ough, red for ut did n t any relief. d I grew so --. that I could hardly walk about, and it' was im- possible for me to do any house- work: . Only women who hive suf- : similarly can tell how much i X 1 sndured=ctho constant misery; the dragged out SN aating and the terrible backaches that beset me. woman could have been in a more wretched condition than I was at this time, and it was then that my attention was directed to Dr. Williame' Piuk Pills. I got a half dozen boxes and before they were all gone there was a good improve- ment in my. condition. Then I got six more boxes aud before I had used them all I {felt like a new wé- man and was enjoying better health than I had done for years. Not only have Dr. Williams' Pink Pills prov- ed a blessing to me, but they also worked a great change in the case of my daughter, who was in a very miserable condition after childbirth. X know also of two young girls whom 1 believe would have been in their graves now but for the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Con- sidering what they have done for me and what I-have seen them do for others, I am justified in my en- thusiasm' for this medicine and I never lose an opportunity to recom- mend it.' Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six "boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil. liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. sti _ CHILDREN UNDER FIRE. Madame Modjeska Tells of Her Exe perience in Crakow. Lady Inglis, in her recollections of the famous siege of Lucknow, fells how the vesieged women, see- ing the children pale and pining in the stifling rooms which were 'most nearly safe, uséd occasionally to allow them, although at the risk of their lives, to play for a while in the least exposed courtyard out- doors. Once their swing was car- ried away by a bombshell ; bullets pattered near as 'they played 'at tag. or hop-stoteh ; but the little things accepted it all as-a matter of eourse, which did not in the least Jessen waeir eagerness for the pri: vilege. In the memoirs of the late dis- tinguished actress, 'Madame Hele: na Modjeekt, she narrates how, as efiticaren, She and ~ her brotper {Adolphe were under fire in Urakow (when It was attacked by the Ans- trians. 'there was a bombardment ;and fierce fi jiting at the street bar- es. ildren's mother] © {had retired to the cellar with' the [rest of the family, telling them to follow. - But they. did'not. 3 "I will not go to the cellar! I want to. see!' declared Adolphe: passionately; s and. the little Helena 'usually so obedient, wad possessed 'by the same intense curiosity, and remained with him. Almost im< mediately there was a fearful crash, and a shell carried away the irom balcony and made a gaping hole in a wall of the house; then Lrwith a noise like the snapping of whips began their work. rian, aia 10 Fontan of BEEN IN PARIS SHOPS. _-- high waist Tine is with us| van Was never so fashionable) among Short haired furs will be freely used for tritiming hats. Brocades and fine velvets are the leaders among silks. Satin, in black and navy blue, is worn more than ever, The peasant style remains the most 'fashionable ' for separate blouses, Many of the blouses - for wear with the early fall suits are of strip- ed linen, ; Most fashionable new shoes are high cut, and heels aré higher than ever. Bracelets, in plain' and chased gold, will be much worn, but few will be jeweled. Belts of 'patent leather are still much liked, but the new ones are quite DArrow: Small buttons are used in great numbers for trimming both gowns and suits. Face veils appear if much more open 'mesh than has been seen for many . years. Bkirts promise to retain their narrowness, whether for walking or dress modes." Overdresses of sheer fabrics are popular for afternoon-and evening gowns, Some of the new ostrich feathers have tips tinged 'a darker shade than: the rest. The striped suits of the early fall aré already yielding to the = plain colored fabrics. Bre DELICATE BABIES NEED BABIES' OWN TABLETS For the baby who is delicate, who suffers from constipation, stomach and 'bowel troubles, worms or dif: ficult teething, nothing can equal Baby's Own Tablets: They are a positive cure for all tho little ills of childhood and ean be given to the mew born baby with perfect safety. They are sold under 'an ab- solute guarantee of a Government analyst to contain no harmful drug. They cannot possibly do harm--they always do good. Mrs. Geo. A, Windyer, Rockeroft; Ont., writes: "1 would not he. without Baby's Own Tablets. My baby was small and delicate and never grew till 1 began giving her the Tablets. Shé is nine months 'old now and thanks to the Tablets is well, fat and rosy. I will certainly "recommend them whenever 1-get the opportumitly. The. Tablets are sold: by medicine dealers or by mail at25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams" Medicine iy. Brockville, On -- pom dggiitiadas NOT ONE. Tommy---*'Bay ma, what are the vardinal virtues?' Mrs. Boozer (looking at-her hus band)--' Well, painting the town red isn't one of them, my hoy.'t e--f | OWE MY LIFE TO In PILLS. Salt You wank totes 3 happy fama, just Tost "Toronto. " After ten alth.. 'T would mot be Whos Dodd's 5 ae ap ousiren them a test { m be all that is ot pod for them." The secret of health for women is to' keep the idneys Stzng an nd healthy. Healthy Kidneys pure blood, abundant energy and a clear, healthy complexion. The one. sure way to keep the kidneys healthy is to use Dodd's Kidney Pills, seh CARE IN SCARLET FEVER. 'Soaklet fever i isione of the midst terrible of the diseases which can enter a household where there are young children. Perhaps it'may be taid to be the most terrible, first, in the high degree of its contagious. ness, second, in the percen of its fatality, and third, in the hide- ous and life-lasting consequences that may follow in its train for those who recover from the riginal attack; This being so, it is sible to 'overdo the pains t er nto limit the disease and to shelter those who have not béén exposed. The minute a diagnosis of scarlet fever has been made, the sick child should be isolated from the rest of the household in a room as large, as well-ventilated and as sunny 'as the house will furnish, never mind who must, turn out for the pu If any other member of the fam: ily 'has a sore throat or seems be- low his usual standard, that mem: ber should also be isolated until the diagnosis is olear, but not put in the same room with the declared case. The children who still seem per- fectly "well must on no account be allowed to attend school or to come' in contact with other families. To | fc A man's idea of economizing is is have his wife make over her old ab. A wise wife advises her Busbad against doing the things she wants him to d One day little 'George's father brought home some . Rocquefort cheese, Upon being 'asked how liked it, George replied with all | seriousness, 'Papa, it tastes just b. like the animal sagen a the eir- cus,' iiss Minard's Liniment Oures Dandruff. Aairship racing | is dangerous sport, but some of ns just can't resist the temptation to butt into the high-flyer class. ¥ INFORMATION WANTED about the man who has never heard of Painkiller, 'Sold Oars. for cramps, soils and Aysentery, and un. equalled a liniment for outs and wounds, Avoid: substitutes, there is but one os erry Ba Davisg'--25c. and '| to quit," for over 60 neglect this rule is to do a griev pe ous. injusticd to the well. All" the clothes, toys. or schools books handled-by the sick child just before tne illness appeared should be sterilized at once and hung out in'the sun; and it is well to remove all rugs or carpets, draperies and cushions from 'the sick-room, and sterilize 'them also. The work - of nursing is made mweh easier if the room'is thus cleared of superflious or stuffy objects. Whether a a child i is nursed b member of the family, or w a trained nurse be gngaged for Purpose, the game routine pi 'observed. The nurse or nur should have absolute! 8 coursé with the rest oF the Roioris hold. Food should ba left in' 'som, neutral and convenient spot agr upon, and' the oe Sisksroom By. the nurse, All the bedeclothes, body. linen used in the room should carned from Ro into | towels and |* ~ "Did you hear 4 that Mrs. Gordon Sniffley will have to be operated on for appendicitis!" "How dread- full And it's 'mo longer fashion- able!" Your Druggixt Will Teil You Murine Eye Henied Relioves Bore Eyes, Strengthens Weak Eyes. Doesn't Soothes Eye Pain, ang Sells, for ti Murine in Your Eyes for Scaly Tyeilds and Granulai SENTENCE SERMONS. More 'men fall from fears. than om: foes. SBE THAT YOU GET THE REAL vine | ew Ja, he 1 be Hider. of Dd LM | ARENDS PERHAPS, "The first year we were marred i we had more had iam my 3 : won; 5 hi ; ly four : ad, narra "shout inquired thes br ladys or 'cookay' Minera Liniment. for to san everywhere, TIME ALONE We WOULD TELL. Sn a ilies, 55 ) together | for a lecture % tae evils na "Now, 'W lie," he said, in con- right clusion, to his youngest 'are_you no pr going to use tobacco. When, you get to be a man?' "I don't know," "the six. year-old, Moher, "I'm ting hard A man who doesn't know what he | is talking about Shaye, loves to ar: gue, and: in Baby's ; tion, The great test: is( can. Wo boar: the : ra little frets? Many a: man "models his iE befo : 'More: opinions are 'born stomach than in the head. Life owes a liting 'only to ne be put into a one-to-five-thousand |" solution of bichlorid of mercury by the nurse in attendance, and after '| The shay Livia tobe boiled, and dried i in ) T