almost any variety, but on account of the short st : better to have your orders in this month. = You trade with us ~~ We look after them properly, and . 'during the Fall FEED CORN 7" This is the cheapest feed on the list; of the low price it is being extensively | Farmers bring in your barley and change for » a WE ARE WANTING Wheat, Peas, Rye, Barley, Oats, and all kinds of Grain, and if you have seed for sale, either alsike or red clover, and submit samples ALWAYS IN STOCK take deliv Another carload is just to hand, and fed to poultry, hogs, cattle, and even Jed ood wholesome fatteolng cota it will pay you to call on us or write FLOUR, FEEDS or aL xmps, BRAN; SHORTS, SALT. SPECIALS We have a good farm for sale and also a special small property suitable for orchard 3s or market garden See us about them... Our Store is always at your sers vice: Command us for anything. you may require, ie EPSOM Mr. Joseph Cook is nding a few days with iver Sagin- aw, Michigan. He also intends at Cleveland before he returns. Mr. L.A: Scott had the misfort- une to lose one of his fat cattle by banging itself in the stall. Mr. James Page. also lost a valuable cow one day last week. We are sorry to report Mr. John Watson and Earle Tum- monds are both laid up with La Grippe. . Hope for a speedy recovery Mrs. Thos, Watson has returned home after spending a month with} relatives in Toronto. ' Mr. Richard Bailey and sister were at Oshawa on Sunday AUCTION |COAL SALE DisprrTION SALE--~FES, 10th, 1911 ~Registered Shorthorn and Grade Cattle, Yorkshire Bwine, Farm Implements, &c., the pros perty of Jas. Graham, lot: 10,} cont, 14, Reach, one mile west of Saintfield, . The offer includes the entire herd of 82 head of > J. &W. sel, Richmond Hill; Jobn 'Myrtle, have: been used attending the funeral of their 2 og Laidlaw was 4° oronto week attending the Chapman Alexander meetings, Some of the young people spent & very pleasant even at the} HARD SOET] 'Scranton Coa