aver invite navered _ the vite sc o'both nights She paused, Vildered; quite ont of a alrle SHE HAD THIS SORE FOR FOUR| LONG YE How Zam-Buk Healed It. You can't equal Zam-Buk for sores of all kinds, whether recent cr of long standing. That is the ovninion of Mrs. Wilson, of 110 Wickinson Ave., Toronto. She says: "About four years ago a sore spot appeared on the right side of | on sale at just about the'angle of the jaw "hie spot increased in size util it became sbout half an inch in diameter, and very troublesome. 1 went to ) whom at different times during hiegn years I had feédeived treatment, but the ointment. I got did not have any good effect on the sore. I had it cauterized, tried poultices and all kinds of salves, but it was no good, and this continued for four years. A sample of Zam-Buk was one day left at our house, and I used it. "Although the quantity was: so small, it seemed to do me some good. so I. purchased from Mr. Bauld, Druggist, Beellard Yonge Streets, a . supply of Zam- Buk. Fach. box did me more sud 'more ; and to my delight; be- fore 1 had been using Zam-Buk three weeks, I saw that it was go- ing to heal the sore. In less than a month it was healed! It has now been healed for almost a year. Try Zam-Buk for eczema, ulcers, skin eruptions, face spots, baby's rashes, inflamed 'places, piles, blood-poisoning and all skin in- juries and diseases. 50c sll drug- gists and stores. or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. raise A LET UP. "Do they quarrel all the time?' 'No, they entertain company now and then." Sleeplessness.-- Sleep is the great restorer and. to be deprived of it is vital loss. - Whatever may be the cause of it, indigestion, nervous derangement or mental worry, try a course of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills; By 'regulating the action of the stomach, where the trouble lies, they will restore normal conditions and healthful sleep will follow, They exert a sedative force upon the nerves and where there is un- rest they bring rest. Many a man is proud of his. past because it is past. nites {1 uiiRe. nes and Spinto {yes SPerty Parish 5s and son Mind your own = business--unless you are getting paid 'for minding other people's. e _+1f your children moan 'and are restless during sleep, coupled, when 'awake; with a loss of appetite, pale countenance, picking of the. nose, ete., you may depend upon it that}. "the primary cause of the trouble. is 801 worms. Mother Graves' Gon Toronte, from England, Scotland and States, Second Early, Medium and Late, and Ww ome: tion,' Then a happy thought'struck and she added, Timi FE my Sash th ClLLVES mm ah ar of She ER kia Marlatt's Hair Promoter; Hale on any Bald Nead A Few Shares for Sale ia one of the bast % Loan »:08 easy terms ; Aly $I down ATC M. J, KANT, Bex 419, Londas, Oné SEED POTATOES. Grown from pure bred seed imported: txtra First Early, First Early, For prices, etcs ddress LP. NILES, = Wellington; Onta Grower of 89d Poa. Banns and Pobatoge PILES fuss se eit ing. Piles quick! the most scientific a tly cured LYLE'S. COMMON S| economical NSE FOR PILE Price $1.00-6 for $500, malled on re oeipt of price. nt Quadn vat, MEDICINE 00. JnonTe 1909 was the mest prosperous year In the history ef the National Life Assurance Co, OF. CANADA, lacge gains being made in INSURANCE IN FORCE, ASSE : M INCOME, PREM ST INCOME, INTE AND SURPLUS. A Special Agent Is Required "In this: District, Apply to The Rational Life Assurance & F CANADA, apes Hsad Office: 28 Yorante St. Terento Worm Ex- |.