markab} Women's Cotton - Drawers D SALT TS MARKED DO ery woman delights in dainty under garments. h the knowledge that the under garments ow is the time to seCure a new su CORSET COVERS AT 21c ney ipply of Lingerie to finish out t prices-offered in the Whitewear Section this The feelin are in kee he season. week. Remember, the ear I191T et eee - 89c "OF WHITEWEAR WN IN THE WHITEWEAR SECTION g of being really well dressed comes ping with the dainty summer frock. Take advantage of the re- ly buyer has the largest Women's Underskirts Women's skirts made of good qual- Women's Drawers made ot soft finished cotton, with three inch flounce "of fine cambric finished with narrow hem Sizes 25 to 27. Sale price 21c Women's Drawers made of fine cambric. Four inch flounce trimmed with six rows of narrow. tucks, finished at the bottom with embroidery. Sale price 39c Women's Drawers of fine nainsook trimmed with three rows of fine tucks. Deep flounce of embroidery in hand- some open-work design. Special price §9c Women's corset covers of fine cotton, with low, round neck, with edging of German val. lace, cream silk draw- string. Sizes 32 10 42. Sale price 21c AT 86¢ Women's corset cover of fine cambric, with row of deep cluny insertion, finished with edge beading to match, with "drawstring. Sizes 32 to 40. Sale price §§c AT 389c Women's corset cover of fine cotton, finished with embroidery, pretty open design. Reg. 50c. Sale price §9c AT 15¢c Many designs made of cambric and nainsook trimmed with lace insertion and embroftlery, sold regularly up to 75c. All slightly soiled. Sale price 1§c ity cotton. Has a 12 inch flounce of fine lawn trimmed with three clusters of nar- row tucks, and one row of cluny inser- tion. Finished with edging of 4 inch cluny lace. Sale price §9c 69c Misses' skirt of fine cotton. Has 6 inch flounce of fine lawn embroidery with dust frill. Misses' or small women's sizes. Sale price §9c Women's skirt of fine English cam- bric, has 12 in. flounce of fine lawn. Two V4 in. tucks, with 5 rows of narrow tucks between, finished at bottom with deep flounce of open work embroidery. @5c LAWN WAISTS REDUCED NET WAISTS, $2.98 Cream waists made of allover net, with dainty design, front panels, cuffs and shoulders trimmed with panel pattern of soutache braid. Sizes 36, 38, 40, Regular $3.50 AT $1.00 Women's linen shirt waist, plain tailored style, iaundered cuffs and collar, with pocket. Regular price $1.50. Selling price $1.00 AT 98 White lawn waist, trimmed with SAILOR BLOUSES, 75¢ strong cottor Sale price $2.98 cambric, open Women's night dress made of clusters of fine tucks, with embroidery edging. Women's WOMEN'S CAMBRIC NIGHT AT 69c Women's nainsook, yoke trimmed with neck finished l, Sale price §9c AT 85c night dress of fine down front, yoke trim- front tucks, embroidery, insertion and bead- ing, white silk drawstring. 2.50 and $3.00, DRESSES nightgowns of fine trimmed with fine Regular Sale price $1.98 JAPANESE KIMONAS Short kimonas of Japanese crepe cloth, printed in typicai Japanese de- Four only sailor blouses, made of white Indian cotton, collar, cuffs, and tie, made in cadet blue. Sizes 34, 56, 38. Regular $1.00 Sale price 7§c F. W. MCINTYR signs and Japanese patterns, Regular S175 Facings of to match colorings, med with two rows of lawn insertion. . ' silk in colors with cluster tucks at each side. Neck finished with embroidery. Special price §§¢ lace and insertion, open back or front, all slightly soiled. Sold regularly up to $2.00. Clearing at 98c Sale price $8 LADIES' HYGEIAN DRAWERS, 25¢ Ladies" Hygeiin drawers, shor closed CHILDREN'S VESTS, 5c Children's white cotton, vests with or without length, open or rimmed at bottom with Lee, sleeves. A few odd sizes only left. Sold up to 10c each SEALED TENDERS addresssd to the undersigned, endorsed, *' Tender for Public Building, Uxbridge, Ontario," will be received at this office until 4 p.m, on Monday, August 21, 1911, for the erec- tion of a Public Building at Uxbridge. Plans, specifications and forms of con- tract can be seen and forms of tender @btaingd atZthis Department, on applica- tion to Mr. Thomas A Hastings, Postal _ Station F, -Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont., and at the post office at Uxbridge. Persons tendering are notified that ten- ders will not he considered, unless made on the printed forms supplied, and sign- ed with their actual signatures, stating - their occupations and places of residence. Ix the case of firms, the actual signature, the nature of the occupation and place of residence of each member of the firm 77must be given. . Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works equal to ten per cent. (10 p.c.) of the amount of the tender, which will be forfeited if the person tendering decline to enter into a «ontract when called upon to do so, o1 fail to complete the work contracted for. _ If the tender be not accepted, the cheque will be returned. f «The Department does not bind itself INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER tho Only New unabridged aic- tionary in many years. & Contains the pith and essence of an authoritative library. Covers every fleld of knowl. edge. An Encyclopedia in a single ~~ The Only Dictionary with the New Divided Page. 400,000 Words, 2700 Pages. 6000 Illustrations. Cost nearly half a million dollars. Let us tell you about this most remarkable single volume, _-- Born to Mr, and Mrs, Leslie Beare a daughter, ER Mr. Lester Love, of Toronto, spendiig his holidays with brother Fverett Love, his! | | Taylor. Mr, Arthur Hewitt, of Toronto, is | visiting at Mr. (teorge Real's. The sympathy of this community | is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Wm + on the loss of their infant | Si 8| r. and Mrs Fred McKague and Master Franklin, «pent last Sunday with relatives ta Connington, EPNOT Teo Inte fer last week Miss Sarah Cox, of Toronto, is visiting under the parental roof for a short time. Mr. Allen Asling, of Oshawa, is spending his holidays with his par. ents here. Mrs. Charles McIntyre and child- tg : ' 6 YEAR OLD GIRL is| CURED OF KIDNEY TROUBLE t | * fo accept the lowest or any tender, ; By order, . R. C. DESROCHERS, y > Secretary Department of Public Works | Newspapers will not bs pad for this rertisement if they' insert it without ,. GREENBANK .{ren, of Saganaw, haye returned home after spending a couple of months at her fathers Mr, J. Cook's. We are glad to say that Mr. Percy Costello is able to be around 'again after his recent illness. Mrs. H. Thompson: and little daughter, of Toronto, are visiting with Mrs, J. Ackney, Mr. Thomas Sharpe and wife, of Toronto, are - visiting = with her _ The Misses wright, of Betbesda, mother Mrs, Phoenix. ne Toneas Er. Cheater Asling's, one Mr. Roy Fostfer, of Fdmonton, We offer congratulations to Rhea persons weal 1 3nd er from constipation or other vel disorders. Wi 50 certain that ill reli relatives here. Congiatulations to the that five out of six were | are visiting with Mrs, Peter Leask. : Miss Lottie Wallace, of Toronto, is spending a few 'days' with her Stag entrance, considering Walker and Bert Wilson, who have been succeesful in' passing the entrance examin; g Mr. Arthur Camplin and wife, of Unionville, visited over Sunday at Mr. Andrew P : | | | | Mrs. Alex. Moore, of James St., Oxford | N.S, says: "Booth,s Kidne ney secretions were frequent and uncon- trollable, especially at mght. Her stom. ach was weak and her appetite poor. aches, and the least exertion would tire ve her. We had nie. @ tried many rem- III io ron | TUS did not inprove. Finally we learn- ed of Booths Kidney Pllls and procured a box, In a short time she was well and does not now in, ® complain about her back, the kidney secretions have be- come normal, and she plays around the house with no apparent fatigue. We al- ways recommend Booth's Kidney Pills." Booth's Kidney Pills carry a guarantee that if you derive no benifit your money will be refunded. Booth's Kidney Pills are a specific for all diseases of the Kid- nzys and bladder. Sold by all drnggist's, 50c box, or postpaid from the R. T. Booth Co., Fort Erie, Ont. Sold and guaranteed by Edward B. Flint. UTICA Too late for last week Mrs, J. Southworth and family, of New York are guests of Mus, Thos. Lakey. The Salvation army, of Uxbridge had 'a good meeting in Memory Hall last Wednesday night, there was a good attendance. Mrs. Rev. Dr, Smith, Guelph, with Mr. and Mrs. Robt Walker. Mrs. Hicks, Paris Ont,, was visiting last week with Mr. and Mrs James Myers. Mr. A, A. Gilroy, T. Eaton Co., Winnipeg,in bis anto called on Mrs. Jno Christie Sr. last week. He was accompanied by Mr. and. Mrs, eep, Seagrave, or rie Ward left" on Satur- ¢ her Aunt in' Cleveland, Dr: Anderson. mind the Ladies' Ald at of "Mrs. Geo, Howsam gust 11," afternoon and | This caused her to have frequent head: | : .|ing a three week holiday, ney Pills cured | Miss Mildred Bennet, of Sunder {our little daughter, Christian, age sly, of land, spent Sunday with Miss Edith | MAY Symptoms of kidney Wealnéss. » 8p day with Miss Edith She complained of a sore back, the kid. | mi jd AN 08 a \ \ | Y. the SOU THE ler pair 25¢ Mn § JF ) aii \ F-- LT Pr NS 17d 3 IWR Insta / VENIR (New Idea Series) --It means quick sales There you have the decisive verdict of a practical builder and contrac- tor--the verdict of a man whose knowledge of the science of heating largely determines his income. He always installs Nn furnace --is con- - structed in such a way that the maxi- mum heat diffusion is secured with minimum fuel consumption. SOUVENIR Grates a the SOUVENIR in houses built on spec' for the simple reason that this furnace means quick sales. Furnace is pre legal bond on against cracks any kind for 5 Every buyer of a Souvenir chase, guaranteeing fire pot are simple, strong and easy to oper- ate. It's always safe to installa SOUVENIR fur- nace because it ig s nted wrth a date of pur- or breaks of years. The SOUVENIR possesses many points of superiority that appeal strongly to discrimin- ating buyers on sight. The Firepot -- the heart of the generally known te ' S51 Vvi 259, 1 cffect a saving of 25% to 509, im fuel consumption. Let us send you our new hooklet The SOUVENIR furnace is made in Hamilton, the stove centre of Canada, by THE HAMILTON STOVE & HEATER COMPANY 1" Limited Successors to Gurney-Tilden Co. to his home in Brooklin, after spend- Miss Lida McClintock, of Paris Ont, , the guest of her sistcr Mrs, Frank Hortop. Mrs, Frank Hortop and daughter Morinc left on Tuesday for a visit with relatives in Cobourg. Mrs. W, Sonley and family guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Bently. " "Mr, and Mrs. Frank Crosier spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Dave ier, Glasscow Out, Miss Edith "Southgate, Toronto, visiting Mrs. Aft Crosier, Send STAR to absent A i DISCOUNT OF 20C per ton ON Scranton Coal BUY Now Coal delivered when required - A. ORCHARD