Reaaiar 7 Fur Stoke. Botmer § price $18 ach, oly two left at our special price of $10 "Handkerchiefs 5 Handkerchiefs make a very useful gift, if yov are contemplating buying Christmas presents now; we s your asking to see our handkerchiefs; we have all kinds at greatly reduced prices: GLOVES On generous Jrock of Cashmere and . Ringwood gloves s appeal to people. They come in black and all colors, and in a full range of sizes. At 20 per cent. off regu. lar prices, they are cheap, Shoes and Rubbers Shoes and Rubbers and blacking of all sorts, still selling at regular prices less 20 per cent, "the price ofho Fe] ladies' and children's ya in plain and fancy styles--what nicer fora Christmas g it) than a lovely warm put of slippers during the winter months. egular prices less | per cent, " Oysters, Etc. Oysters, fresh siscoes, haddies, halibut | salt trout, codfish. - Prom these you ean : be able to delight your appetite. Good Lard, cheap Perhaps you have noticed the drop in we dre duct at redu prices and for the this week will sell 20 1b pails of fine 33 2 each | You can depend on these Goods They are fresh and well e Goods el Jui suitable to you in quality and A. OR A D D Every year we make a Spec- Price of new Steam Coala . PEELS, CURR NTS "DATES, FIGS, - MINCE MEAT i yo ne need any spices, this is the places to PURE. We shall aa coals sat me on of holly us mow soon it you! want any.