The test of cheapriess is quality you'll prove that we are selling muslins 3 and odd: prices, muslins and many o Stylish colors Tor summer wear, fancy stripes and gun patterns and Pp shades, fonr in hand styles, with folded ends. ; Regular up to soc » Don't forget that we still keep a full stock of cooked and sinoked meats, Boiled Ham .0ccviunss sens Eh | ee 10C. ellied Hock. ....... csv 200 1b. B t Bacon... .ivioiie 246 ellied Tongue ...... «ia 30¢ 1b, Skinned Back, 1. «use 10020248 "Hammo-Couch" is built for 'outside service. 'It is snug, cosy and de- lightfully comfortable a In summer, drape with netting; in winter, use a Blanket. The "Hamme: € : ol ¥ Open air ;slumber is advocated everywhere as a preventive of many ils. e Couch" is useful every day in the year oo. Good for Day Dreams Old fashioned hammocks of netted twine are shifty. uneomforca Ina 'Hammo-Gouch" you lounge delightfully or curl u land without even a spill You can twist and tuen ally never could do in an hammock To A