sigs of the. Division Courts A a DNTARIO WHITEY Cok Mis E: Ltt Hs an ar. a : nd Tune 7th: Tuly id Sept. vath, Apel ad: Nov wth, Dec. an. Lg jo Cok An EE deck an, i ar. gi a i wie 8th, beh uly, 4th, Sent. 1th. Oct ol fan, 16th, 2 BROUGHAMS Clerk, M Glecsol Jan, i8th, Mar, 6th, May 4th, July sth, Sept ath, Nov. oth, Jan. 17th, rosa. RIN W. Burnham, Post HER wth, ork. J Pe 15th Nov. seth, an, 18th, 1912 4 Recs GE--Clerk, R. J, Moors, Jan, gh Mar, 28th, Ma, 6th. Tuly ror ot "i zand, Jan, iat CARING ONE Gor "Smith, Canning ton--Jan, 1ath, Mar, May voi, July at Sept. gist, Nov. 16th, ol tt & BEAVERTON Clerk, Jas. M. G vdon. Beavers Pojan. tish, Mar, th, May hy July 26th an. oth, x . 2 UrbiRGROvE Tied David Leonard, U er «grove--Jan. 1oth, Mar. z18t, May roth, July asth, Sept. 19th, Nov. 13th, Jan. oth, 1q12. By order, 1. E. FAREWELL; Clerk ot the Peace. 10 DEFECTIVE VISION ated at Whitby Nov ast. PFEQLESS Causes more headaches than all bodily ailments, The remedy is properly fitted glasses. We can fit you. Retractin F. E. LUKE, §ui. 159 Yonge St. opp. Simpson's Toronto. TEACHER WANTED Sesgrave School (SS. No 17 Reach and ' Mariposa); normal certificate; male; duties commence after holidays. Apply, stating salary, to Chas. McLean, School Trustee Seagrave, Ont. LAUNDRY Mrs. J. Stewart is prepared to do all kinds of launhdrv work. Negli- gee shirts and children's white- wear a specialty. Opposite the Catholic Church Port Perry. DISCOUNT OF 30c per ton ON ScrantonCoal BUY NOW (Coal delivered when required A. ORCHARD HUBERT L. EBBELS Barrister, Solicitor, etc., Port Perry MONEY-- Several sums trom $30¢ to $10,000, have been placed with ne for immediate investmeut at low- est rate. w. A SANGSTER Dental Surgeon, Graduate of Royal College of Denta Surgeons, Toronto. Office Hours---9 a.m. to 6 p.m Also open Saturday evenings. Office over Rose & Co's Store, Queen Sts Port Perry. PHONE 47 A. MURRAY » Dentist, Rooms over Post Office. Hours + from'g a, m. to 6 p, m. J. ter eft out Shoses 514, fori The family will reside! on Lippincott street: for jhe P resent' : Toronto, Bearing down Pains What woman at sometime or. 'other does not experience these Sreadfel ing down pains. Mrs. E. Griffith, of Main _ street, "Hepworth, Ont, says : "A heavy bearing-down pain had set: tled: across my back 'and sides I was often unable to stoop or straighten myselfup. Many timss each night 1 would have to leave my bed with: the irregular and frequent secre- tions of the kidneys and just as done out in the Morning as on retiring. I & 2 i w as. languid and would + have TT to let my house- ng work stand. 'No- thing. I. had % dK ag v Np------ "tried would bene- fit me. I learned 'of Booth's Kid- 'ney Pills and concluded I would try them, which 1 did, and soon found the long sought relief My back strengthened and 1 began to feel bet- ter and stronger. I mow enjoy my sleep without (being disturbed. and 'feel grateful to Booths Kidney. Pills for what they did for me." Booth's Kidney Pills are a boon to women. She would know less of backaches if she took more of these wonderful pills, They are na- ture's greatest specific for all diseases of the kidneys and bladder. All drug- gists, soc. box, or postpaid from The R. T. Booth Co., Leds Fort Erie, Ont. Sold "and guaranteed by Edward B. Flint, Druggist, Port Perry, SUNY A The Women's Institute of the Sonya Branch held a very success- ful meeting at the home of Mrs, Lewis Williamson on Monday June 26th, which was well attend- ed. Mrs. Shaw, of Hespeler gave a very interesting and helpful talk to women, which was much enjoy- ed by all present. Recitations were given by Misses Clarkson and Downer, Instrumentals by Miss Annie Ferguson and Miss Lottie Beecroft, Also a solo by Miss Annie Leask, After the pro- gram which was much enjoyed by all, the ladies wént out on the lawn where lunch was served by the ladies of the Institute A vote of thanks was then given Mrs. Williamson for the use of her home. Sonya Sabbath School Anniversary The anniversary serviees in con- nection with St. Andrew's Presby- terian Sabbath School was very suceessful. The crowd was large. The day was fine, but hot. Sports were well conducted with keen competition 1n most lines, though not quite enough in the relay race. This latter event was won by Sonya team. It was not possible to put on the moving picture show at night, as persons who operate movy= ing picture machines in building have to hold a license. The party who was to have operated the machine did not hold the required license so that part of the program had to be abandoned. In some places this would have been very serious, but in Sonya there is abun- dance of talent and in short time a program was made up that wonld have done credit to much' more pretentious occasions. Those who spent Dominion Day in this good old Scoteh settlement thoroughly enjoyed themselves.., Good Drivers You can iget a good ae tat et i | tow! has been pin) at John Rolph, has return Mrs. Kerr, of Toronto, wha been visiting her niece, ¥ bult; returned to the city last wee! Mr, and Mrs, Garbutt ch (going also. . Th until the re-opening' of sc September. * ck cd At the annual neeting W. C. T. U. the following Sheen were elected Mrs. Geo. Jackson, President, Mrs. J. Bradley, Ist V. P. Mrs. Wm. Davey, Sec. = Mts. J. L. Forman, Cor. Sec: Mrs. Se Farmer, Treas, HE A GOOD MOVE Several loads of fravel ohare been put down at the foot ot St. at the water's edge. a good move and makes hi spot | T look quite clean, -. If you look out on the water though' and sce the weeds you are reminded of the boy who washes his face but forgets to wash behind his ears, Perhaps it would be better to say we've washed behind our ears and forgot to 'wash our face, It is about time to get biisy on destruction of the weeds on the water front. Last year the Coun- cil had the job all done but: start- ing. Then the boat that was to have done the work was unable. to get here on account of the' bridge across the river. up now and all this Council-has to do is to pul the resolution of last year into effect. Pure Paris Green at Parrish's Hardware. Rey, Mr. Bamforth, the new minister at the Methodist church, preached his first sermons dereglast Sunday. DneE Mr. W. Hall, of Toronto wd in town. Your Practical Belp Needed 7 A fumily in town has had the bread winner removed fora time. Every person in town knows the{; circumstances of that removal and it is unnecessary to give them further publicity. = The fact' te- mains that a mother and a num of children are dependent for t living on the generosity of the townspeople for a couple of months. If you feel like helping let Mr. W, H. Doubt know, and he will give you any _ further particulars you may wish. The case is really ur- gent, and action should be taken at once or the little ones will be in want. If you wish to help don't put the matter off, but go and see Mr. W.H. Doubt at once. . Mr. Roy Cook, of Toronto, was in town. The Bowling Club have bad electric lights put in at their lawn and can now play in the cool of: the. summer evenings. Mr. Harry Nott, was in town. of Toronts, Miss Florence and Ethel Salish bury, of Toronto, were visiting: their sister Miss G. Town. STREETS AND SIDEWALKS Some good grading work has been done on the streets, and there! are several big piles of gravel is different partsof the town where sidewalks have been torn up. . The. actual work of construction has | just been begun. "PUBLIC LIBRARY The Public Library will only be open two.days in the week durin the months of July and Aughst i The hours will be Wednesday 3 15p.m. and 7.30 10 9.00 p.m. Sat urday 3:to 5p.m. and 7 30 tog pi Mr. G. Hern, of Toron{o 'wa That is afl fixed | 'lorders for imprisonment . "Mrs Gladish, Torote u| few days at ihe Home : dso ri a Mr ad Mrs Froest with Mr avd Mrs D Boe. MARRIED i At Prince Albert, on Wed." June 28th, 1911, by the Rev. A.C. Cam. eron, Wynona. Floyd Balfour, elder four, to Mr, John Hallev ot Toronto Attention Stockmen! Have you Destroyer for your stock? Sold at Parrish's Hardware. SENT AR A DELEGATE" We understand that the Rev. I. Ford has had a busy "time of late. |= First of all attending theordination { service of the Rev Geo A 'McLane, the new pastor at Whithy. On |fortabl Baptist Association at which he gave an address which led up to an important discussion on 'Scriptural giving, proving that.God's law. as to the tithe had'. never béen .abro- gated, and that if generally adopted gmong the ohurches ofto-day their fiuancial problems. would very largely disap GNA Philadelphia as delegate to the (Baptist World Alliance. 'The jour- ney, via the Lehigh Valley "route, is' 1arked by m apuifcent. scenery, Two thousand, . 'four. hundred; delegates | were: present: at the Alliasce Co seven r were » given by as|- many {nationalities at the roll call}, of nations. ~The most noteworthy | were forty Russian. delegates trom all parts of that empire, - Many of (them nave been exiles to: Siberia for their faith; and over. the heads] of a: number' of them. still hang which. doubtless bé carried into- effect on [their return. One result of the Congress was the appointment of "a delegation consisting of Rev. F. B. Meyer of England, and Dr. Russell Conwell, of Philadelphia, to go to Russia and interview the Czar on behalf of our suffering Russian brethren and | sisters, and to take steps: for 'the founding of a Baptist college in St. Petersburg The sum of $100,000; 'was subscribed in little over Haifany hour for this purpose. Alliance Baptists. 3 n his return journey, had his first view of the w Niagara Falls... ° Save ime; jabor a represented wth 8,000, 000 £4 Tot weather by usi rish's oil sto Hems Coone, of | Witnipeg, spent a week's vacation daughter of Mr. and Mrs; Robt Bal- : tested Dr, William's" Fly & Tnsect{ | who wan 'tea etc ck farm of Gn the xseh of Juge he. lefe- for |™ ngress. 28ome. fiffy-|s ord fur}! NT. We Have a client OF a 100. acres close to a railway 'stafion; will take possession next Socios. QList yeur farms { bu - usito rent. - June 14-15 he was atthe annual house meeting of the Lindsay & Whitby jess, Bond Ions fe, Me Moved hig propesty must be "sold. pf'is0 acres, well situated in 1 five miles from Port Perry. - ees ble 1p do ro we ma -al ¢ able - oe Jur facilities Stor = NOTICE We have many applications for Joans: andi Lin the exchang and sale of Properties, have pr opportunity for profitable funds, it has toys that if one for Jovestment who have mone amounts, sho us, we wight place. are The | delegates present. at the $650.00 Trea omlortable Sone ; re- | 3 6000-00 buys an v imped Re ; and. S Sf Reach of land abou 'vestment of of 5p- house ~ and stone foundation, ¢ "| good' Stder. Fruit trees, e rtable home. $650 00 will-buy a coz perty in Prince Albert, fine choi fruits, Sowell uit | buildings. ine old tr a able : property, say terms, B