SELLING AT COST As Miss Diesfeld 'is giving up 'business her whole stock of jewelery, fancy china, silverware, ete, is being sold at cost. There are some excellent pieces among tlie' stock and some of them will be sold" less than cost to clear everything out. Don't forget the 8. S. conven: tion in the Presbyterion church to- night-- Wednesday. Wiss Waddell holds her Spring . Millinery Opening on Friday and Saturday of this week. See adver tisemient on this page. "Mr C. D. Purdy has been pro- , mioted to the position of teller and accotitdut in the Bowmanville branch™of ' the Standard Bank. Mise Alice Burnham hasreturned to Columbus, Ohio. Sheriff Paxton was in. Uxbridge a few days ago with a sheaf of papers to. serve upon. those who will be required as witnesses in the MeLaughlin murder trial during the second week of May at Whitby. Some establishments in that, town including' both printing offices, be almost depleted 'of work- men. Mr. W. J. Coultis is spending a couple of weeks in Claremont and Stouffville, Mr. J. W. Burton has returned 20 the West: after spending three amonths with friends in town, Mrs, R. Evans is in Toronto with her son Charles,who is seriotis- Ay ill with pleura-pnenmonia. Mr. and Mrs. N. Boyd, ex-M.P. of Winnipeg, spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Orr Graham; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Kester Stouffville, visited their daughter Mes E. B. Flint last week. Mrs, F. D. McGrattan has retur- med from Toronto after a three weeks' visit, My. and Mrs. Seymour of Oshawa were ia town over Sunday; Fellow Sufferers Local news is scarce this week. So far as we have heard nothing of nce has occurred, This is he due to a reaction after the excitement of the " Free Show'! #t the town hall. Speaking of a performante in Cannington r says PE went ye out! to see' a reed shaken with the wind? : yea more." The big free Novelty "Advertising Concert. Company tec shiow lu the town hall, Can & Thitsday evening March This company: aqvertised a iw concrn, oe given as above ADA] TRIP RATES] LOW ROUND GOING DATES = Apr. 5,19 June 14,28 Aug. 9,23 May 3,17,31 July 12,26 Sept: B, 20] THROUGH SPECIAL TRAINS TORONTO TO WINNIPEG AND WEST Leave Toronto 2.00 p.m on above days » Th First and Second ches, Colonia and Tourist Bleepers, Dias, Don. Apply: to nearest. O.P.R. Agent or write RL pson; D.P.A., Toronto. res nA bt rs ASK' TOR. HOMESEEKERS' PAMPHLET Diep.--At Toronto, on Sunday, March 13th, 1910; Mary Lucas; widow of the late Hugh Lucas, in her 83rd year. Interment took place at the Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert; yesterday, Re-opening services will be held in the Baptist: Church here next Sunday, morning and evening, when Rev. Donald McQueen of N. V. State, formerly of Port Perry, will officiate. * On the * following evening (Monday) a social enter- tainment will be given, when the resident winisters will take part. A Suecessfal Play In Dundas recently the young / a with the best Scranton Coal. = Oh, yes; and the 'prices right too * 1% : No. 1.12 inch Hardwood 'Phone--Office 8 Residence 42. Jr. I1-=Cecil: Jeffrey 70, Earle Heayn 69, Lloyd: Janes: 66, Belknap 64, Elsie Walldce 68, Rlsie Stabback 87 3 ) Part 1--Robbie : Jomes 89, Oeil Heayn 78, Norman Heayn Belknap 67, oe : Primer--Altona Mark 64, William 65 oo Fan? "Phonic--~Gordon Carr 76 Wallace 70, Albert Jeffrey 65 folk presented the comic "opera al ""Erminie." The presentation was a great success in many ways. The proceeds were nearly $400, as the play was given three times... Out former townsman, Mr. C; C. Jeffrey, took a leading part in the play; and of him the Dundas Star says:-- 'Mr, CoC. Jeffrey, as Cadeaux, the second thief, was the star actor of the evening, and applause broke forth at many times from the andi ence in a way that showed inno uncertrin manner its appreciation." Be sure 16 'go to the Shredded Wheat Banquet to be held inthe Methodist 'chéirch on Thursday evening, March 17 Vou will get a daintily prepared, wholesonie 'meal; itup in novel form ] ve satisfied: your mind in this respect. you will be 'entertained by a' pleasing program 'of music, ete Adi ¢, children under 1: GREENBANK = School Report for Greenbank . the month of February. Owing the cold weather; a large promotion to the Senior Division, and other} = = causes, the attendance for the Junior room js reduced 'to much less than half the ordinary Junior Division. Part IT Alfie Burton, Henry Thomas, Olive - Howsam, Minnie! Bundy, Frankie Farebrother, Nor} man Bartley, Harry. Jeéfford, Wil 2 Michie, Eva: Hickman. Sr, Part 1 ~Annie Gordon, Ma McMillan; Norma 'Ward, Kathle