happened to you i" wag swathed in handages. peo-| go rked the friend of the man 'who -------------------------------------------- AGREAT DEMAND FOR PAPER STOCK WASTE PAPER OF ALL GRAD Also Rags, Metals, Eubbere Bie. E. PULLAN, "nit sts pre sey Phone for particulars. Main 4693. A ---------------------------- Blind, ing, Itching, Protruding Piles quickly and pernidnently sured by the most se¢ientific and economical remedy LYLE'S COMMON SENSE FOR PILES Price ' 81.00-6 for $500, mailed on re ceipt of price. LYLE MEDICINE CO. 718: Queen West, » TORONTO. APPENDICITIS Cured without operations. All wh flinted with this disease and wish cured permanently, eafely and quickly with this great Homeopathic remedy, which will be sent postpaid anywhere in 'the world with full instructions for 89. us to effect & permanent cure, o 3 this. Pharmacy; 1 ¥. + land, 640 acres, better. wil 1 Ly r 3 3 I sel chi ne ¥ Bou ; Orie : <a ON al Bega). - a ----_-- Ag ey --