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Port Perry Star, 26 Jul 1911, p. 6

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La + PA dl 3 5s The new $4,000,000 papet mill is bo Je built at Sault, Ste. Marie, Sugar prices £3 Canada wore an: on u by '10. |; per hundredweight, va } quoted ! Master Giles Wright, 8 New- | on § bore boy, had his legs badly mang- ; in a mowing machine; Onte--ive, o. i _ Hubert Reeves, a young Eng- ap pak, Toe No. lishman, was killed while walking |" cornNo. 3 a . . on the railway near 'Kénors. §_12, 7 » 35g oh FY vob 3 Ex ert of Agricultural College Makes An epidemic of black-leg is' re- ope 1p 5 * 3 : REE p ' Prediction - : Boriand, Ont, Y*"8 "atte nos | fork, ir een sie) Private Clifford of the Royal Grenadier A company, capitalized at $200,- : | } ] I DAIRY MARKET. A despatch from Guelph says:[wheat is uniformly good over the |to manufacture automobiles, 000, has been formed at Brockville ; Empire's Best Shot. : ! Rs. Butter--Dairy prints, 18 to st : er | 19%: 'inferior, : FI a re is 1 Profess r C. A. Zavitz, of the O.|province, except in some districts Through the explosion of a_gas | 15 to 16. Creamery quoted at 22 o per! - A despatch frum Bisley, 'ymonstration io 1a 'of the * . LoCo says the crops of Ontario|where it was Winter killed. The | heater, W. H. Comstock, ex MP, 1b, Jor rolls; god 2 Hd for po tea | land, a Of the hundrey somos. little Tatiom ig tavor Ti 3 ord: will, on the whole, be a good av- [Spring straw is short, but the|of Brockville, received a gash 'on |" as Hal 96 Pen, doen, in case lots. | titors fram all parts of the Empire | come to be krowh at jsloy. rage this year. "The recent rains, | heads are filling out well, and the {the head. per Io 2, and twins, 12 S-4o who slict in the fing] stage of the winning the King's Prizs Cliffe of course, had their greatest influ- | yield of grain will be good, though] The Canadian bank statement for| eo i ; T King : x > . King's Prize match on Saturday, | also takes the Standard of Em ence on the pasture, which was be- the straw will be light. . the month of June shows the ef- HOG PRODUCTS. Private W. J. Clifford of the 10th| Cup, which = § avarded to fie, ing badly burned up by the heat, Harvesting has generally com-| fect of general expansion in busi- lopncop=Long Clear, 11 12 per Ib in case| Royal Grenadiers, Toronto, proved member of. the - overseas militia :ausing a shrinkage in the milk sup- | menced in this section, including | ness throughout he country. "Ha ork, short cul =, ie ¢ | 14; rolls, 11 to 11 1:20; | of 'a possible 350, he has outstrip- : is doubtful if the lo this the greatest influence will lon to Middlesex, and the harvest swallowed strychnine and died af- breakfast bacon, 17 to ite; backs, 19 12%! ned his nearest competitor in the | performance of this Toronto man = be on the potatoes and Toot crops|is a good oké, and on the whole |ter being sentenced to jail for changed, pimarket, in quiet and 132-| race by six points. While his Ma- [in 'Winning both the King's Prize and corn, which were badly in need | the crops will be well up to last|drunkenness. He was 72. . | pails, 10 346. ! : "| jesty's prize of £250 has on two apd the Prince of Wales Prize will i year, excent in straw. Apnles, the| Tramps are said to be commit : '""The grain crop." he said, "is principal orchard crop in this dis- | ting many depradations near New- COUNTRY PRODUCE. ada, the other winners of it have | Can . It has never been dong very well advanced, and it] trict, will be light. Raspberries boro, Ont., where C. N. R. con- Caz Tots are quoted at $1.73 to 81.75, and | been Canadians ouly by adoption. | before. . 2 would not do so much good as to|are fresher in flavor since the re-|struction work is going on. - Honey 3 roan ins, is quoted at It has now for the first time been) Lieut. F. H. Morris of the 466k the roots. The straw of the Winter! cent rains. Baled hay--No. 1 1s quoted an GREAT BAITAIN. $iiuom track. and Nod at $10% 11, °| Lord Kitchener, who was visita] next Canadian in order, way tents The House of Lords passed the |,need straw--§6 to $6.50, on track, Tor- ing the ranges with Lord Cheyles- | for the King's Prize. He was third third reading of the veto bill with-| _Potatoes--Old: quoted at $1.75 e { 5 HELD uP A TRAIN WILL BE LICHTER out a division. Poultry-- carling chickens, 14 to 15c;| Shots, and on its being evident that | when he won. the Standard of Em: Canada lost the Kolapore Cup to Ping hickens, to 2c, and turkeys,| he had won his Lordship shook pire Cup. 4 -- England at Bisley by the narrow- : hands wich he! Jabest Kings Prise: In taking both the King's Prize t margin. man, offering him congratulations. t i f Wales' Prize to- Robbed Passengers in Day Report of Conditions in eat! Sa, it is claimed that BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. ' g 8 and the Prince of Wales' Prize Coach and Sleeper of , 2,' 42 , ear lots, ex store; other matches, Cliftord will bring p of Agriculture Washington wien the arbitration | extra Fo. L fect, 4.5 to 4 140; N carried around the camp by his home with him in the -neighbor- g treaty is conclu . ; A despatch from Grand Forks, N. D.. says: Train No. 2, the east- bound North Coast Limited, on the Northern Pacific Railroad, was near Buffalo, North Dakota, about 11 o'clock Thursday night. The robbers secured about $500 in cash, by going through the pas- Olsen, of Fargo, twice, in order to make him stop the train, and made a successful escape in an au- tomobile, which they had await- robbery. The .performance as executed was one of the n.ost daring ever perpetrated in this part of the Heavily armed and shooting recklessly, in order to intimidate the passengers, thev first lined the train crew up at one end of the the passengers in the day coach one by one. In all they secured about $500 from this part of their rob- bery. and, in order to awaken the oc- cupants of berths, a shot was fired down the centre of the aisle. After searching the occupants of diner, and over the baggage and the express car to the engine. They ordered Engineer Olsen to stop the train, so thev could get off, and their wishes two shots were fired directly at him, one glancing off his watch, and the other striking him on a rib, injuring him slight- ply. which was felt all over. Next| Wellington, Perth, Waterloo, and| John Oliver, of Leamington, | do. peavricgiom to Tight, 16 to 16 12; | the best. With a score of 319 out| making 'the highest score in the of rain. --_-- previous occasions. come t) an-| be repesten in mapy 'years by a 10_to ic per 1b. Combs, $1.75 " | Won by a native-born Canadian. Regiment, Bowmanville, who is the: CROP ON APPLES Fo iohbing. was. Kw LT per wh more, watched 'Clittord's final [in the samo competition last year Cade hy Department | Rist fe arts froioined that Montreal, Ju 25-Osts--Ganadian West Bearing & ra 3 h3 Jnaple leaves gether with his other winnings in About $500 held up by three masked robbers sengers, and shot Engineer 8. P. ing them near the scene of the country. car, and then prépeeded to search The slecving car wa entered, the berths they climbed - ut the when he refused to comply with ly After being wounded; and seeing that the men were desperate, En- gineer Olsen stopped the train, and the three men, who were-all masked with" polka-dot handker- chiefs, jumped quickly from the train. A despatch from Ottawa says: The report of the fruit division of the Department of Agriculture states that the prospect for apples has diminished slight]; since last month's report, except ih Br tish Columbia, where prospects have rather improved, and it is now es- timated that shipments from that province will be «5 per cent. of last year's crop, which was very heavy. The hot, dry weather does not appear to have materially affected the apple crop prospects in East- ern Canada. although correspon- dents especially in Ontario, have exhibited avoprehension that the crop will be very much shortened. There are reports of sun scald in the counties north of Lake Erie, and the counties on Lake Huron and inland to York County. Nova Scotia still expects to have the greatest crop on record, * due partly to the increased acreage, but also to the heavy yield. Pears will be light in all sec- tions. Plums promise to be a fair to medium crop -in Ontario and Nova Scotia. Early and late peaches will be a good crop. Peaches of the Craw- ford type are reported as some- what light. to There is an increased acreage of tomatoes in Ontario. -- WOMAN AVIATOR KILLED. Was Trying for Pilot's License at School When She Fell. A despatch from Pars says: Denise Moore, who is described as an American sports-woman, resi- dent in Algiers, was killed this af- ternoon at Henry Fapman's avia- tion school at Mourmelon. She fell a «distance of 120 feet. She was trying for a pilot's license. TIMBER LIMITS ARE BURNED "Fire 'Causes Much- Damage in Squamish, British Columbia, 5 UNITED STATES. There will be no general strike of miners oh the opening of the McNamara trial. ] | Masked robbers held up'a train on the Northern Pacific near Buf- falo, North Dakota. - The steamship Senator has ar- 0 rived from Nome and St. Michael with $80,000 in gold and $250,000 | 5°" worth of furs. At Union Town, Pa., Mike Kon- dor, a Pole, was shot and fatally injured by Constable George Tho- mas in a pistol duel. At Anderson, 8. C. in a fit of jealous rage, Samuel N. Hyde | kt shot his wife and her father, both of whom are dead. At Brewster, Ohio, Earl Stowe fell and broke his neck while show- ing some friends how a man would hang himself. Another ship®from the cholera country anchored in quarantine on Friday. The new-comer was from Genoa and Naples. Four men were killed, two in- jured, and another is unaccount- ed for as a result of the wreck of a fast freight train at Bryant sta- tion, near Pittshurg. GENERAL. Agua Prieta, Mexico, is under martial law. The Schwaben -1., the. newest Zeppelin dirgible balloon, left for 3 Lucerne, Switzerland, carrying] , J eight passengers. ------ OPERATE ON PRINCE JAMIE. Spanish Queen Takes Young Son to Switzerland. A despatch from Geneva, Swit- zerland, says: Queen Victoria of Spain arrived here Sunday with Prince Jamie of Spain, who is suf-}° fering from a serious -nose and throat affection. The Prince is to undergo treatment at the Laryn- gological Clinic at Fribourg, and probably will be subjected to an operation. The Oueen will re}! main at his bedside until danger is passed. Prinec Jamie of Spain, the second son of King Alfonso 'and Queen - Victoria, was born 'June 28; 1908," i IRISH ROYAL RESIDENCE, [O° Offcia | Home of Kit 0., the Conquering Hero Comes.' to 3 Ontario, $22.50 to & 8 to UNITED STATES MARKETS. COorn--No. 3 yellow, 64 1-2 to 3-4¢ to 4 segond clears, $2.25 oH . . . | an increase in rates. either: for h_ billed. Os e increased wages to vari- ws Nilled." On te, sult of the increa ge! 45 1c. LIVE STOCK MARKET. at 6 to § To, fair a 3 oi 4 rom 1-2 to 5 14c and bulls from :| predict a change. :| cific te be delivered in the Spring. to| $2,600,000 each.. The new vessels :l vice te Japanese and Chinese | will be inauguratea. One of the FINED FOR POACHING BAIT. 'Newfoundland Court Infliets' Pen- = .alty on U.S. Fishermen. - despatch Som, St. -Johm, % 'By : Pleading - guilty in: a on Thursday to arges of killing bait illegaily off \pe Race, 17 members of the erew the Gloucester, Mass., fishing jer Arethusa were fined $50 comrades, the band playing 'See Later in the afternoon Lord Kitchener distributed - the prizes, when there was another wild de- FOR THE PACIFIC, ers for Service to Japan A despatch from M mtreal, Que., say : "So far as Canadian steams' ips are concerned no ar- rangements have been made for passengers or freight, as the re- ous employes since the recent sea- men's strike,"' said Vice-President: G. M. Bosworth, of the Canadian Pacific Railway, on his return from a business trip to England on Fri- day. As far as he knew nothing had been done in this connection and he was not in a position to Two new steamships for the Pa- of 1913, had been ordered, to cost} will be put on the Vancouver ser- ports, and a fortnightly service present, Empresses will be taken off that service and placed on an- other Pacific route. Fahy ---- " CHOLERA SUSPECT DEAD. Member of the Crew of Ooccan Line! Dead. ! A despatch from Quebec says; hood of $2,000 in prize-money, in addition to medals of warious de- seriptio s. His will. be about the' largest individual winnings by any' Canadian in recent years. TWO NEW VESSELS |BLAMES GICARETTE FOR BUSH FIRES |C.P.R. Has Ordered Steam-|Chief Forester Atkinson In. vestigates the Situation '» -at Porcupine A despatch from Porcupine, Ont., says: With a view of devising some means to prevent forest fires in this district, F. V. Atkinson, * Chief 'Forester of the Dominion Conservation Commission, and al- 80 honorary inspector for the Que- bec Government, came to camp. Mr. Atkinson cut short his .oi- days to make the trip into Porcu- pine immediatery = following the fire, and since then has covered considerable territory and made manv pertinent suggestions. His claim is that with the proper regu- lation, fires, which ultimately re- sult seriously, can be prevented. While the argument is by no means. original "with him," Mr. Atkinson speaks most bitterly against the careless cigarette smoking in the bush. = He claims taat this is the * origin of "hundreds of fires, where cigar 'or pipe smoking would not start one. co Cod Co Dae Mr. Atkigson believes that a patrol system should be organized and that such an organization should be: as active as a city fire department, seizing every oppor- tunity to. extingusn a fire where one 1s reported, no matter how small it may be. Such an organ- ization is suggested with a chief «| Alexander Hargu, the sailor who head and' sub-chiefs, each respon- with the rest of the crew was taken sible to the ghiei, and each" from: the steamer Bendu at thelin because he was supposed to be g charge over pairél men. Noy that the bush fires in the no stricken with Asiatic cholera; died country have - wrought so much terfed there. . ------ John Bomers, of Montr ceived a telegram that on Friday night. His body was i - and have incurred such loss of life," it is lik ee, of this fhe a

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