_est cloths, light greys and 1S herringbone effects. These "suits will be well taflored in every respect. 20 per cent Discount [regular prices. Sd X i Cg. a8 'New Fall Suitines Splendid Worsted - cloths in Greys and Greens. Also a "heavy range of the finest blues and blacks on the market. 2.80. 00d 1.75. vals 's 1.3004 aint Pra ua aney vue Hep ane Mine T. C. W. H. Doubt Forman & Son WANTED 1.40] 5000 bushels Red Clover 5000 bush. Alsike Clover Seed cleaned by power highest market price paid Call or send sample E. H. PURDY Do you wish to go driving in safety? We have a number of "city broken" horses. accustomed to all the sights and sounes that make ordinary horses unmanageable. hep! sheep ticks Here is a letter that stating a real grievance o uot: ou cau read it for y "Milton; Ont, % om 1910 To the Editor, Dear Sir. The writet is a stockholder in the bi L. Robettson Mfg. Co. of Milton, a Company attacked by Toronto Sat- urday Night in its issue of Aug: 20th, and which it had also mentioned in several previous issues. The writer believes: that when a paper of supposed standing 'begins to fin amuck among the young in- .dustries of Canada it is about 'tire "its campaign. was noticed by. the press generally, The Writer would call your atten: . tion to the statement of the Robert. son'Go 'appearing' in the Toronto Globe of Aug. 27th and alse 10. this week's issue of the Milton Acta: The fact of the 'matter is, Me | A Mackewrie we don; os ng about your company: and it's} Tune possible that all 'you say true. If so we are sorry; bul {really can't help you beca hot 'time to look into ¢| of the case aud if we had, we {not give you space to Vv {the purity of your moti thing has always se . seem 'curious to me; Mr. Macken: {money "in ba ~ company, Just tell us that you want a quiet horse with f a good pace.' : We can supply. you, why do companies sell stock | 'general: pen! if the profits a as the prospectus says? cannot piivare capital be ia Why do they spend | cannot be b hols bles ¢ the farts for a far as the a if' the standing ns your. y and leaves 'the investi ati ( those who are intereste