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Port Perry Star, 21 Jun 1911, p. 8

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1B. L. Macdonnell, Whit. b. 3rd, Mar. ard, May y Jan. 1 h, ho IW. Buinham, Post May dh Ju an. 18th, 1913 R. J, Moore; Uxbridge--| , Mar. 28th, A 16th, July aBth, » 1612, aand, ov, wth, Jan. sth, Lmith, C- GTON---Clerk, Geo Smith, | CAN sth, Mar. ay 17th AEE ' y With, - ® , 300, Beaver. q 5 , July 26th " " oe Ben a Ad iy (5 ay hy Ju Res sth han. oth, 1913. 7. B. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Peace. 910 DEFECTIVE VISION ve--Jan, 1c Gath Sept. 1c' Byor «Re, Be, a Whitt, Nov sre, PEERLESS Causes more headaches than all bodily ailments. The remedy is properly fitted glasses. We cap fit ve. Refractin F. E. LUKE, Si. 139 Yonge St. opp. Simpson's Toronto. HORSE FOR SALE You can have your pick of either a good little road horse, easy to drive, afraid of nothing, good speed--or a good general purpose mare. Will sell either, but not both. Apply to W. H Palmer, Port Perry. ; i } DIED On Sunday, -June 11, 1911, at her father's residence Prince Albert, Emma Letitia 'Harlbut, aged 21 years, 5 months. Deceased was a daughter of Mr, Wm. Midgley. DISCOUNT poy OF -30C per to ON Scranton Coal BUY NOW (Cual delivered when required A. ORCHARD HUBERT L. EBBELS |) Barrister, Solicitor, etc., Port Perry MONEY-- Several sums trom $30c to $10,000, have been aced with me for immediate investheut at low- est rate. W. A SANGSTER Dental Surgeon, Graduate of Royal College of Denta Surgeons, Toronto. Office Hours---9 a.m. to 6 p.m Also open Saturday evenings. Office over Rose & Co's Store, Queen Sts Port Perry. PHONE 47 J. A. MURRAY Dentist, Rooms over Post Office. Hours from 9a. m. to 6 p, m, {on-Coronation H${ well. There fut, 'and a gagden party at night. tered so fat. mn STE gr nig th ta - orgs rao i AE : : y Coronation © ~~ with prepar day, Ju" trac' hh says that the s at Port Perry ly are coming in Il be a bigday's Seven baseball t : shave en- Rw The Loyal Or y i age fan affonm for mia tion 8 . Among other we tioning | wrogram, 'df POTTS 'is EAT To Local Woree race, 1st, $25; id, $15; Bra, $10, 5'mile race (marathon, free for at) Ast, $25.00; 2nd, $10.08; 3rd, $500. Baseball Towrnament 1st, $26.00; 2nd, 510.00. S Mile Race 1st, $5.00; 20d, $2.00. Mile Race for boys 15 wears and under, Ist, $3.00 2nd. $2.00; 3rd, $1.00, 20, yards 1st, $2.002nd, $1.00. Football Tournament 1st, $0.00 2nd, $5.00. Tug-o'-war--Reach, Cartwright,' Scugeg--Box of Cigars, Sonya Is the place to spend the 1st of July. Beseball, relay tace and other athletic sports, Moving , Picture Show at night. : STAWBERRY FESTIVAL Cannington Band in attendance. The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyter- ian Church purpose giving a straw- berry festival in the Town Park on the evening of Coronation Day, 'June 22. Refreshments will be served from § to 8 Good programe consisting of recitations, vocal and instrumental music. Admission 25c and 15¢ DIED, Died at Sonya, June 18, 1911, Rev. A. Cutrie, aged 80 years, 6 months, LAUNDRY Mrs. J. Stewart is prepared to do all kinds of laundry work. Negli- gee shirts and children's white- wear a specialty. Opposite the Catholic Church Port Perry. TEACHER WANTED Sesgrave School (S S. No 17 Reach and Mariposa); normal certificate; male; duties commence after holidays. Apply, stating salary, to Chas, McLean, School Trustee Seagrave, Ont. FARM FOR RENT 74 acres all cleared for plowing. Good sandy loam. Six acres of orchard, good frame house, large barn. Three good wells. This property is lot 6, con. 9, Scugog, known as the Miller Property. Possesion after harvest is off. Apply Thos. Hope, Port Perry. To have good luck, purchase your fishing tackle at Parrish's Hardware, | Good Drivers You can get a- good 'horse--on go without 'shoving on the lines' and a clean up-to. 4 ethat will date r: 'Port Perry Garbutt I 'Pate Paris Drugstore. Mrs. Dickens oi > Mm 0 'of Whe Loyal Orange Lodge attend- |e devine serwice in the Methodist busy [«titirch. The parade was a' large one, 'incladimg, beside a * full rep- 'resentation of the local membership 'delegates from Uxbridge, Jltica, Blackstock and Purple Hill, The Greenbemk Brass Band headed the procession. The church was the address in which beipointed out the work beiug dnte by the Orange Order in maintaining the civil and religious freedom of the people agaivst the encroachments of the Roman Catholic authorities. © The choir gallery 'was well filled, and the musical part of the pro- gram was well carried out, and in- laluded beside congregational sing- ling and choral muwmbers, a duett by Mrs. Nesbitt aud Mr.Ford Moynes, of Lindsay; and a solo by Mr. John Thompson, of @shawa, Mr. George Gilders, of Hespeler, after spending several weeks with his nieces, Mrs. F. Rundle and Miss Virwue, has returned to his home. GARDEN PARTY Delightful weather, large crowd, good program, excellent tea, and big receipts, all characterized the garden party held by the ladies of the Methodist church in the Town Hall Park ou Friday; June 16th. In addition to selections by the Greeun- bank Brass Band, the following program was rendered-- Quartette, Misses Weir and Ross Messrs. McIntyre and Letcher. Solo, Mrs. Nesbitt, of Lindsay Duett, Miss Weir and Mr. Letcher Solo, Mr. Moynes. Duett, Mrs. Nesbiit and Moynes Solo, Mr. Moynes. Duett, Mr. Letcher and Miss 08s. Solo, Mrs. Nesbitt, All makes of mower and binder sections at Parrish's Hardware. MARRIED BEARE--REAL Mr. Ryerson Beare was married by Rev. R. McCulloch on Wed- nesday June 7th to Miss Margaret Elsie Real, all of Greenbank. Miss M. Collins was in the city for a few days last week. To have your roof last use Roberofd Roofing first, for sale at Parrish's Hardware. Mr. and 'Mrs. Edward Evans spent the week's end with Mr. and Mrs. Carmichael, Mrs. Carmichael, Miss Daisy Carmichael attended the closing at Whitby College this week. A couple of gasoline launches were brought up here last week by a boat builder from Oshawa. He took them down the lakes prospect- ing for a sale, Mr. Jonathan Bloug was in town last week. onto, was in town last week Mr, Jas. Carnegie was in Lind- say on Thursday night on busivess in counection with the timber syndicate of which he is a member, We are pleased to note that Mr, Walter Weir has begn able to re- turn home from Toronto, where he was for some time mn the hospital as a result of his recent illness. Miss Eva Carnegie has returned from the West. Mr. Ford Moynes and wife, and Mrs, Nesbitt, all of Lindsay were fhe guests of Mrs. W, H.. Harris over Sunday. Miss M. A. Real is spending a cotiple of weeks in Toronto, Mr. Herbert Collacutt has re- turned from the West, ' where+he took two carloads of horses recently a position as purser on the "Algon quin"' a steamer running on' the Lake of Bays, Muskoka. Mr. Wm. is week. ; Don't: forget the strawberry festival on the eveniug of Thursday th wt Seiday in| 0 Te dame tes is | Altwert Roberts, of Toronto! crowded. . Rev. R. H. Leitch gave| Mr. Ab. Carnegie of East Tor- Mr. Victor Suggit has. dccepted.|; society | Actus The fol it's self. To Mrs. (Rev, RH. Lei ® of ang deep regret -that. we realize t sojourn among uss is nearly ended. three years have passed all too quickly, t: your been to us. Tr ev ch of our church work you have been almost inde- fatigable. But in our missionary work you for information, advice and encour: agement. Your map exercises have been very instructive, and we have been ask- ing each other who will take up this very important work. + We also feel very much indebted to our beloved pastor, Mr. Leitch, for the stimulas and support he has given to our Society during his pastorate among us, as well as for his excellent sermons at our Easter anniversaries. And to dear Mrs. Andrews for her liberal contribu- tions to our funds. We feel that our sorrow at parting, (which is indeed heartfelt) is somewhat assuaged by the thought that your use- fulness will not cease with your removal, but that you will be to others what you have been to us. Our prayers and best wishes will follow you to your new field of labor. And if, in the order of God's Provi- dence we shall have the privilege of meeting you again, it will be a great delight, but if denied that happiness, we shall look forward to the blesssed reunion, ' Where in love's unclouded reign Parted hands shall clasp again. We ask you to accept this Life Mem- bersyip Pin-as a slight token our love to you, and ask you to wear it in remem- brance of your old friends in Port Perry. Signed on behalf ol the W. M. §, Auxiliary: 'M. PEARSE, President L. JACKSON, Rec. Sec. A. C. JEFFREY, Treas. The Epworth League also pre- sented Mrs. Leitch, with an address and a splendid copy of the Meth- odist Hymn Book, containing words and music. THE ORANGE "WALK" The Tweltth of July will be cele- brated at Blackstock this year. The 'members ol the iccal Lodge at Port Perry will attend in a body. It has not yet been decided by the Lodge at Utica whether they will 'walk "' Blackstock or Markham. Sonya has a big day of sports arranged for the 1st of July. A couple of baseball matches, a relay race and a silver cup competition are on the program. Bergers Pure Paris Green at Parrish's Hardware. NARROW ESCAPE Dr. Robt. Archer narrowly es- caped serious injury last week. He was travelling * home from Toronto, in the train, and felt some what faint and in need of fresh air He moved to the outside platform and just as he stepped outside the door the brakes were applied to the train as it was within half a niile of Whitby. This une ted slacken- ing of speed threw the doctor = for- ward and he stumbled over the alighting from the train, himself clear of the train, landing inthe ditch beside the track Here 'he remained unconscious tor nearly an hour as no person missed him Places where lie would change cars n any -case. = When the doctor finally recovered he. walked to Whitby station pretty bad ) biat not seriously injure ~Misses Garbett and Coli uests of Mr. and Ms. Coultis on Mr. Leitch wishes to lowing address explaius |b for we feel what an. inspiration you have | u especially we have 'learned to" look 'to s little stool used by passengers} Heman | aged to catch the railing and throw |. from the train being close to the: shaken| . ns, of| fiville apd Mr. and Mrs. jam- AE ~|ieson, of . Greenbank were = the Ross was in Toronto, is thanks to the church : Dear Mrs. Leite it is with. feeiings of | imber The | rood WANTED A good farm for client, situated on the main road between here and Myrtle, If i let us know. ou Sesite al sth SCUBOB ISLAND 7 milesfrom Port Perry, about one acre of land frame house 7 rooms, frame 'barn and stable, soil clay loam, about } in orchard, rasp. berries etc. a fine home, and at a rea- sonable price, $525. - FOR RENT. We have a client who wants a stock farm of 50 or a roo acres close to a railway station, will take possession next Spring. List yeur farms with us to rent. - 3 _L [ rand oh a good large . tell hein : 5 {shed attached, situated in. Albert, large lot, fine old trees good orchard and small fruits. % $300 00 Buys a small frame 3 . house on a commodious lot iu the suburbs, a cheap home for, some person it must be sold, © $800 00 Buys about a quarter acre of land in Port Perry, on which is: a frame house--6 rooms and pantry concrete and stone foundation, cellar 20: x 25," in good order. Fruit trees, excellent garden, a comfortable home. : 550 00 will buy a cozy Tittle. pro- $ 50.00 fue garden. is Sih perty in Prince Albert Aten, wi house out- : choice fruits, well bu : buildings. * Fine old trees, a very. desir: 4 gable property, easy terms. buys _ 100 acrés in. Reach jacent to' Port Perry, com- $6,000. Townshi ling, two barns, pig pen hen tortable house, soil clay loam, about 400 'apple __| trees, good water. This. is a dandy fruit farm. ~See us. Terms arranged. $660.00 buys a comfortable honte in good condition, on a good sized lot, all'in splendid order. Owner has re- moved. This property must be sold. 7000-00 will buy a farm of 92 acres choice situation and modern. improve- ments, orchard etc: The owner is' retir- ing and having made a deal of money, wishes to sell. Let us show it to vou. -- $6000.00 buys an improved farm of 150 acres, well situated in Tp. of Reach five miles from Port Perry. e have in- struction from the buyer to get this farm | sold at once. This a great snap. INVESTMENTS when want- ing to make investments large or small, consult us, we may be able to do profit- able business. Our facilities for this class of business is'i increasing. NOTICE We have many applications for loans and in the exéhange and sale of Froperties, "have 'abundant opportunity for profitable juvestment of Lfunds; 1t has occurred to us that if people who have money for investment in any amounts, should list their amounts with us, we might place ft at current rates. $2500 00 will buy a splendid Home with Blacksmith and wood shop, also gas engine and lathes and all other necess- ary appliances for doing business. This is a snap. Let us tell you about it, We shall be these properties. Wr $1000.00 buys a beautiful home, 2 acres of land with fine Brick house and garden situated in"Prince Albert. This 1s a choice property for any person want: ing a comfortable home at a moderate price. Must be sold, $700 00 Buys one quarter acre on: which is 7 roomed house, good cellar, hard and soft water, stable and' driving. shed, good garden, some fruit, = Terms : easy. ; ' \ $660.00 will buy 2 one block from Main Lrset in Port Per- * ry. Frame eight house, splen-. did cellar, vegetable nd fruit trees. Terms arranged, 300.00 cash; balance thée buns and fifty arranged, will buy one acre of land about four miles from Port Perry on which is a two storey frame house, dyiving sheds, stable and hen house,with fine orchard. A splendid home and cheap $700.00 buys a very desirable, property in town which will 'make a comfortable home; well situated with many convieninces, let us tell you about this property. s $1400.00 buys three-quarters of an: acre of land on which is a . double "house on stone foundation, seven rooms in each house, all in good. order; hard and soft water, good barn and poultry. pens, excels: lent fruit. A very desirable home, an 9 an investment will" pay about fine P cent. Terms arranged. : $976.00 will buy 134 acres --1 dc'e in fine 'orchards-- Berries, Garden--well fenced. House, frame 2 story, 9 rooms good cellar, water. Stable for horse and cow. Terms hberal. This will make a splendid hone or in- vestment. Let us show you this, ~~ A car just to han Wanted several carl Rd 5 ! en . LAND SALT " d if we are to have a dry season, secure some ..t0 SOW on your crops--it pays. Price right : rloads right away, either washed oi washed highest market price paid. = fine home just \ property pleased to show you any of 5

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