for that tie had seth Robert |! de (ariel and Madame Sergent the night before, and. the countess! had enjoined 'him to nothi . about Col. Borisoff's' ay woth os "1 'went yesterday to. Rue Jouf- "ov to make inquiries, "and was bold that the woman when she oo: oupied it was never alone. Her Servants Wore a livery, and had the appearance of foreigners." "Nihilists, doubtless. They have [returned to. Russia until they. are mesdad here. These sinitfer birds : | Hae Lo dnvessantly . from feast do west, west to enmt.!' 3 propos, of servants,' asked: Maxime, suddenly, 'is' Madame Nulta sure of the fidelity of hers iV {Absolutely sure. All" have <n Pert: of 'her household 'for | yoars, 'and thay worship the coun- tous." "Even those who afe not domes- +Bics~the professors; for instance? I know: only the fencing-master, whom 1 saw on one occasion fenc- fag wwith Madanis Yalta, He is al "Poles d believe ho greatest Pole in the world ~u political refugee. But Poland | does not consort with Nihilism."' "Then you do not' admit that he krows the brunette of the Rink?' "How, 'diable! could he know her?! He never goes out." "Nor M. de 'Carnoel either?" 48till less. May I ask, my dear Dirgeres, the meaning of all these questions 1' "Oh, ncvhing. T fancied 1 had seen him, a long time ago, dressed As a gentleman, and escorting. Ma. dame Sergent. I was mistaken." "Assuredly," said Villagos; who Bad Ustened with close atterition while © affecting indifference. 'I might lay 'a wager you-were think- ing of this reiter when you alluded to the possibility of a battle at the damsel's. You thought he had fol- towed ther to her present abode." "0 confess I had some such idea, Ubi have it no longer,' said Max- ime, quickly. A sudden flash passed through tie eyes of the doctor, and from ths change in' his countenance a physiognomist would have divined that he had just come in posses- nion of a proof long and skilfully scught of a fact which had for him great impottance. { ""Then," he said gaily; 'you re- linguish the intention to arm your: self to the teeth for our expedition to-night 7' Oh, I am not afraid,' said Maxime, who had caught the some- what satirical meaning of the doc toi, 'and shall go unarmed, even should this Kardiki constitute Ma- dame Bergent's body-guard.'"' { "1 do not cast any doubt on your "oourage; believe me, but when one emiries a revolver he is always "tempted to make use of it, and 1 do not wish. to oreate a disturb-| apce. It is agreed, then, I will meet you ab midnight at the rond © point of the Champs-Elysees. Per: mit mie now to take leave of you; 1 have ten patients to see this morning: Maxime extended his hand to the doctor, and made no effort to de- | tain him. ; "A propos of Patients; resuined M. Villagos, 'thé countess has gone inbo the country to-day. It is cold and' raining, but it: matbers noth itg to her. I kh 3 beautiful | idea; came in her sleep, and his 'mor rote to announce to me start at nine have, with" reckle ad the future of yo 'this your gratitude je ing treated. "you like a son 1' "1 'wak wrong, T ackiipwledge it, and I came this mor of the steps I meant place things where they were when! le 1 spoiled them by my folly Li less lo retract ? would 'not' listen' to you," babe ill he sompells e den that M. de nna in plice. .and perhaps the laver, of 4 woman *who took part in the 'theft of the safe. I hegin by a cobfes- sion that will astonish you. = The e: Zhe-nt tves, "506 a box, § ¢ Ai avalon. ur Te até enem {amily and pi said M. Dor- geres, with visions of | public befors his eyes. "You wish, itheft of the colonels casket and the| doubtless, to withdraw the funds fifty 'thousand francs was preceded by another, | which Vignory and '1 ascertained." "And you did not tell me-? 'Yignory: wished to. do soit id orposed it. * One Wednesday even- ivg we had dined together, 'and came to pass the evemng at your house. We saw a light in the of- fice, and went in.' You 'will be amazed to learn what I found there ---the hand of a woman caught in mechanism which defends the safe." "A "hand! * What absurdity are you. telling me?' 'Yes, a hand which the accom- plice of the thief had cut offi' T ok into my head to discover alone the owner of the hand." "That is just like you; but how oculd Vignory countenance this folly! His duty was to give me warning, and his silence was inex- cusable."' "Tt was that I almost derced: him to it," 'A beautiful roaolt) He was my employe, and has proved false w me. I shall never forgive him.' "At this moment an office-boy ap- peared, who announced that Col, Borisoff wished to speak with M. Dorgeres on very urgent business. "1 have not. time," 'replied the banker, impatiently. '1 bag pardon; uncle," said Max- ime. 'Will 'you do me' the favor to reeeive Col. Borisoff; 'and to al- low me to be present? I shall not be de trop, for I am sure he comes to speak of your former secretary.' "The colonel has an important account with me. It is more pro- bable he comes on business. "The business that ocoupies him just now is not an affair of money,!' said Maxime, with confi dence, "and 1 answer for jt the ccnversation will turn solely to M. de Carnoel. Tf yon will permit me tv remain you will learn much more quickly what I have. yet to tell, and I, perhaps, shall find out some things, of which I am still ig- nciant" "Very well, if I.amicompelled toi ask you to go 'out, you will whit for me in my chiatiber, and we will re- 'sume our conversation. Ask' Col. "Borisoff to walk in,' he said to the: office-hoy. In another moment the door op- ened and the colonel entered. ""iparden me, sir,' 'he said, 'uf 1 have insisted upon. being receiv: ed 1 leave this evening for Rus: sin, and must speak "with you 'be- fore my departure.' ¥ sidur is my nephe re ny 3 1 have ha M: colonel, slowly, mye] ; entrusted to mo. I will make ar- rangenients for you to do' so this very day." j "Thank you, 'sir. But TI have something more | interesting to speak of than the regulating of an account."' 'Speak, colonel. its nature, but--"' : "Have you ever wondared why I have resided in, Paris for two years past?' asked * + Borisoft; abruptly. #1 JSubpase. it wai for your plea- sure.' "You are wistaken, sir. 41 was here to watch over the Nihilists." "We have them amongst us 17 ox claimed the banker: "Almost as many as in Bwitzer- land, Their chiefs keep themselves prudently beyond our frontiers,| and ib is in foreign parts a organize the plots which en nger our country." "Then the 'Russian: gov I cannot guess ent red re-it better idebie: likely," replied the when it comes to I cash ave has good reason to have their evim: |] inal procedures watched by its dipr lomatists." '"Phe diplomatists do not anficel for the task. 1 am not attached to the Russian embassy. 1 represent the political police of the empire.' "The police!" repeated M. Dor gore, somewhat nonplussed. "Yeon. te hide it, since <I leave France! never to return. The casket boc | 1 deposited with you dontain papers of the highest importance, the list of those associated with Ni hilists, reports of the proceedings of certain persons who: emigrated} after the last insurrection in ' land, You have mot, 1 SUPPOSE; | forgotten that: it was stolen; a the singular circumstances that od companied the: theft; and you he- lieve me that the accomplice of the thieves was your secretary. "1 think so still. My nephew | the proof." § "Ah? said the colonel, look fixedly at Maxime, who remail 1 he resumed, "have proof th «de Ca noel was in league with the thie i! searched have fo time at my house "Without letting me know re to act in. my fanthe Way ii ed to extort onfer long tine a d I tried nearly every kind of uiedicine 1 have no further rearon| when @ neighbor told me 'to wie 'standard remedy for all Swellings, 4 i So. Busciies sad Lumenewa in Norse: And man. Fi Used the world over for 4e years. Kvery fariner, stockman, express. i 'may, very proprietor and horse "owner Senctally should Keep de aa pel ima SE Ask your k hp Daimler which vot h 'ering some 1,200 fo xpress: iy appreciation of elivered to me. Before bre S the car to Canada I made les. The ear ran birth and I never had the slightest trouble of any kind, and I think it quite lives up to the many claims you make 'for it. ness of running, and power of Acceleration on hills was 16 miles to the wallon find. in traffic; = The tyres 'show no ap-