Joseph A. Gadous, c. NR. stati agent at Huberdeau, sent to jail for a. year for a valise, One ot the women ab Hamilto; sylum is said to be un-. der airvoillancs in 'connection with Hoi! 8 escape. By the arrest of a ma who gar gave his name as John Ba, ronto police "believe they have n custody a forger and thief. News comes from Quebec. that the ed | Hon. Jules Allard has 'made the announcement of an increase of $120,000 over 'the previous year in amp on | the revenue of the Crown 'Lands Department. GREAT BRITAIN. High-priced whiskey has result. ed in a marked decrease of drunk- enness in the United Kingdom. The- International Congress of Bailors and Seamen resolved. to de- clare an intérnational strike if its grievances are not remedied. 8d vhile .d 0 DY g B tavern at & Via ne UNITED STATES. Professor James of Harvard is ead. Beveral men were injured in a he | strike riot near Scranton; Pai, on Friday. ; Damage estimated at one million ed | dollars was caused by a tornado in Michigan. The list of dead in the forest. fires 'in_Montana and Idaho LI ers hu dreds): © J 4 poids x- President Roosevelt - 'expose. Be and gr 01a) cI The IBA er Bho sole a four- info a Sonstruction train at Queen's Bor- Y., and two persons were o San and nine injur, yas 'GENERAL, 5 The convention = annexing Coren go | to Japan has been' signed. Election . disorders "as a protest against the Government are feared in Portugal. 4 Brandon and: Trench, 'the alleged British Eis in Germsny, are to ried ROrning nacufied on EN Thamidag worming, | | Waligr fr a ed ens y yer ere on Wedne t seems thy his futher owned horse which' > rive. hurd - roing. a ek 1b. 28 braigh Tr 0) eoease: Diched the | $2.50 horse and drove to the fro ont Of his] $9.98 father the dead body |. Bi lying. ' ected