It only men's Oxfords, selected patent wo. some £1 puis oly meus 'vamps, govdyeas welt: soles. Sizes 6, $4 00. "WOMEN'S OXFORD women's patent, and kid oxfords' and ankle'. trap pumps, le neat a pat heels, shoes that you: would 'select for their wo ad shoes that will give highly satisfactory wear, Sizes 2% 10 7. loses early. 'Regulay $3.00 value. To Clear $1.85 TENNIS. SHOES +. DAISY. BRAND : 3 White or black, duck boots, black sole, Men's $1.08, Boys $r.00. Navy : duck oxfords, black rubber sole, Men's 75¢. Boy's 68c: Youth 52¢, White or black duck oxfords rubber sole, Women's $1.00 Youths oc, : Don't Forget the Big Retiring Sale A ROSS & SONS The Hammo: Couch "A "Tonic of Rest" for that tired feeling made a good j undertaking was = task, and © | must have taken plenty of : 24 Pp! my Open air slumber is advocated everywhere as a preventive of many ils, "Hammo*Coueh" is built for outside service. =» It is snug, cosy and de- lightfully 'comfortable ] In summer, drape with netting; in winter, use a blanket. = The "Hammo- Couch" is Sefy every day in the year : ~~ Good for Day Dreams Old fashioned hammocks of netted twine are y, Uncomfortable and unsafe. In a "Hammo-Couch" you lounge delightfully HY and go to Dream: land without even a spill. You can twist and ou ethit never could do in an ordinary hammock. Tr. It is good lovking enough to grace any ein comfort and ease. It swings soothingly CONSTRUCTION. Fume of ses ust like a regular couci i thick. 2oft and comfortable, Sovered. wi buttoned,