of d poison in hi po possesion 1. not thin He wanted Miss Nix, a aly thing standing and the rim object val it do you find? The man out before ambiguous}. s as to his expected freedom. is'a pecultar woman, shel not speak to me: for days, ra nagedy, he had aid thess forward 'and say, . ot ¥ he hag told that long i in 'the 'evening, she would} en writhing in pain or dead t home, think you? nee has nothing to show pison was not Was } un4 They are going fast. Come soon and choose yours. x | RUNDLE BROTHERS 'Manufacturers' Agents : Coal Dealers _ AH kinds' of Farm Machinery. 'Bugggies, Carriages, Rugs, Whips Well made, sweet, white and brown bread will be delivered promptly at your door, ac- cording to your orders. Pastry and Confectionery. We have all kinds of: delicious Cakes and Candies, fresh and appetizing. Call in when you need anything in our line: It is cheaper and easier to buy than to bake in summer time. _ NICHOLAS INGRAM Formerly Pearn's Bakery.