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Port Perry Star, 12 Jul 1911, p. 8

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ings of the Division Courts| TY OF ONTARIO 1911 "WHITBY Clerk, Miss E. L. Macdonnell, Whit. wy, abth, Feb. grd, Mar. and, April 3rd, May une yth, 'uly grd, Sept. rath, Oct and, Nov Sah pe § -Y Dee Jan, 6th, nn et a Clerk, M Gleeson, Greenwood- Jao, #Bth, Mar, 6th, May 4th, July sth, Sep! Nov. oth, Jan. 17th, 1912. » PORT PERRY. Cigh') W, Burnham, Port Jan, 19th, Mar. pth May sth, July OXBRIDGH Clerk, BJ. Moore. Usbrid 45 eck, R. J, Moorz, Uxbridge-- » Jan, 13th, Mar. 38th, May 16th, July 28th, Sort, wand, Nov. agth, Jan, 15th, 91a, 3 ACANNINGTON Clerk, Gea Smith, Canning "tom-- Jan, 1th, Mar, hy May 1th, July agth, au Nov. 16th, Jan. 1th, 1912, VERTON Clank, Jan: M. G wdon, Beaver- ton--Jan. 11th, Mar, , aoth, Nov 15th, 34.0 ROVE--Clerl grove--Jan. oth, Mar. gist, May 19th, July wgth, Sept. 19th, Nov. 14th, Jan. oth, 1912. By order, I. E. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Peace. "mn "i th, May 18th, July 26th Jon. 10th, 1912 . 'wited at Whitby Nov ast. DEFECTIVE VISION Causes more headaches than all 'bodily silments, The remedy is ly fitted glasses. We can dit you. Retractin » Optician... F. E. LUKE 159 Yoage St. opp. Simpson's Toronto. ax oot Yaron: \ COURSES IN Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Typewriting LAUNDRY Mrs. J. Stewart is prepared to do all kinds of laundry work. Negli- "gee shirts and children's white- wear a specialty. Opposite the Catholic Church Port Perry. DISCOUNT OF 20C per ton ON ScrantonCoal BUY NOW {Cual delivered when required A. ORCHARD t "Mt Givens. princi al' of | Beaverton School; is in town con- it Ag NEW CREA. covering the world's bg culture, of though Soa The only avid Leonard, Upter- | | t is accepted by the || Courts, Schools and the one supreme au- he who knows Wins Success. Let us tell this new work, MOTHERS PRESERVE YOUR CHILDREN'S HAIR Every mother should see that her children's hair is dressed with Parisian Sage, the wonderful Hair restorer and germicide. A little neglect on your part now, may mean much loss of beauty when your girl grows up, PREVENTION BETTER THAN CURE Parisian Sage is a rigidly guaranteed hair restorer, and cures all scalp diseases prevents hair from falling out, and cre- ates a rich, luxuriant growth of hair, a glory to woman and a pride to man. A pleasant hair dressing--Iladies like it, and your druggist, Edward B. Flint. guarantees every bottle that he sells at 502, and stands ready to refund your money if it fails to do its work. By mail postpard from Giroux Manufacturing Co, Fort Erie, Ont. See that the Girl with the Auburn Hair is on every package. Sold and guaranteed by E. B. Flint E---- DISTRESSING HEADACHES Headaches are largely the result of disordered kidneys. Mrs. Hall, 84 Flora St., St. Thomas, Ont., says-- '1 suffered for years with headache of a most distressing nature. They would come or me suddenly and would last for days at a time. These were usually ac- companied with spells of dizziness that would leave me unable to attend to my A household duties ATR weak, and cans, TNE Pills ed me much ® suffering thro'gh ually becoming worse. the night. I had years, but all to Booth's Kidney Pills. no avail. Noth- ing benefitted me and my con- dition was grad- I learned of doctored for One box gave me HUBERT L. EBBELS Barrister, Solicitor, etc., Port Perry MONEY-- Several sums trom 830c 20 $10,000, have been placed with me for immediate investmeut at low. est rate. W. A SANGSTER Dental Surgeon, Graduate of Royal College of Denta Surgeons, Toronto. Office Hdurs---9 a.m. to 6 p.m et A evenings. Office "over Rose o's Store, Queen Sts Hort Perry. 2 PHONE a7 J. A. MURRAY Dentist, Rooms over Post Office. drom oa. m. to 6p, m. _ Hours Good Drivers ~~ Youcan get a good horse--onethat will - 8owithout 'shoving on the lines' and a clean up-to-date rig comp and lasting cure. I have not had a headache or dizzy spell since, and I feel like a new person." Booth's Kidney Pills are sold by all druggists, soc. box, under a guarantee-to refund your money if they fail to relieve any disease having its origin in the kid- neys or bladder. Postpaid from the R T. Booth Co. Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont. Sold and guaranteed by Edward B. Flint. Send the Star to Absent Friends ' -- 11- : 5 i ducting the inations. {7 Mrs. Irvin and 'daughters, of 'Flint, Mich. , are visiting 'Mrs. H. 'Willard, sister to Mrs, Irvin. Mrs. (Dr.) Berry has returned from Toronto REY Mr. J. McE. Murray and family, Mr. and Mrs. Forman and 'child, and Mr, Currie are camping down' the Lake shore, just the other side of Pettett's. : Mr. Ernest McNeil, Toronto, Sec-Treas. of the Guardian Trust Company, spent the week end with Miss Christie. - Mr. McNeil is a former Port Perry boy. Parrish's Hardware are now sel. ling American coal oil at 20c, and Canadian oil at 17¢ per gallon. MRS. fF. DOWSON DEAD On Monday morning Mr. Wm. Corrin received a telegram stating that his daughter, Mrs. F. Dowson, was very ill. Within an hour he received another telegram. stating that his daughter was dead. No particulars were given. Mr. and Mrs. Dowson have been living at Broadview, Sask, from which place the body will be brought to Port Perry for burial. It is intended that the funeral shall take place on Friday, July 14th. Mrs. Dowson was in her 23rd year at the time of her death, and leaves her husband and infant child to mourn her loss, together with her father and sisters, This sudden death will be a sad blow to all Mrs. Dowson's friends, particularly her young husband who has just started for himself in the West. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved ones, Mrs, Jane Dunk. Campbeliford, is the guest of Mr, W. H. Harris. The best grade of American coal oil at 20c, per gallon at Parrish's Hardware. Mr. Jabes Crosier had the mis- fortune to have one of his horses drop dead with the heat. ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS Reports of the Entrance Exam- inations will not be published nntil verified by the Department of Education in Toronto. Other years the presiding examiners have made out their reports and sent them to Toronto, at the same time handing a duplicate report to the papers for publication. ~ This year the De- partment of Education has given explicit instructions that no reports are to be published until they have been verified by the Department. This may mean a delay of a week or two or perhaps more. Look! Look! American oil at 20c and Canadian at 17c per galion at Parrish's Hardware. Mr Andrew Campbell has re- turned from his trip to the West, having had a most enjoyable jour- ney. The big storm of last week put the telephone connection; between Port Perry and Toronto, out of commission for a while. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Adams have returned home after a very pleasant trip to the Atlantic coast. Owing to the fact that the G T. R. will not agree to carry the Methodist Sunday School excursion further than Whitby Junction, the trip to Heydon Shore Park has been cancelled. Other arrange- ments for an excursion will be made if possible. Mr. Keith Bruce. of Toronto, is holidaying in town. REDOVERING Mr. Kenney, who was seriously in?ured here recently, and taken to the Lindsay Hospital, is doing nicely, and will likely Le out in a few days. This report is direct from the hospital at Lindsay. Mr George Vansickier is spend- ing a few days at Fort Erie. ' Mrs, Walter Sharpe, of Burks Falls, was in town last week at- tending the wedding of her sister, now Mrs, E. R. Dunk (nee Alice Weir.) a We are now on the map so far as automobiles are concerned, for the Ontario Motor Leagueare putting up r sigus PE "thel= Departmental Exam-| Inconnéotion with its Tras The Canadian Bank of > issued a booklet entitl orma Interest to those: ravel' will be sent to anyone : lyi J-MOE. MURRAY, MANAGER Mr. Ross 'Jewell attended the]! aviation flight at Hanlan's Point last Friday, when aviator Richter met with his seriotis accident. Mrs. W. U. Carsegie gave a miscellaneous. shower party *-in honor of Miss Alice Weir just prior to her marriage to Mr, E. Dunk, Miss Evans. daughter of tije] bandmaster at Whitby was in town. over Sunday, and sang in 'the Methodist church in the evening. Her solo was much appreciated. Coal oil at 17¢. and z0c a gallon at Parrish's Hardware, AGRI1OULTURAL BQGIETY Ou Friday evening last a meet- ing of the Directors of 'the Port Perry, Reach and Scugog Agricul- tural Society was held to fix the dates of the Fall Fair. It was decided to hold the Fair on Thurs- day and Friday, Sept. 14 and 15. The next business was to goover the prize list, and conriderable increases were made in 'many of the prizes, particularly in the horse classes. © A strong committee on attractions was appointed, and there is every indication that this year s Falr will be much better than that of last year. Everybody should remember the dates--Sept, 14 and 15. Tell your friends. DUNK-WEIR On Saturday afternoon, July 8, 1911, at the home of the bride,Port Perry, Miss Alice Weir was mar- ried to Mr. E. R. Dunk, Windsor, recently of Port Perry. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. John Harris in the presence of the im- mediate relatives only of the con- tracting parties. The wedding was quiet, and the bride, who was un- attended, was gowned in white lingerie, and carried a boquet of white lillies. She was given away by her brother, Mr. D. J. Weir. The wedding march was played by Mrs. W. F. Weir, Port Perry, and Miss Laura Evans, of Whitby, sang '" Because." After the ceremony the bridal party were driven to Myrtle, where they started for their new home in Windsor, trav- elling by way of Buffalo and Detroit. The bride received many beauti- ful presents of-eut glass, silver and other articles. It would be most ungracious to allow: Mrs. Dunk to leave our town without saying how large a place she filled in the social life ot the community. Possessed of a clear, sweet voice, Mrs. Dunk used it to brighten the lives of those who were her neighbors. She was most kind 1 giving her "services freely at many church and other public functions. Her npatural good humor made her a favorite at these concerts where the quality of her voice and the sprightliness-of her, selections were highly appreciated. e good wishes of her many friends (ravel with her to her new bome in Windsor, where it is our sincere wish that Mr. and Mrs Dunk may enjoy much happiness and prosperity. : " Pratt's Astral," the finest grade of coal oil, now. selling at 20c per gal, at Parrish's Hardware THEY ALL WENT FISHING On Wednesday of last week Messrs. J. and A. Carnegie cuter- tained a nuinber of prominent citi- zens: of the County on fishing induded Jude. Moto nc ge Meln 'McKay, of PORT PERRY BRANCH | 30000 mall orchard, barn, all in order. See us about this farm. «0 fe eac| , several': hi FOO timber. Large brick h ; extensiv barns, an ck house in i Ss, R00¢ 8 re 9 ; ty oft Haas stable, half Sirable home. land esired. More land may be had if i WANTED. A good farm for « client, situated on the. main road between here and Myrtle. If you desire to sell, let us know. fouaoa IsLAN house 7 soil clay loam, about 4 i berries etc., a fine home, and sonable price, $525. # FOR RENT. We have a client who wan "stock fay of ¢0° or a foo acres close to a railway station, 'will take | cf, possession next Spring. 0 i List yeur farms with us'to rent, i = $6,000.00 buys 100 acres in Reach Township adjacent to Port Perry, com- fortable dwelling, two barris, pig pen,hen house, soil clay loam, about 400 apple trees, good water. This is a dandy fruit farm. See us. Terms arranged. $650.00 buys a comfortable home in good condition, on a good sized lot, allin splendid order. Owner has re- moved. This property must be sold. 7000.00 will buy a farm of 924acres choice situation and modern ) improve- foents, Fichand ele. The Owner, is retir- ing aving e a wishes to sell. Let-us show it to vou, $6000.00 buys an improved farm of 150 acres, well situated in Tp. of Reach fivé miles from Port Perry. We have in- struction from the buyer to get this farm sold at once. This a great snap. INVESTMENTS when want- INVESTMENTS whe or small, consult us, we may be able to do profit- able business, r facilities for this class of business is increasing. NOTICE We have many applications for loans and in the exchange and sale of properties, have abundant opportunity for profitable iuvestment of funds, 1t has occurred to us that if people who have money for investment in an amounts, should list their amounts with us, we might place ft at current rates. $2600 00 will buy a splendid Home with Blacksmith and wood shop, also gas engine and lathes and all other necess: ary appliances for doing business. 'This is a snap. Let us tell you about it. We shall be pleased to show these properties, Buys two storey frame soft water, 2 most de. | Xo 00.00 3 Be d X in | ranged ood focality, "This is a very desirable] Terms arranged. ©. shed atta ted in t fine old £1 ee d and enn Bae Fania "Buys about a quarter acré ot. Perry, on which is "Ta % a comfortable home, $660 00 will buy a cozy little pro- perty in Prince Albert, fine garden, with d oie fruits) weil il house and 'out- uildings." Fine old t a very desir able property, easy huni oY. dein $1000 00 buys a beatiful home, 2 acres of land with fine Brick garden situated in Prince Albert, This. 1s a choice property for any person want- ing a comfortable home at 3 moderate Price. Must be sold. 5 $700 00 Buys one which is 7 roomed hard aad & soft water, s garden, easy, e $660-00. will buy a fine. home Just one block from Main Street in Port ust ry. Frame eight foomed house, splen- did cellar, vegetable garden and it trees. Terms arran % $800 .00 cash, balance three hun- red and fifty arranged, will buy one acre of land about four roiles from Port Perry on which is a two storey frame house, driving sheds, stable and hen housé, with fine orchard. A splendid home and cheap $700.00 buys a very desirable property in "town which: will make a comfortable home, well situated with many convieninces, let us tell you about this property, : © quarter acre 'on ou cellay, i Bor ce some fruit. Terms $1400.00 buys three-quarters of an acre of land on which isa double house on stone fouridation, seven rooms in each house, all in food oider, Jay and soft water, good barn and poult ns, excel- lent fruit. A very desirable home, and as an jnvestment will pay about nine per cent. 'Terms arranged. 3 ~ $976.00 will buy 134 acres --1 acre : in fine orchards-- Berries, Garden--well fenced. House, frame 2 story, 9 rooms good cellar, water.- Stable for horse and cow. Terms liberal. This property will make a splendid home or good -in- vestment. Let us show you this. you any of A car just to hand if we are to. SALT have a dry season, secure some to sow on your Crops---it pays. Price right Wanted several carloads right away, hed h ¢ CHT house" and *

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