| all tastes. The lattitude for selection is praeti-. New and different styles in original American' conceptions. \ aster Milliners of Paris, and hats from our owt workroom ) designs and patterns, after accepted New York models. Alf making this our greatest Easter exhibit The prices are exceed' INGERIE. AND LACE WAISTS x The Waist artists have 'n ; ver produced more satisfying creations. ists for every hour and occasion. : he 'prices, too, are low. « "No. 400 is a Waist of fine white lawn. The. front is. trimmed with five rows of Irish crochet: inser: tion, Open back trimmed with tuck * and four rows crochet insertion, Cuff and sleeve trimmed. Price $2.00 :. No,.531. Waist of fine soft finished lawn. The front has. three wide rows.of embroidery set .in with t inch crochet insertion. Open back trifimed with tucks. Cuffs and sleeves trimraed. _ Sizes 32 to 42, Price $1.50 Sep rep ------ social intercourse | tary, Robert Birmingham, of Toron- ment were in-[to, gave an address prior to the enjoyed a most | Lodge opening in Memory Hall. TX ye tox Fourteen new members were duly admitted and four by certificate, The officers are as foliows : W.M. W.J. Brown DM. Janes My(rs Chaplain = Henry Davis, Recording Secretiry H, B. Me. Kercher. g Financial Sec. J. E Buck Treasurer John MeKercher, Director of Ceremonies Richard TT. ¥ * "| + Lecturer 'W, F. Crozier - Committee E Kendall, P Parrott, Thomas Lakey, Russelt Harper ana PROSPECT A very successinl meeting of thes Ladies Aid was beld at the home of: Mrs. O. A. Wilson on Friday Inet. Total proceeds $9.00 Miss Bertha Ward, of Greenbaulk; is viriting Mrs, J. McClintock. R Mr. Fied Gilroy left last week for the West. MANCHESTER Miss Annie Weston, we are sees to report, is seriously ill with. fame. flammatory rhenmatism. «At their last meeting, Reach Comme cil refused to make a grans to the Port Perry, Reach and Scugog Ag- ricultaral Bociety to assist in estab and innbceat a dulged in and a appy evening. FINGERBOARD se' Aid 'met at the Mrs. "Alfred King on raday of last week. : - La Grippe has fastened its fangs in quite a number of our citizens. | It seems to cling with great tenac: | ity t : his year. "Wh that: Mrs. ) vales John Johnston Inside Tyler . James Bently of Mr. John Gillson of 'Lon-| At the close of the ceremony, . nt. Deceased was a brother | Splendid speeches wero made by {of Mr, Aaron Gillsori of 'Pleasant sever of Se gewly Inicinied ag Maa TRUETOTN elected members. e second Fri: Solus and M Moses, Gillson, of day in'each month was named for bo wo miles forth of here, and night of meeting." Bro. Kennedy Nvedithere ll hes eighteen | "a8 asked to have the Lodge named . y alter bim, ; 5 Refreshments: in abundance fol- lowed and the National ~Antbeni © {closed this very fine meeting, + ort Perry Lodge sent over a fine | "Claremont lishing 'a Fall Fair at Port Perry. Since that time we have lieard cond. siderable comment as to the ndwism: bility of their action. It is not aff jm favor of their attitude in the matter: Of course public opinion is divided, but your correspundent doés mos: think: the Council was justified in: refusing the grant, There are several reasons why thes people want a Kall Fuir at Pore: Perry. In the firs: place the town is centrally located in the County. Next, the surrounding ; produces excellent stock, has many #plendid orchatrd~, and is in 'every way fitted to supply those 3 that go to make Hst-class exhibits: We t eed the Fair to sow come of « our farmers what their Itis a carious thing 1