Es Prices of "sheep are much lower : |in the United States than in Csn- ada, dus to the fact that Ontario 0! a lik i. | "4nd he wou e me to help, wouldn't he, mother iA <H es, dear. Td Then, mother; I've got an idea that'll save quite a lot of money." | "What is it, Hurold?' : A "Why, you wash me two or three} times a day, mother don't you?' range is from $4 in Nova Scotia {to 87 in Ontario, Manitoba, and | Saskatchewan. - : "Well, look what a lot of money] you'd save if you only washed me iva little lowish earth are sold in the market; 'women buy and eat them to pre-| s | Serve their slender vid i) ¢ s are enthusiastic earth | n the north end of their: eaters, t4u| Prices of swine are slightly high- Ler in Canada than in the United States. In the eastern border States, Maine, New Hampshire, | Vermont, and New York, they range from $10 to $11.50 a head; the{and in the central border States once a month. I wouldn't mind it, mother, really I wouldn't?"' Worms feed upon the vitality of children and endanger their lives. A simple and effective cure is Mo- 'Tommy's Mamma--Willie Byjone( is a mico little boy to play marble( with, isn't he?" Tommy--Yes, ma'am. Tommy's Mamma--Then, why don't you play with him in. oho koe dud out as an pl, hers ie Je Serie i | material can be dug, but it is car- But he formes aide oF ihe latter] ried to all parts. The boil it with | > : : : the root of the wild lly, and when' pickerel as at least the e ) Emre BB g y stead of with all those rough boyr from the back street? Tommy--l won all his yesterday. To | ther Graves' Worm FExtermina- tor. the range is about the same. the wester' border States the range of prices is from $10.40 to $11.10. In the great agricultural ea Hite ? Je 9% equal of a certain proportion of the clay has | '"Yes,"" said the musician in a . nc ad Bourish j kronk: : oa settled, the remainder is poured off | States of Indiana, Illinois, and|reminiscent mood, 'my wife fell in| Pills for Nervous Troubles, -- . mb ix "and alwa: . Now wr ihe ri a mob palling on and eaten like cream. . |Towa. prices of swine vary little |love with me and 'married me when | The stomach is the centre of the a t- Py of ne rich, | trout wil 1 : The potters of Beinde also in-|from those already quoted. In|I was learning to play the cornet.'"' | nervous system. and when the sto 0 get a 4 DCW 3 IO LTO ; clude earth in their dietary. Among | western Canada from $12 to $13.| 'Are you sure," asked his friend, | mach suspends healthy action the have them better than trout ia simple but effective. Take a'large pickerel, say from two to- four pounds, clean it nicely and split it clean down the back, Then split it again under the backbone so as to remove that bone and most of the small ribs. Then rub with fine salt, putting . most of it on the thickest, parts of the fish. . Lap the sides of the fish together or put two fish flesh to flesh and let it lie for several hours or over night, so as slightly to corn the fish, as the salting must not be too heavy, "¢ 'When the pickerel is wanted for cooking, wash it clean, place it fully spread 'out on a wire broiler and broil before a hot fire. When both sides are thoroughly. cooked serve with plenty of fresh butter spread on, and if you do not call it equal to any fresh water fish that swims, brook trout not excepted, then I don't envy you your judg- ment on the edible 'qualities of 'fish.; And cooked in that way pick- erel is just as good when cold, and that is something that can't be said of any other fish I know of.' "After trying Hardy's recipe for cooking a pickerel I found that he their weekly expenses an allowance is 'always made for the amount of "chaniah' which they and their wives and families consume. This "'chaniah" is a white oily earth also much. used for glazing the fin- 'er grades of their pottery. .. eces of a friable stone, 'lapis ollaris,"" form a staple dish with the aborigies of New Caledonia. The explorers, Cloquet and Bris- chet, when travelling in New Cale- donia, could get no other food for gevéral days, but found no incon- venience arising through eating five ounces daily of this strange food. The Ottamoc Indians of South America live exclusively on fish and earth. During the seas- ons of flood when there is no fish- ing, they are dependent wholly on their clay for food, and manage very comfortably with it. ~~ They find it so agreeable that during the rest of the year they eat a ball of it for dessert. Evidently clay agrees with them, for the Ottamocs are amongst the tallest, strongest and best nourished aborigines of South America. result is manifest in disturbances of the nerves. If allowed to per- sist nervous debility. a dangerous ailment, mav ensue. The first con- sideration is to restore the stomach to proper action. and there is no readier remedy for this than Par- melee's Vegetable Pills. Thousands can attest the virtue of these pills in curing nervou§ disorders. "that she married you because she loved you, or to make you stop practising on the cornet?' prices is from $10 to $13 and in western Canada. from $1 2to 813. The highest American price is $11.- 80 a head in Wisconsin as against the highest Canadian price of 13 a head, which is quoted for Quebec, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan. FN ed blood is to tase Dr. Williams' ink Pills, = Every oe to make mew blood, | "this sr 3 ough the veins, brings healt "strength to every organ and every part of the "body, making ak, ailing people bright, active and strong. Fis has been proyed| i FREE ., case of Mrs. George: , Alb= + bottsford, B.C.; ix a fair sample. "Mrs. Clark says: 'After spending two years and six months in a hos- pital training for a nurse, I began to fail in health, was very pale and the least exertion would leave "me out of breath. After graduat- g I came to British Columbia to take up my profession as a private nurse. The first case I took I found I was not able to go on with my work. Doctors' tonics failed me, and acting' on my own judg- nt, I purchased a supply of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Before I bad finished them I was really sur- prised at the result, The dolor came back to my face. I gained in strength and ' by the time I had used nine boxes I was back at my . a nurse. I have since _ married, but still have my friendly The female house fly lays from 120 to 150 eges at a time, and these mature in two weeks. Under fav- orable 'conditions the descendants of a single pair will number mil- lions in three months. Therefore, all housekeepers should commence using Wilson's Fly Pads early in the season, and thus cut off a large proportion of the summer crop. "The camen can go eight days with ut water," was the intelli gence imparted to a little boy by a would-be instructor. "So would 1, if mother would let me," rejoin- ed the lad. ~ Young Hopeful---"'Father, what is a traitor in politics ?"' Veteran Politician--""A traitor is a man who leavzs our yarty and goes over to the other one."" Young Hope- ful--""Well, then, what is a man who leaves his party and comes over to yours!" Veteran Politi- cian--"'A convert, my son." There is no poisonous ingredient in Holloway's Corn Cure, and it can be used without danger of in- jury. "Mary, is there a single good thing about these great wide hats that women are wearing?' "Yes, John, there is; when two women meet they can't kiss each other now." Servant (to woman at the door) --!"The' mistress was too- very ill last night, and can't see anyone. Them's my orders." Woman -- "Yes. Will you say that Miss Sims, the dressmaker, is at the door?' Servant (after a brie: ab- REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. MRS. WINSLOW'S BOOTHING SYRUP has been nsed for over SIXTY YEARS by MII LIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TERTHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. I OTs the CHILD, SOrThNS the ous "v .| ALLA all PAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, an sence)-- 'You are to walk up-| {lao oy for DIARRA. It is ai solutely harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs, : ' stairs, mum. . Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other --R PIGS AS LAWN MOWERS. T kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Suburban Field of Usefulness Open ' Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street. Toronte. LBERTA, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia Li A or small parcels. ands in ARUIT FARMS in the Ni F Belt. All sizes. agra Fruly When the sun shines lay aside a | OME fine Hundred and Two Hundred TN ' feeling for. Dr. Williams' = Pink| had understated its results if any- little of your enthusiasm for a|X) Acre Farms in Outario. i Pills." < thing. I venture to say that if some to the Guinea Variety. rainy day) JF. You want to buy or sell a farm con: i . "'Sold_by 'all medicine dealers or|of these carpers at pickerel will| A curious but successful experi- 3 a sult we. I bought a horse with a supposedly i urable ringbone for $30. Cured him with 1,00 worth of MINARD'S LINIMENT and sod him for $85.00. Profit on Liniment, 54.00. , paste that recipe in their hats and Minards Liniment Cure. Uliphthsria. treat a pickerel according to its directions they will no longer look ment _is being made on a number of private lawns in Kent and is ab- out to be tried by a golf club in by mail at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Wil- fiams' Medicine Co., Brockville, H W. DAWSON. "What have you got tnat piece SASKATOON Bini sp ol e and die Ont RB askant at the misjudged fish, bub|the neighborhood of Greenhithe. MOISE DEROSCE. | f string tied round your finger ()FFERS proeperity to Farmers in : . will be ready to take their rods and | The idea is the novel one of substi- Hotel Keeper, t. Phillippe, Que. for?" a My [ike put it there to mi Ct farm Mane v - s >tter. u .Y ore HALF MOOSE, HALF ELK. trolls and go out for many a bout] tuting the guinea pig for the mow remind me to post a letter." lulure need worry no more. You w i him and over afer declare ing machine and the weed killer. : And did you remember?' - 0; fnerely to make cndy meet. thai ihe Vor " at when a pickerel. has a lair round the lawn 1s arrang a she forgot to give 1t to me." re would soon atten your ban ne- 1 i ¢ . . : count. Be fair t f. , A Product of a Region Where the | chance in water free from weeds |low wire barrier and into the en- } nore Lime. Write COMM IRB [ONT BOARD Deer Family Congregates. or lily pads he ean fight as long closure are turned a number of i--| Oil for Toothaches.--Thefe is no OF Gt ARADE, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, "My dear," said a wife who had bsen married three years as she beamed across the table on her lord and master, "tell me what first attracted you to me? Wnat pleasant characteristic did I pos- sess which placed me above other guinea pigs or better, a passage is made fiom their hutch to theglawn. 'According to 'the Consular and Trade Reports the animals at once attack all the worst weeds, the plaintains first, then the dandelions and daisies. as most trout of the same size. '""And they won't have to go more than fifty miles away from New York in almost any direction to find the material a-plenty to warrant them in saying so, either,"" RE pain so acute and distressing as toothache. When you have so un- welcome a visit r apply Dr. Tho- mas' Fclectric Oil according to di- rections and you will find immedi- ate relief. t tcaches the nerve with soothing effect and the pain "No other locality is known where so many of the genus Cer- vus are contained together as in Kittson county, in the north-west ern corner of Minnesota,"' said Charles Hallock, the sportsman ACENTS WANTED. J TART TEA ROUTE TO-DAY. Rend a postal for circulars or 10¢ for sam- F ples and terms. Alfred Tyler, London, nt. GENTS WANTED.--A study of othee gency propositions convinces | that none can equal ours. i i -W and nature student. 'Within an SR These broad leaved plants, which i ight?' And her PR You will ak - ; : : . : A . That it will case : . © arew of less than seventy-five miles oh no mowing machine will touch, are | YomeD in your 8g nd her) departs at once 186 | ways regret it il you don't apply are found moose, elk, caribou and A QUEER DIET. Killed by the persistent cutting of | lord and master simply said: "'L|¢oothache is another fine quality partioulars ot 0g Travellers Dept. 11 give it up!" of this Oil, showing the many uses it has. - the distinct varieties of blacktail and whitetail deer. "The two latter, scarcely ever the guinea pig's teeth. When they have finished the weeds -which are broad lesaved and succulent they Some persons have periodical at- MISCELLANEOUS. AY and FARM BOALES. People Who Eat Earth--Some Find It Very Agreeable. Wilson's wo Wg th BOR i found © there. The Sia CL roceed to the grass. In a short |tacks of Canadian cholera, dysen-| Mike--"Sure, th' do tor says Boale Works, 9 ksplunade, Toronto. 'caribou gather i 4 elsowhere clo Sollestor of nati oa) foods 0. Time the lawn Tooks as if it had | tery or diarrhoea, 2nd have to din Oi ve got baccy heart." ree Feo Jind Feed "Business for "Sale i i . : rd » | been cut by the closest machine. | great precautions to avol © dis-| "Ye're safe, thin, Mike. It it's Bargain for quick oaley Twente in co y with either of them et this is a favorite dish with many The persistent cutting of the leaves | ease, Change of water, cooking, anything like go strong as the to- ave Hundred mors aves thiog. Troms There the elk contests the eastern- most limits of his present range, aud the caribou occupies the most 'southern confines of his, while the lordly moose, noblest of the.Cer- Walter Hayward, Hamilton. UMBER, interior trim, doors, flooring, sash. Price quoted at your station. mall 88, iundreds of thousands of people up and down the earth. Even .in Europe they are not difficult to find: In one district of Sweden, it and green fruit, is sure to bring on the attacks. To such persons we would recommend Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial as baccy ye smoke ut'll shtand any- kills the weeds, which can stand thing." 'almost any other treatment, but doet no harm to the grass. One Jawa formerly a mass of @ TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY, or large orders. P. W T. Ro Toronto. 39 is called Degenfors, the poor. folk : icine in th i Re the middle ground of | m hs Shas wsndly weeds has been 6 to grow no-| being 'the best medicine in the mar-| for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes UT YOUR GLASS AT HOME.--Our new { midd " make uso ¢ ) hite | J ; . An- all summer complaints. If| sndGranulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Red Devil" Glass Cutter cuts wired ern thoroughfare found , ' ta of trees thing. but the finer grasses, ket, for 8 e n glass, plate glass, smoked and window { north ern _thoroughiare | found among Aho 0.100! 'the e trees under treat- | Smart--Soothes Eye Pain. - Druggists > which reaches from there, by mixing it with rye flour, other in pal) ond of it in so of trost- & to% Sor ae we noticed ter Bell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, lags By mal BW. | Potter & Con ) 60c, $1.00. Murine Bye B8alve in and then baking this abnormal pro- AWMILL MACHINERY, Portable 3 uines pigs were first set to work tyre trouble will be experienced. 25 or vender in a very slow oven. They | Bu, heen 'cut quite sven and very ang Hye Advice Frea by Mal. ur" | Emeines Tia biter Jt Shanfls, Mle ; close. For golfing it. is as fast again | ge Vicar (to sexton)--"Why| @Murine Eye Remedy Co. Chicago. | E Long Manufacturing Co. Lia. Wess quarrymen of Kiffhausen have for years beyond the memory of man '"buttered" their slices of "black bread with fine white clay; and in Siberia the inhabitants along the as it was under the administration of the mowing machine and not a weed is visible, The other half, where the animals have just been Yarnad loose, is a mass of dande- ons. don't you see that the seats in the church are dusted now and then, Evans?' Evans (the sexton "I do, sir; the congregation does it every Sunday morning, sir. C ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, etc. In. ternal and external, cured without pain by our home treatment. Write us fore too late. Dr, Bellman Medical Co. Limited, Collingwood, Ont. TON SBCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson's If your dwelling place does not afford you a free and unobstructed view of the sky you cannot have heaven on earth. s the horns of a moose each perfectly develop- o frontal bone, but all one in winter as, well as and death than any other agency.| Inspector (cross-questioning the half moose half elk. What In this neighborhood it has been i . . Minard's Lin) tc Colds, Et 6 Beale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. mal tht wore hase bone) 1 umph fod ke es pigs dot Amerion and Ogun sin | MAYS SS Soh BQ te hoi 1 . i ; 3 ing left to wor! : WHY THE UIRE LAUGHED. y i ry neh tee oe wal an 5 summa. In: |B Js tho came of more disease |W PY THE O0 sey Be sitio alot 8 Of Coke don't let the traitors hide in your fond 'Wilson's Fly, Pads kill all the {lies| terrified olass)--'And now, boys, | SPEOIALISTS ADVICE FREE. Consult ; 1" Chan nd the disease germs too. who wrote Hamlet?' ) us in regard to any disease. Lowest who keep th y: g Timid Boy--"P-p-please, sir, it | Briones ited bu man'! Sens meniooe 1a ne at The sun comes out every morn-|wasn't me." ] ment. Glasses fitted by c Write to-day ' She Tian 8 ng to make war on disease germs;| Inspector (the same evening to! stores to Dr. Bellman, Oolilnewand. Out great diffic his host, the squire of the village) house and fight them under your|--Most ampsing thing happened CHENILLE CURTAINS bed but turn them out of doors and | to-day..I was questioning the class, | * wadailkinds of horse hangings, watch them get licked. Spin rd's Liniment Cures Carget In Cows. KAISER'S TASTE IN MUSIC. The German Emperor, _in ' com- he hymn to Eagir, says the Gentlewoman, has followed the ex- ample of Frederick the Great, who wn not only as a bandmaster but ¥ 'laughter)--* 'Ha! ha! and asked a boy 'Who wrote Ham- let?" and he answered tearfully, 'P-p-please, sir, iv wasn't me.' "' Squire (after loud and prolonged hat's good; and I suppose the little beggar had done it all the: time." Ry Ci TINS IDNEY { slag. LACE CU NS OvED A ARe SLEanga Write to us about = BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 00. Bex 156, Montreal When buying your Piano ., insist on having an OTTO HIGEL' Ptano Action " ¥