' thus arg off or cure choista 1n-: fancum, digrrhoea, colic, vomiting, sto. Mrs. Wm. Sinclair, Bonaven- ture River, Que., writes: "I van highly » recommend Baby's Own Tab- lets A as. they 'have ddd say baby smuch good." = medinine dealers; or by -- at 25 cents a from The Dr, Williams' Meds: cine Co., Brookville, Ont. Jones (in a loud whi 's the fellow that sd Whisper) There's Detective itello, you rascal iy you dead to riglits! Sn. will you? I've Fire 'on a Prisoner--Yes, you fool; I'm the sits nin insti in GREAT SUMMER TRAIN. Ocean Limited Has Dons Much to Make the I. C. R. Route Popular. 'You may journey where you will,"" said a traveller of many years experience recently, "but you will find no finer train any- where than the Intercolonial Rail- way's Ocean Limited." This is & terse statement widely endorsed by the travelling public, for to use a mild slang phrase, the Ocean Lim- ited has "made good." Tried as an experiment about five years ago, its popularity has so increased and ts. business so developed, that it is. now an actual necessity. When the train was first placed on the route between Montreal and Hali- fax. the equipment was entirely new and up-to-date. Great care has been taken to keep it so, and verta'nly with regard -to this par- ticular train, the Intercolonial is in line 'with the best ideas of Rail way progression. The dining snd sleeping car service is excellent. Most enjoyable meals are' setved table d'hote at reasonable prices «iz. 1 one dollar for dinner; a i seventy-five cents for other meals. - Intercolonial Railway traing use the Bonaventure Union Depot at .. Montreal, and at that station the! Ing 'Deean Limi Grand Trunk expresses "trom. Toronto, Detroit, to and Chicago, and other Western cities. ~The an Limited. from Halifax avei arriv. makes Gonnection with Ain famous and cost #£3,175,0 '} cease, connects with the! two 'water, tube boilers . situate amiddfips and will ibe protected with nine inch armor plating; The, Lion is the fifteenth British Dreadnought to be launch SqjuOw | 9UBLe. WL PeRRLEN i OF $10.8 A Reroedy for Bilious Besdichion. | "To those subject to" bilious head- ache, Parmelée's Vegetable: ! Pills | are recommended af the way to speedy 'ralief. | Taken according to directions they will subdue irregu- larities of thé stomach and so act upon' the nerves and blood vessels that the- pains in the ' head will There: are few who are not al sometime subject to biliousness and familiar with its attendant evils. Yet none need suffer with these pills at hand. ' hii DOUBLE STANDARD OF VALUE Pwo young lovers ina good-.ight embrace in the entrance hall wore surprised by the girl's clder sister coming in: "We were seeing whith is the taller;" the 'young man explained in some confusion. | 'You are about tap ivches tal sua ,000, ler than Edith," said the sister, |. "and she is at least ten shades reddér than you." Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.' _ HERG he have used MINARD'S LINIMENT of ny vessel and in ny family for years, 'and' for every day illa and accidents of life I consider it-has no equal. 1 would not start on 2 ane without it, it it cost a dollar a bo! CAPT. F. Br CS EsrARDIN, Sehr. "Btorke," Bt. Andre, Kamouraska. HARD 70 BAY. Mis. Giddy---He is the handsom- est, darling' you ever saw, iad I simply love him to Jistraction. And} g then he is really devoted to: me: he growls, really, it anybody "elsn. looks at me, An and 1 I've got him to well trained hat he does eve 4 ing about? ER : Jinks '(aside)~I'm not 'sure, but i) 5 either her dog » or Jor husband, {day express of the Grand: Trunk, standard ri Internati Montres! and g al Limited, She dust, 1 . Parsons turbines, will havel forty, ed condition' they bought it, 8 that every bale is like the sample from which they made the original puichase: The thouss Limited," 8 ihe it. a rule to re-} of "J. Bruce: {Payne, | Timed, all of their tobaeco, aging it from three to six months in barrels, | Cuban style, after. it. has beew stripped. and booked, which ensures ithe 'uniformity in taste and aroma for which their "Pharaoh" cigar|Z is noted. Moreover, they always darry-a two years' stock on hand ahd werk only the best 'vegas' that Li been carefully selected, 'thns en- suring 'old, mellow, sweeb-tasting cigars, free from that burned or smoked taste: They have recently introduced a new brand, !'Lords of Canada,' that goes over the counter at ten cents straight. It costs the dealer scmething 'more 'than similar look- ing cigars from othen factories, but there is a reason, which you can fit? ont by smoking one. EC simi SOCIAL HORTIOULTURE. Cultivating friendship. Weeding out acquaintances. Sowing wild oats. Raking the servants "over the coals, Looking after one's socks. & Planting one's foot down on ex: travagance. ¥ Harrowirg people with one" 8 ill: temper. Digging up the coin. nin "SYMPATHETIC APPEAL. ¥One way to quiek insane people is to" ning to them." "Yes," said Miss Cayenne; "(I should think some' of 'the ragtime chéruses would be soothingly 'eon- gonial to unfortunates of = that class." cis To Men Who Live Inactive 1 best tonic = for the stem generally; "but. ther ose who are compelled to fa sodentasy occupations and 'the THE USTAL THIN | a say, doctor, queried the were Joa uppe: bi of the was he dad: berate | black. m in his ier bride had just been married by a hits minister. | tes, can pay me whatever yo think it is worth to you," THe negro turned > and locked his bride over from head foot ; then, slowly ro og np "thet Zaman! insedt rol ete, if immediately. attended to, 'are H ly to spoil your pléasure, Zam-Buk}| eusures; you against trouble - from} these. Zam-Buk _ is antiseptic' Kill all} poison in 'wounds, whether from] burbed wire fence, or insect sting Soothes aching feet and blis hands; heals baby. 's chafed place cools t ch prevents bal in its composition, Za always superior. to® the