At the same time you need one that doesn't "bag at the knees and Bang over your shoul-: | make "ders like a rag. . Fit, style and quality are guaranteed in the Summer Sits we make. They hold their shape because they're built right Sagal W. H. Doubt Tailor FINE BOOTS See our Ladies' Patent Colt Boots at $275, $3.00 and $3.50 in either lace or button. MENS FINE BOOTS See our range of Men's Boots. at $4. in Box Calf, Velour Calf Gun Metal and Patent Colt in either lace or Button. Everything in the latest styles and newest lasts. 4 T. C. Forman Lr PVE Py visited under the parental roof ently. 3 are Mrs. R. Moase, and Mra, W. Rod: man spent in the city last week, 'Mr. Wells, of Coldwater, visited his sister Mra. R. Moase on Sunday. last," Co. . ia sovdoe The following note was. received by a resident of Port Perry from Mr Wi R. Ham.; who in company wi his grandson is. taking a Cook's tour to Egypt and European coun- tries; ; 4 Mid Ocean,' Azores, They throw. mail overboard here in a box. Tts picked np by a little boat, 80 far we have had 'an ideal trip both feelidg fine. Lelt New York on the 6th, expect to be in Naples on the 18th. Had beautifal weather so far Don't expect to be in London before July. Leave Jerns- alem on the 18th of June. Yours truly W. R. Ham Whitby town is striving over the problem as to whether they: shall have a Carnegie Library or let things jog along' in" the old wav: The net cost will, be $675.00. per year, 27¢ per: capita or '$1 01 per family, : f JUDICIAL. SALE OF FARM LANDS IN REACH BY TENDER Pursuant to a judgment of 'the High Court of Justice dated the seventh day of 'December, 1908 --- in 'the' suit" of| 2 Thomas Welsh, Executor 'of the late Join Harrison ~ et "al, . Plaintiffs, and homas Harrison ef al, Defendants there will be offered by tender, 'which tenders will be received by Wm. H. Harris, Soli- citor for the Plaintiffs, up to ' A JUNE 16 1911 FOR THE FOLLOWING LANDS PARCEL No. 1° The East half of Lot. number Seventeen in the Eighth Concession of Reach~100 acres more or ess. ; PARCEL No.2 The South half of Lot number Sixteen inthe Ninth' Con- cession of Reach-~100 acres more or Jess PARCEL No.3 The North thirty- nine acres of the West half of Lot num: bes. nifcleen in the Seventh: Concession of Reach. nl 53 There is on Parcel No, 1, a Tog and ins Sak ee gn, oo taining eight ir conditi Alsotwo o Barns--- tx36-and n 1 112 D Urpose tan Systems! IS on the [OC construction xtensions 1 re a to TEE