3 /8.," the new letter standing for "Canadian, 1 The Niobe is a Canadian 'warship, and the fetter may be significant of | Strathoons, and' Te a chahge 'compared with the: old order of things. There was a dis- silken white ensign, 'twenby-Aous feet. long, presented by Queen play of bunting all over the city Mary of England. TWO-POWER NAVY NERDEDE:® Former = Premier Urges Noteisity" tor Ahsolute Safety in Capital Ships A dewpatoh from London saye: Mr. A. J. Balfour, speaking at Glasgow, on Wednesday, dealt with. Imperial defence and said: "These Islands are strategically the gate of thetdefence of the Empire. 'He would: resist the temptation to deal with the question of how far the re- sponsibility for the protection of the Empire' should be shared by the self-governing colonies. The initia: tive in this respect must come from them. Mr. Balfour referred to the relative strength of Britain and the other powers in 1005 and 1910. Nev- er in: any, other period of British naval 'history had there been such & change. He urged the necessity for absolute national safety in capi tal ships, and said the two-power standard was more necessary now than ever. Other countries could build as fast as Britain. The Ad- miralty was ill-informed with re- gard to what the nations 'were do- ROGER HART'S CASE; Wingipeg Man 'Went Insane Soon After His Marriage. A desgtch from Prince Albert, Bask.. says: Married on Saturday and in court on Monday for exam- ination as to his mental condition, Roger "Hart, 'plasterer, presents one of 'the most unusual cases ever known in this gity. . Hart worked here for eight --~rs. He sent for a a fair 'competéncy. He sent for a girl in England, with whom he cor- responded regularly, and married her on' arrival last Saturday. On Sunday Hart was picked up on the street in an unconsgious state, and when revived seemed to be labor: ing r' the delusion that he was dead and in hades, expiating some dreadful; crime: When brought in- to oourl he. 'was Sataleptic, and to the fldor, stiff as a tors aré completely at' sea as 'to a » with. th suffered from. ing; it might at any waniont be con- fronted with the utmost peril with- ont warning. Britain could no lon- ger wait and see what 'ether coun tries were doing, but must seg to it: that they did not get ahead, BRITATN'S NAVAL MARGIN. A despatch from London: says: Mr. Reginald McKenna First Lord of the Admiralty, speaking at Mon- 'mouth; on Thursday. night, said Mr. Balfour's naval jeremiads al- bi = ways «mchronized with his follow- ors! demands for lead in tariff re- form. 'He considered that in first- class battleships Britain more than maintained the two-power stand- ard, and in first-class cruisers the superiority was still more marked: Never had the margin of superior- ity been so high in times of peace. Mr. McKenoa also denied the cor- rectness of Mr. Balfour's figures respecting the number of German and 'British Sard 16 What the ations were do land British Pieaduoufihia is 11s in 1918. S ROGER HART'S Gree. TOUN YEARS IN PRISON, YEARS I IN PRISON. Mrs. Pankhurst wa was Sentenced for Shoplifting. A' despatch from' -Buffalo says: The tears of Mrs. Winifred Pank- burst and the plea of her lawyer that she be spared for the sake of her children were of no avail when she was arraigned 'on Wednesday before Judge Taylor in Boro Court for senetence on the charge of - shoplifting, © Mrs. - Pankhurst was sentenced to serve four in State's Prison at Auburn. Mrs. Pankhurst said that she was born in South Wales 41 years BRO. Bhe admitted that she was convict- ed recently in Toronto on of petit larceny. ys the' alt ta planning. to» largely output. Lb . William Cargill and William lespie were sentenced imprisonment at Parry nd for robbing: Dri! Goldie's, summer cot tage. R. E. Cughan, former manager of the Farmers' Bank at Athens, Ont., has been sentenced to three yours in penitentiary for robbing ne 'bank. Louis Young was penitentiary. for life: "at Party Bound Assizes for manslaughter, in connection with the death of Mr. Michael J. Davis. an old man. Thomas Reilly was sentenced a seven years in penitentiary by Jus] tive Teetzel at North Bay for rob: bery of the Nova Scotia mine at Cobalt, i was "suspended in' the case of the other prisoners. GREAT BRITAIN. General MaeKenzie, Canada's new Chiefiof Staff, has sailed from Liverpool. Britain' proposes that all' the powers. recognizge' the Portuguese Republic, The 'Olympie, which is 'nearly a hundred feet longer than any othef vessel affoat, was launched at Bel- fast on Thursday. pe UNITED STATES. Trains are being blocked by i one Jas as sarki snow in the Colorado mountains. Republican leaders in New York admit that the political situation is puzzling. Murray Bimon, the nzvigator of the Wellman airship, says he hopes to navigate the next airship that attempts: to cross the Atlantic. The trustees of Princeton Univer- sitv have accepted the resignation of Dr. Woodrow Wilson President CRY Jot the made reference to her two okies, a boy ten Joas © 2 foisrtoen, she 80 eh police declares' she is 'one' 't shrowdest 'shoplifters that ever ope erated in this, city. | i gi s David B. Hill, former' of New York, is dead. + & xiling' the Bra) SH sentenced' 6 iP; hid u Government has Sioned 4 dver on ee T oxilin ie 0 as pons for 'good. fo Ans, per. $9 0.82.95 1 per doze wholesglo $1.76 5, heled Hay--No." 4 $15 to $13 o 1,000 +E ve re rack, and: Nos "Q a 1900. to Le 11 to per 15 to 160 per: 1b, and' oom 9 to} 10¢ por 1b. dressed, 1 to' 2¢ more. | bia ¥ THE DAIRY. MARKETS. Butter--Dairy prints; 23 to of do. tubs, 20 to'21c; inferior; 18' to 190: Creamery quoted 'ab 260 sper! 1b. for rolls; 24% to and . 23,4 to prints. 2c for separator: to 25¢ for. solids, | Fitus--Case Tots of pickled, 960; day cold 'storar~ 96¢; and' selected 29 to 30c per dozen. Cheese 13, and twins at 12540. 1 HOG: PRODUCTS. Bacon---Long clear, 14} to 18 pot : short cut, $28 to $28.50 : © Hams Light to medium, 18 to 10%c : do, heayv. 18 to 18%¢; rolls, 15 to ines shoulders, 14 to pe breakfast: bacon, 19 to 20e; bac 91 to 2130s} served fing ant _ ont: Africa, ing in. 1902 with the title of Major. LardTierces 150: tithe 10 1 pails, 10g. rong ul Ts