to ib: = n ob possibly 'harvest mos 'a crop in 1910, 'and, he ad at another week of heat without i yr mean practically no crop same story 'was told by one biggest wheat operators of cl and . Minneapolis, . who #pent a week in the Province sat lying himself at first hand as to 'prospects. hy G. T, P. issued; on Wednes- ; afternoon, a crop report show: ig that for 120 miles west of Win- g the wheat is in bad shape, in places being burned red. West Biggar conditions are more fav- ble: throughout northern and Manitoba wore. than ds, | pub ba and: Baska chewan are considerably damaged. North of the 'C. P. R. main line there are sections which have been: seriously damaged, but on the whole the crops appedr to be in a preity fair condition.' Mr. McKay, Buperintendent - of the Experimental Farm at Indian Head, claims that the crops in that locality never before looked better at this time of the year. ee -------------------------------- NO OUTLET FOR WHEAT. Serious Situation is Created at Montreal, despatch 'from Montreal says: There is a wheat blockade here, and grain is steadily flowing from i dhe west, The elevators here are 11, and there is little 'export, so Lhat the situation is serious for the grain-carriers of the lakes. There ten now lying at the elevator, with no space to unload; and some 'Have been there for almost a week. 'Each day means a losa of about $200 'enc more carriers are arriving 'daily. The reason of the block is 'that the buyers for export are out 10 cents off 'the 'Canadian ice, and so there is practically no cport wheat. The commissioner's elevator has a million bushels and nnot get rid of it. Mr. James rruthers says that it:looks as if Europe did not want & bushel of (wheat from Canada, and the grain the difficulty. ge LT & BOY DIED OF LOCKJAW. Rost Life Through Small Wound in is the Ear. A despatch from Toronto says: dockjaw originating in a small wound in the ear caused the death sof Harry Jones, aged 7 years, at Mimico, on Friday afternoon. The bey, who lived at 214 Howland, avenue, was pushed from a fence , Huron street school by a play- fellow on June 91, A small twig "pierced the lobe of one ear. The Rice was not. considered danger: "ous, howsver, and he went to Mi- mico. with his parents, On Thurs: day last lockjaw developed, and he 4 in 'spite of the efforts of = Dr. "Forbes Godfrey, of Mimico, and Dr Clarke, of Toronto. Sit ge - - MAKE TRIP IN A DAY. Route into Porcupine Has Been Misrepresented. - A despatch from. Toronto says: P. H. Heimer, M.E., who has spent 'week in the Porcupine camp, with view to purchasing claims, says: 'Considering the age of the camp, believe that it has a very bright ure before it. Things are ra- quiet at present, but indica- ' that there will be consid. ivity : within 'a 'month or FIRES GROWING WORSE. No Rain in a Month in Fort Wil. liam District. A despatch from Fort: William, Out.; says: Forest fires are threat- ening the towns: in this visinity; and Fort William is clouded with smoke, it being necessary to. turn on the street lights Thursday morn- ing. The fires are getting worse at Silver 'Mountain, 20 miles out. Scores of men, women and' children fonght the flames all night and could not put them out. "The fire is near Mackie and Taylor's camps and making great headway towards Siiver Mountain, which is inhabited by 200 people. Mackie and Taylor irte~d making a raft to load the hcrses and camping outfit if they cannot extinguish- the fire. | Peo ple are getting nervous. There has been 'no 'rain for four weeks and everything is as dry as tinder. wei Fo imei MR. VICKER'S MISSION. Conferences With I Leading Finanoi al and Shipping Men, 3 pa x A despatch from Montreal say Mr. Albert Vickers, Prosidehes of the world-famous British firm of Vickers' Bons & Maxim, is in Mont< real; and 'has had a number of con- ferences with leading financial and shipping men, and #lso 'With Presis| dent 'GQ. 'W. Stephens and Mr. 0. C. Ballantyne of the Harbor Com: mission, in regard to the financial aspect of the huge updertaking his firm, is to engage in in the building of a five million-dollar floating dock and shipbuilding plant in Mont real. 5 ge T0 DEFEND THEIR HOMES. Whole People Should he Tried to Arms, Says Lord Roberts. A despatch from London says: Lerd Roberts, presiding at the Na- ticnal Service League, said 'they must' persevere in: educating pub- lic opinion to the fact that they. could not hope to guard the Em-{ pire unless the defence of the country was made to depend upon the whole people being trained in time of peace to 'defend their hearths and homes, if their coun- try were attack her's farm near Calton | ly wounded in the legs. East Indians resident in ver have telegraphed a sb bert agaiast the di tion ] , & weal The Austrian Lloyd steamer Tri eile is eight' days overdue at Bom- ys 'The '- great passenger. airship Deutschland was wrecked in a gale ia the Teuloburger forest: i The Nationalist student who as- sassinated the Prime Minister of Egypt, was executed at Cairo on Tresday. : 2 UNITED STATES. Four carpenters working on a trestle on 'the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad were run down by a train and killed. NX Five men were killed and eleven injured by the explosion of o gas tank in the saloon 'of Edward Bus- hay, near Minneapolis. The Boston Canadian' Club is planning a great banquet next fall, ut which it is expected to have Sir Wilfrid Laurier and President Taft 25 guests. gi Dr. K. McE. Knower, lecturer in aratomy in 'the Uttiversity of Toron- to; has been appointed professor of acatomy in the University Medical College: at Cincinnati. ia . AGREAT BRITAIN. - The' British Radicals are impati- ent ver the delay caused by the Veto. Opuference. : The bill'amending the Sovereign's' accession declaration passed its first. -reading in the - British Com- noe. eng aii POISONED 'BY A SNAKE," Little London Boy Played With. Dead Reptile. 7 A despatch from London, Ont. says: The little son: of Mr. and Mrs. Turner, 'Princsss avenue, wa® poisoned on Wednesday in a peculiar manner. The boy, who is about six years old, while pla; ing out of doors picked up a de snake, and after handling it rubbed: his hands across his face. Almost a% once the boy's face became ins flamed and began to swell. Dr. Nwven, who was called' in, cénld not determine at once how serionsly the lad was affected. He believed the. reptile had been dead for some time and was partially decayed. The little fellow is in & serious con=| dition, © but is' expected to pull through, i ty he A Fatal Brawl at a Morning Dance ~~ in New Bru wicks A despatch from Moncton, says «| News received from Covervale, Al. tolls ofa 5 y Als 1 bert cou il braw '| green 'meats 'out of pickle, 1c less 'than smoked: : : yers' bags, outsi Millfeed Manitoba fren de oronto. 0 tn'; shots, fog rv tor Teronto. COUNTRY PRODUCE, Eggs--+19¢ to 19%c per dozen in case lots; % Butter--Creamery prints, 23c to 240; separator prints, 20¢ to 9103 dairy prints, choice," 19¢ to 200; dairy tubs; 17c to 18¢; inferior tubs, - ind Blo bi Cheese--11%0. for large and 11% for twins. Old 12%. War Firing Sunset Gun Canadian Yacht Club, A despatch from Toronto: says:| 11%! While atiempling to. jond 8 stall » 18/4 10} cannon preparatory ir sunset gun, Elmer Smith, 18 Beans-- $2 to $2.10 ver bushel for of age, was seriously primes and $2.10 to $2.20 for hand- picked. hs Potatoes--Ontario potatoes, bbe to 60c per bag out of store; new American potatoes; $2.75 to $3 per barrel. . SE Xl PROVIBIONS. Wholesale 'quotations + i Firm; tierces;, 16¢; . tubs, J5e; pails," "16Y5c;. "stocks very Jight. i ine Bimoked and Dry Salted Meats-- Long clear bacon, tons and cases; 16)4¢ to 16Ye; backs (plain), Sic 4u 215404 backs (pea-meal), 21%] 40 220; shouldef hams; 14¢ to 14)4c; ; 'its plage with t ; whie Rolls; smoked, 15¢ t0.16%c; medic} uw and light hams, 18 to 18%e;l Leavy, 18%4¢ to '17¢; bacon, 18 to} ® 20¢, 5 i MONTREAL MARKETS. "Montreal, July §~Flour--Mani:| teba spring wheat) patents; firsts, | tr $2.50; seconds, $56; winter wheat! of R; nts, 85; Manitoba strong bak:| of ors', $4.80 xrraight rollers; $4.50 1 to 84.75; in bags, $2.10 to $2.15; extras, $1.90 to $2. Net * Oats=7¢ bushel higher. : "+ Corb American | No. 2 yellow, gc to So; American No. 3 yellow, | is ~ 104 Oats--No. 2 Can. western; 3 '8834¢; No. 3, 87¢ to 31kie. i Barley--No, 3, 48a to 48}e; No \ 4, 'do to 450. hk "oF Millfeed--Ontario hb: pure grain illie, '$39 mixed mouil 2, $25 to Royal" Oanadian - Yacht ( Oentre Island, on Saturday, I was taken to St. Michael's Hos- pital, where his right arm was am- putatéd below the elbow, He wi badly wounded about the head andi the sight of one eye was dtstroyed.| Smith' hy od at the | despatch fr io discovery of itigh Columbia Fridge used gon in such! siderable excitement here. . Th dlines 4 P )