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Port Perry Star, 7 Dec 1910, p. 2

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A of | Wr because of the stealth- ; proach, often being IE toe ee mola prossce ut 1s an use of if y ~~. tendency to grow so steadily'worse, also ==" if not promptly checked, that it may is cheap. oN hd x run into eonsumpuon, The value of the tonic treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills should be known to every mother in the land. These Pills make new, rich blood, tone the organs and nerves, bring & glow of health to pale, sallow cheeks, and drive away the weakness, 'headaches, faint- 'ness, heart palpitation and loss of energy so noticeable in young girls who are suffering from anaemia. To all such Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are an actual life saver. Miss Ma- bel McTavish, Prince Albert, Sask., says: 'In my case I can only sa that life had lost its magic; all wor! was & trial, and even pleasure only a task, When 1 went mp &-flight of stairs I was ready to drop from sheer weakness, and I had begun to think life would be a continued burden. But all this is now :chang- ad, thanks to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.' These were recommended to me, and after taking them 'for about, a month I found my health renewed. I could sleep better, my appetite returned, and I was so strong and well that housework was no longer a burdén to me. My sis- ber seemed to be going the same way last summer and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were at once sent for and two boxes made her as well as ever. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are now the prized medicine in our home, 'and doctor bills have been fewer since we discovered the vir- tues of this great medicine." Bold" by all medicine dealers or sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ~~ = Old Gent (who has just finished reading an account of shipwreck with loss of passengers and all hands)--"Dear! dear! I'm so sorry for the poor sailors that were drowned." - Old Lady--'"'Bailors} It isn't the sailors--it's the pas- sengers I'm sorry for. The sailors wre used to it!' Often what appear to be the most trivial occurrences of life prove to be the most momentous. Many are disposed to regard a cold as a slight thing, deserving of little considera- tion, and this neglect often results in most serious ailments entailing years of suffering. Drive out. colds and coughs with Bickle's Anti-Con- sumptive Syrup, the recognized re- medy for all affections gf the throat "and lungs. ; It's 'awfully hard to convince some men 'that other people have rights, = TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY Bome_ folks never feel saintly un- til they have a chance to syndicate jeir sorrows. ---- GA long 'borne: the he of misgov- ernment without active resistance. The factory Sitls of Covilha and elsewhere mi a brave and cheer- ful show on a wage efitwelve cents a day. : v The tax collectors take much from the poor man in Portugal, but the little that remains is enough for existénce, and" to the good Catholics of the faithful land that seems a grace to thank God for. F i, SENTENCE SERMONS, Freedom is the right to choose the right, = To crush your powers is not to rule them. = = A catalogue of vices never led anyone into virtle, Anaemia is . often temporarily mistaken for virtue. Revenge is better than a greedy kind of gratitude. The more the tongue flows the less the head knows. An ingrowing conscience drives many a man into sin. They who talk much of dying are usually dead already. The fussy Ohristian tries to pre- serve the faith by ferment. Most of those whe want to go to heaven back out from dying. " To live for praise is fotos long to get your soul'on the counter. No man ever followed a great ideal without getting a hard job on his hands. When the pulpit gets into. the po- etic clouds is misses the man on tne pavement, Shilohs Cure "My good man," said the kind old lady, tothe ex-convict who h called, begging, "what were you in fort" " "Robbing the guests in a hotel, mum." *'Ah! Were you the | proprietor or the head waiter' » stop a $0 worse, Allen ng no to root of the trou cures Eid Sora thes tad hd Drill Sergeant (after three hours' steady drill with the new recruit) i "Right about face !'"" New Recruit {Spot moving)--' 'Thank goodness, I'm right about something at last!" ---- Minard's Liniment for sale sverywners. 'Young man," said the sefious 'person; "don't you.realize that the love of money is the root of all evil?" Well," aniwased the spendthrift, "you 'don 1 hanging on to money as, it, do yout" . i Rheu- "I took a don g asked her to marry "She rejected ; . ways tired and nerveus i bittér taste in my mouth in" morning, was troubled with spells and was alway thirsty. doctor told me I had Lumbagoe, did not help me very much | Kidney Pills cured me.' 701 4 Dodd's Kidney. Pills - went straight to +he root of the trouble. They cured his kidneys. . The cured Kidneys strained the "uric acid out of the blood, and Mr. Vi erines; Ont. A D." McDonald, Dist: Agent, Grand Trunk tem, Toronto, will. descriptive matter kar's Lumbago vanished. I 's|' Kidney Pills are no cure-all. They simply 'cure sick kidneys. never fail to do that. a (a MAKES IT WORSE. It's bid. enough to have a cold; It is, dadrof itl v om Without. fhe 'chumps who must be to Just where you gob it. = +. MOUNT CLEMENS, MICHIGAN. Mount ~~ Clemens is famous throughout America as an all-the- year-round, health resort, and thou- sands of people bear testimony-to the benefits derived from its miner. al waters in cases of rheimatism and kindred diseases. For bilious and liver troubles, digestive trou- bles, nervous disorders, general de- bility, etc., the 'efficacy 'of its wat- ers 18 wonderful. Seventy-five per cent. of rheumatics are cured and ninety per cent. benefitted. Write J. D. McDonald, District Passen- ger Agent, Grand Trunk Railway Bystem, Toronto, for handsome de- scriptive © booklet. telling: you all about it, $ ENJOYAELE. First Listener--"Ten't Miss Squabble's top note soothing 1' Second Ditto--"Oh," isn't it! When you hepr that, you feel that you have passed the worst." They Soothe Excited Nerves. -- Nervous affections are usnally 'at tributable to defective digestion; as the stomach dominates the nerve centres. A course of Parmelge's Vegetable Pills will still all distur bances of this character, and by restoring 'the stomach to normal action relieve the nerves from ir- ritation. There is no sedative like them and in the correction of irre- gularities of the digestive processes no preparation has 'done so effec-|- for Muse dys Preoc gler (without looking Tuck! "take Here, trout." a their work., The dys; 0+ ] them a friend ee carry them with him. They are made to f SE ir Ir A |) do not grow stale, a quality possesséd in many pills now on the | | market. PALS TOGETHER, The. canine specimen' noha pear in any way remarka had a value. : : 'Yes, sir,"' boasted the hotel pro+ prietor, 'that dog's the best rat- catehin' dog in. the eountry:" Even as he scurried across the office floor. Th dog 'merely wrinkled his nose. 'Rat dog!" scoffed the travel ling man. "Look at that, will you 1"! "Huh!" snorted the landlord. "He knows them. But just you let a' strange rat come in here ak tive work, as can be testified to by Ld thousands. Olara-- 'That 'man who just pass- was an old "of 'mine,' Kate-- Indeéd |" What happene between you?' Clara--*Ob red up one day and went out!' 4 ¥. T+ h------ Ww to-morrow, The spoke two big rats "Always tell {An | Ee 1008, a > Mother Graves' Worm 'protect the chil- distressing afflic- TET, } 8 to use a long- phone. ik ERR SE

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