Y. He had 0 igners, and was holding himself in ambuscade i in the first turn in the corridor. ; He had sworn not to leave the | two ave going What are they make an end of him? A spy, re of a' woman are capable lace until the brunette deft her i x, g&nd: to keep close in her foot: steps 80 soon as she appeared. Fur ther than that his plan was unset- tled. Whether he should approach _ her as soon a8 she left the theatre, 'or follow her unobserved, he had 1oY yet determined. The great point. was not to lose sight of her, and to. find out where she lived. As for Borisoff and his companion; satisfied that they had left not to return, he thought no more of them, and was not a little surprised to see them reappear after an absence of a few minutes, and direct their steps toward the box wh Te Ma- dame Bergent still remained." Al: ready he had ascertained that the box-keeper had brought her a su- perb fur pelisee and hood trimmed with swan's down, which recalled unpleasant 'recollections. * Evident- dy 'she had begun her preparations for departure, and might be expect- ed to leave the box every moment. But Maxime had 'not anticipated thet her two cavaliers would return to seek her. . The door was opened, and the lady all wrapped up ap+ peared onthe threshold and took the direction of the stairway, es- oorted on each side by two person- ages whom Maxime was sending to all the devils. "They are accompanying her," he waid, between his teeth; "thia {s the climax. 'Where are they go- ing? To supper, perhaps; 'but no-- there is a mystery in the reunion of these three creatures who have no right to know each other, and I shall find out the answer to the en- igmsa if I have to pass the whole night on my feet." Talking thus to himself, Maxime followed from afar the ill-assorted trio, and arrived almost at the ghme time under the 'peristyle. There he took care to conceal him- #c)f behind a gathering of talkers, and from his post of observation saw Borisoff separate himself from the little group, push' aside one of tho doors separating the exterior flight of stairs from the vestibule anil beckon to some one. Maxime understood immedistely that he was ordering a porter to advance & carriage,--a hack to all appear- ance, for the servants of the boy- ard were not there awaiting their master, It is vain to set one's good limbs and twenty-five years against a pair of horses; even hired ones, and Maxime understood that not a min- ute was to be lost in making his ar- pangements to follow them. It so 'happened that, just as he darted out. an uncovered victoria was pas- sing the square at slow pace, driv- en by a freebooter: in' search of prey. He would have preferred a close carriage, but there was no choice; and he jum into: the one o thet offered, with a few very intel- ible words to the coschman. In i be eharacter of experienced Paris- fan, he knew well how to speak to} 'this clase in the language that makes them move. Moreover, this man was one who took in half} 4 a*word: He drew 'up against the + side of Rue Halevy, and awaited further orders: Ting toward. the. theatre, modes them ; at Aud ie has § never ocourred to me, but it'is more inadmissible than all the iy com ut least, if they do not all under-. bs and 'to seb my and at reel, and shall stick close to them till I have cleared all this up." " Unfortunately, it wis not long be- fore the problem became still fur- ther complicated. Tustead of tik- ing the Boulevard de Oourcelles for | 15 tho Borisoff mansion, the hack don: tinned to 'roll in the direction of the fortifications. "Cab it be that they intend to leave Paris?' he asked. It did not occur to him that Ma- dame Sergent imitated the manoen- vre of the hare, who returns to its home 'after having given. a long chase. And when he saw the hack stop at the corner of a certain street, he had much difficulty in be- lieving his eyes. It was the same through which he had conducted Madame Sergent one beautiful No: vember night,--that in which was a house that had been abandoned six weeks ago by its strange tenants. 'Shall I stop?' -induired the in- telligent coachman. 'They are in- loading yonder, the two gentlemen first and then la particuliere. They are paying; seems they've arrived." 'Go on: further," answered Max- ime, 'only. take the other side of the stre t, and put your horse into a brisk trot."' This manoeuvre was nob ill con- trived. Just as he reached the ris- ing ground of Rue Jouffroy the bru- nette and her companions entered it on foof, having sent away their hack. - The victoria continued its route; but as soon as it had passed the corner of the street which the trio had just entered, Maxime rose, put Lis hand on the coachman' 8 shoul- der, and said, in a low voice: "Quick | To the right! Stop near the other side, and :do not budge vith 1 return. Here aré twenty francs-in advance. It is possible I may keep you here all night." "Good?" 'sneered the sly coach man. 'I understand. You are af- ter la particuliere; This sort of business always amuses me. Have n> fear. 1 was fresh when you took 'me, and my horse will hold good till morning. And it you have need of me, call mé in.' "I don't say no," replied Max- ime, as he set foot on the ground, and he ran to gain his ambuscade onthe corner of the street. He arrived just in time to see the lady 'ring at the door formerly guarded by: the oprherus with the reo mustac The door opened immediately, anil closed behind Madame Sergent and her friends. Maxime was stupefied, astound: ed, petrified: This dentusiient: was the only he had not contemplated, a more he reflected: loss are did he feel of 'explaining it. : But he must act, or, at least, to penetrate this strang ne :hoires, and had e ous as a herg of romatice. HL on wdyamy 6 for $a. ote Toul ho: nn Tibi pes ve Limited, Otta lance of the porter he was seeking, shone the unobtrusive. Tight of a mp. This ourtainless window must be that of the lodge, and looking in he he saw the porter, his elbows on a table and spectacles on hig nose, Tending from the evening's paper, which one of his tenants was, per- haps, awaiting with impatience. He was alone with a ig eat and a featherless parrot. Maxime, having to enter upon de. fi licate negotiations, could not have been more fortunate. Not being duplicated 'by a companion whom he would have been compelled to make the confidant of his projects, there remained nothing but to ap- proach the. Tags frankly 'and en- list Him as un ally Unwilling to quit even for a mo- ment his 'post of observation, he concluded to strike on: the window of the lodge. At the sound the por- ter laid down his paper, turned his head, and seeing the outline of a figure through the panes; went bravely to open it. "Fear nothing," said Maxime, in a low voice; "I am the person to whom you gave some 'informa- tion last month about the Prussian opposite." 'How, sir, you!" cried the man, "'at' this hour'? "Yee; T came to ask you to do me a service. Can you let me in --immed ately 1' "With pleasure; and 'remain as long as you please.' "That is what I was about to ack. There is something new--over there, But do not leave me longer in the street: "1 don't wish to be seen over yonder. " "I come, sit; I am running,' and, having closed the window and drawn the cord, M, Bidard went himself to receive his unexpected visitor. 'Quick!' said Masime; gliding into the alley. "Let us go inj and pnt out the light, T beg, or hide' "it in a corner if you can't put it out. And to idemnify you for disarrang: ing you, here are two louis'? = Bidard pocketed them, and thrust the lamp under the table, mutter-{ ing * same, but can assure you that w I do is not from caleulation." "T"amn sure of ib Now stat yourself as gentry with me the window, 'and let us talk . The man : hastened to fol monsieur who gave princely en did the tenants ove 'asked this How was he to go about it Happy ] of great ideas are Sometimes born of w the 'brunette of the| pe "Monsieur, I thank you all 'the : subl a stir the streets. "It is ami i people would collect in > thought Max. ime, "'evidently' Sy 'have brought, a squad of servants in the night to prepare for e ih BR. master" and guests. done that a "If 'is my 'notion the cocotte has brought swe rich: foreigners: to spend the their money for what purpose?' [" ight at play. and gob avssios with Sustom "1 don't think play haw anything Tieved to have v o to do with it. Yon say there is a small salon on the side next the | js garden?' Not go small; and richly fur- nished: doir." <4"That is where she has taken the two men, while she gave orders to have the apartments for reception made "That's what T said to monsieur. They will begin by sitting down to table, and certainly it will not be to make way with the leavings of the Prussian. - Buf where did they geb decent provisions$: Not a carriage from Potel or Chabot has been seen to enter Rue Jouffroy. Ah! the il- himinators are disappearing. They are coming to supper." (To 'be continued.) OR CR HOW THIN FOLES 16 looks liko a lady's bou- |B 'and although, the ard mew the vl - ot ward of 0 For riugdon Without; ed artholomew's church revently to 'receive sixpence, which : they had to] ick off a graveston A Chis custom is stated to be the dows over sixty years of age ; condition that prayers were. offored: for her soul every Frida, Whether the' Seadition * is no known reco whieh th 5: ed' 8 sup-: 1 potied to be that of he Le ih is 80 crumbled with ) is impossible to. the money is CAN GET isu] vi New ) Startling Resulis---Puts Flesh on Thin' People and Rounds Out Ime| 'perfect Figures. 3 Simple Prescription Given. For women --and men 00, f that matter--who' lish Ways as mysteri- ign Accidental Discovery . Gives