Fall and Winter |s Goods : : 18 Ths for ho See our stock before buying elsewhere, H. Doubt thick as you wish. 1.C.FORMAN& SO Purdys Sonne Store Below are a few of the bargains for a week or ten days spot cash 6 bars Comfort. Soap «univ. vanes 25C Seeded Raisins; Griffin Skelogs........,. 10C 3 Ib selected Valentia raisins. ceevvi:. 25¢C. 3 Ib Recleaned Currants «4. asc. 3 can Aylmer, Corn; Peas or 250. 4-cans. good peas i... cil L avin 128C, Japan and Ceylon Black Tea perdb. iva 25¢. Layer gS por lb Lov. vise desh ss 1234 150. Cooking figs per Ib oii) 5C. Assorted Biscuit per Ib i... iii, 13C. The following grades of flour always on hand. Five Roses Royal Household, Glenora, Lily White and Pastry. H PURDY:. Change of os | pide seven The undersigned have bought the Livery Stables formerly carried on by. Messrs: Jamieson & Dennison, and are prepared to supply all kinds of First-Class Turnouts at Reasonable Figures, CAWN We will lend you an Orange Sticer for one day which will}ihey slice your oranges as thin or as per cent. of ow. regular value' Whe car mark of Tallolity a A Those ou the "'inside" the bargain lists consist 4 Pieces and remngnia, $ iin every ecessary ev. rt hav be oy noe m order ] keep the stock clean und np The prospective buyer shonid take hig or her catalogue or **Ad" to the toed] merchant ask him if he could equal prices, We: thin {be astonished: to, find: h w he would comply with In nine cases out of ten, be experienced, would be able to show. from the photo and * deseription of the article and a (air Im parison with bis own stock, tha does not represent any. all, lo a'great many eases when intelligently represented to. a -cus- tomer they find it Is not what they they are' Sting soatet np thing, is the work of high wiaried stores Possess over he local o fo | offering better values in irate or / 1 any given line? . "Outside bf possible saving by buying fn larger 'quantities, nearly everything in the: way of running expenses, of the local dealer, and in { where ull goods are sold ai she factory' to retailer, eve | vantage is largely diséon fact iat our big f fact. at § "| gords to one's home ing § tion, the saving ot rail * damaged goods, and where' boasted economy come in by gotog 'We think 957 'citizens would prefer indi at home; if 5 home merchant conld get" 'with their needs; . Aud id rer ]