fully complete, "new and pleiaing tomen of all tastes . We make an overcoat of special valge at Ie es Flour, and. Purity Setond Vice: Flour ry between good and poor BREAD The size of the loaf doesn't count, but thé amount of contains nourishment it does, « Our bread is made from the finest Western flout, and is baked in such a way to re= tain al its nutritious ele~' Do you wish to go driving in safety? : ; We have a lumber of *'eity broken'! accustomed 10 all the sights and sounes that ordinary horses unmanageable. © oan Just tell usthat you want a 'qbiet horse' a good pace. Were edn supply Pr {led by Ri HM: Manning Delve was called upon to give his tative to Conferen »=Mr. ls ni nce Me The afternoon session was phesided [over By Rev. Roby. MecCullosgh of Greenbank, After devotional: exercises y Rev.R as to the state of Sunday School workin | the District. As a whole, the work is}, well done, although, {there is room for improvement. To the the ome Department, Missionary workagd cradle Roll, there ipl of ly. build up an Epwort Liagde: He g 4 warning againg( building dh tion of amusement, urged that ised both in securing material; ing: the material secured. Many members are lost through lack of attention, and through lack of som 1) otganization which they have ed. | Rev..S. T. Bartlett, © of Sunday Schools an Hasien gi Leagues +| was present and gave a good address on. s ldeal Sunday "School."