senting men employed in' the ~~ train and yard service on the U.P. aaa lz vise you 6 v fi ip i aw ed: out; ard | Arbitration in' the recent investiga : mn. PEAS +, "While thanking the board for its earnest 'efforts, honest considera~ tio» and intent in preparing the (award referred to, the committee are compelled to advise you that 14 is unsatisfactory, being' imprac- i ticable of adoption, aud that it can: 'not be a cepted. : "For reasons best known to the CYCLONES INTHE WEST Great Damage Rep \ A despatch from Winnipeg says: Tremendous wind and rain storms following the heat are reported from all' parts of the west. At Halbrite, Sask., twenty buildings were destroyed in ten minutes, but Do one was seriously hurt. George Hassen, farmer, living one mile from the town, lost a new barn and ' 'house costing $3,000, which weré completely razed. Damage amount- ing to about $10,000 was done at Dugald, Man., 'east of Winnipeg, WALTER ROSS HANGED. Protested His Innocence of Wiltul Murder. A despatch from North Bay says: Walter Ross, who was found guilty of the murder of Percy Parkinson, his prospector chum and partner, at Ramore, Timiskaming district, lass December, died on the scaffold on 'Tuesday = morning at seven o'clock. In a statement to the press Ross said : 2 'I'am thirty-three years of age; 1 was born in England: the place does not matter. T have lived 'in Cunads and the United States for the last nine years. Am a mecha: nical engineer, and have been all over the world following my voca- ticn. I have never married. You cannot put it too strongly that Parkinson was shot in golf dofotice, I had been in the Cobalt country about three years, and Parkinson and I' were partners. Parkinson seemed to get in a frenzy when bad tempered. 1 admit lying to Constable Rowell: as to where 1 spint the preceding night, but it was to shield the woman. I do not] fear death; and the troubles me is that Canadian jus- tice has not given me a square deal pu, tr 1 save may up, thinking noth fear, a the ne ax in self: defence, taking the first {rain and ' returning with the officer, when 1 pould 'easily have escaped." only thing that RB ~The standards telegram to the are thove 'paid railways 'ente: practically the that wages on be placed on. the thos in the United Stal 8 in ter-| URC ritory contiguous to the Canadian!' hb border, that is upon the New York [Central and affilisted, s which are closely in touch with the Canadian frontier: : rted in Saskatchewan and Manitoba. the buildings' destroyed including & large warehouse at North Portal, Bask. A cyclone lifted large barns and did severe damage, eral horses and othér stock, A despatch from Lumsden says: During the progress of the wind storm, BR. H. Miller's new barn west of the town was completely de- Shioyed. John Burnes, aged 36, an employee, was struck by falling tim- bers and died immediately. His wife and three children came from Beotland three years ago. 3 EGGS FOR NEXT WINTER. Being Gathered Tnto Cold-Storage Warehouses, A despatch from Newark, New Jersey, says: Forty-five million eggs hove heen shipped into this city since April 1 and placed in' cold: storage by warehouse men, to re- main there until the big shipments of last winter ave duplicated. The eggs come. mostly from Indiana, Michigan and Ohio, They were pur- chased at an average price of from 23% to '24 cents a dozen. Two cents a dozen is added to cover in- surance, storage costs, etc,, which brings the total cost up 'to about 26 cents a dozen. If the eggs can be retailed in New York next win-| ver at 4b cents a dozen, which they sold for last winter, there will be a profit of 19 cents a dozen, or a total of something over: $700,000, erie i, : PLENTY OF RAIN. Beneficial: Showers. Visit Southern Alberta, : A despatch from eports received 'on: Thursday, killing sev-|. 'Booth 'way fined 83 and costs for i man who wanted him to sick father, : | : hi R. Jas notified Se, vies ido, ) at it has accepted corn; 61 anard of the Board of Conciliation, Oste--Canada ut the men are not 'at all satiss| 370; No. 3, © ed. {for immediai There have been five dismissals No. 2 white [rom the Printing Bureau at Otta-| 8 White, 8 ; tside, 36 o wa and one official suspended as a track, Toronto. = © C result' of Hon: Oharles Murphy's] Barley--No.: 10 to B52; No. 3 invertigation Sh extra, 49¢ to 80¢; No. 3, 460 to 47¢ Irene Sewery, » pupil at Nor- ontside ; Manitoba, No. 4, 49¢ on wood, Man., was. suspended for| track, lake ba. is ariticizing her teacher, and her fa-| = Peas--No. 2,' 700 to 7ic, IE SR ea 00 to have her rein- uckwl 0. 2, blo. stated, Manitoba Flour--Quotations at Blackburn and Jonés, the two, Toronto are First patents, $5.30; prospectors who engineered the second atents, $4.80; strong bak- rush Jato Qarihoo Lake istrict ine, 84 40; /% search of gold, were convie of | frei) 268.0 Tg frand at North Bay, and released] Ontario Flour--Winter ~~ wheat on deforred sentence. 9 : Miltocs ae. #18 k eed--Man a bran, GREAT BRITAIN. per ton; shorts, $20 per ton, track, Toronto. Ontario bran,, $10 per fon; shorts, $31 per ton on track, Teronto. : ) COUNTRY PRODUCE. Bachelors, made Knights}. 1ees--190 per dozen In ase Jats. : Butter--Creanery. prints, 22 to The appeal of the .Alberta Gov-! o>" ' Ty... ? ernmert regarding the taxation of 23¢; Separator prints, 200; 9 Ps B. lands comes up before the : rivy Counel next month. Cheese--11%c for large and 11%e hi has practisally hess pe 4 for twins. ~ Old cheese. 13% to George will take place "about the! & a % middle of May next year. . Beans-83 to 3320 Jor. bushi! for The British Cabinet has decided BI 03 and $2.10 to 82:20 for hand- tut to oppose the passage of th i second reading of the women's guf.| Fotatoes--Ontario potatoes se frage conciliation: bill. Oaptain Cody, the British army instructor in aeronautics, was seri- ously injured 'when his aeroplane fell with him at Aldershot. UNITED BTATES. It is estimated that on a hot day New York spends about $1,500,000 on beverages. hI « Porter Charlton, arrested at boken, N. J., admitted having mu dered his wife at Lake Como, I A Canadian jurist will hay Board of 'Arbitrat Twenty-two sailors are eaid to have béen drowned in the wreck of » Spanish steamer off Land's End. Benator Geo. 'W. Ross, Byron E. Walker of Toronto and H. N. Bate of Ottawa have been ubs, 166 to 170. to 680c out of store. Delawares from 10¢ to 15c higher. ; PROVISIONS. Wholesale quotations == SY Pork-8hort cut, $31 to $31.50 per barrel; mess; $28.50 to $29. Lard--Firm; tierces, 160; tubs, 16%e: pails, 16%4c; Nahe Winnipeg sags | betw morning indicate very heavy rain' on oh Mennonite 5 TeNsTYe and around: Ochre er on nesda; ight. * Southern' Alberta esday cod shower, Ka Wor deayy rain, and at Qu' Appelle wiere was one of the Hoare the bistors of the : At Kamsack there! 'heaviest down: to New Jersey, where they w leased after two days, Four persons were fatally ed at Coney Island when tw 5 ie ri tthe "per. cent. Glasgow. patents for export: $3.50 to $3.60, | : Dairy !'prints (choice), 18¢ to 19¢; inferior|ib % : at 400 to 45¢c on track; and 'at Bbc cla ging as low | stock selling as low 12% to 91.14; No. 3 10}; to $1.12; Na. 3, 81.07% to 10%. Bran--817 to $17. ~--First patents, $5.20 to $5.40; ond patents, $5.00 to $5.20; clears, $4.05 to $4.15 $2.60 to $3.00. i LIVE STOCK MARKETS, § Uontsenl, 2) vg! ie beeves so ab 6c 40 per 1b. pretty good animals at 63a to 0%c, andthe common s 4c 10 be per 1b. Buperior milch cows sold at]: from $60 to. $65 each, the other f A despatch from Mon en widows and ei : children are left dependent as; sult. of The Herald disaster, teful canvas of the familie eons fost their lives in 1 acter shows that ten of the Lcows selling at $30 to $55 each "| Calves $3.75 to $11 each 1b. Bh 40 to 3 Ba to 6¢ per 1b. eep, y 450 per 1b. | Tntabs at $3.80 £ $5.50 cach. Good|! lots of hogs sold at about 8'ec per Toronto, June 28.-The best qua- lity of butcher cattle sold at from! $6.25: to $6.80 per owt., but many more sales were made around 85.50 rer. owt. for the medium class) stocks. Cows of all grades were easier, the best animals not bring: fathers in the disaster. Public's peals will be made on behalf of sufferers. up to: $4.50. The bulls rang-| ed to 85.75 per owt, with lighter low a8 84 per owt, 'Sheep and lambs sold at from $8 to| $9 per owt. Hogs, $8.90 f.0.b. to 89,16 fed and watered din