.Yoi'need a suit that' a ond Ho Carey .around. . « oie a. At the same time you 'need one that doesn't oag at the knees and hang over your shoul- ders like a rag. . : Fit, style and quality' are guaranteed in the Summer Suits we make. They hold their shape because they're * built right, . . . | ~W. H. Doubt Tailor LADIES FINE BOOTS See our Ladies' Patent Colt Boots at $2.75, $3.00 and $3.50 in either lace or button ENS FINE BOOTS See our range of Men's Boots at $4.00, in Box Calf, Velour Calf Gun Metal and Patent Colt in either lace or button, Everything in the latest styles and newest lasts. ~T. C. Forman ted at time. . * Conner Yonge Sil Arexaadir Steal TORONTO W.J.ELLIOTT "'PriNOIPAL ALLKINDS Always in stock. Also fresh fish, smoked meats, etc. Highest Cash price paid for Hides, Skins, Live Stock W.A. BOYCE SUMMER SESSION a (A pod Foe 03 J. can getit here: Weite foday or -| Midland, Sept 28, 29 * [Port Perry. Sept. 14; 15. | waste Beaverton Oct. 3,.4, RL Bowmanville, Sept 19; 20 Brampton, Sept, 19, 20. Cartwright. Sept 26, 27 Elmvale, Oct. 4 - , Kinmount, Sept 14, 15° Lakeffeld, Sept'19, 20 Lindsay. Sept 21, 22 23 Markham, Oct. 4, 5, 6, New Liskeard, Oct 5, 6 '.* Newmarket, Sept 19-21 Oakwood, Sept 25, 26 Oshawa, Sept 11, 12, 13 Peterboro, Sept 14, 15, 16 Port Perry September 14 and 15 Queensville, Oct 11, 12 Simcoe, October 17-19. Sutton West, Sept 28, 29 Torcnto (Canadian National) Aug. 26 to Sept 11 Zephyr, Oct. 10, SEALED TENDERS addresssd to the undersigned, endorséd, *' Tender for Public Building, Port Perry, Ontario, "will be received at this office until 4 p.m, om Wednesday, September 6, i911, for the erection of a Public Building at Port Perry, Ont. . Plans, specifications and forms. of con- tract can be seen and forms of tender obtained at this Department, on applica- tion to Mr. Thomas A Hastings, Postal Station F, Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont., and at the post office at Port Perry, Ont. Persons tendering are notified that ten. ders will not he considered unless made on the printed forms supplied, and sign- ed with their actual signatures, stating their occupations and places of residence. In the case of firms, the actual signature, the nature of the occupation and place of is Students may enter any day. Open entire year. Now is a good time to enter. Largest trainers in Canada. Graduates get best positions. Thousands studying at home, Exclu- sive right of the "Famous Bliss Book-Keeping Sys- tem" for Ontario. *Actnal Business from Start to Finish." Write for particulars, Peterborough Business College GEO. SPOTTON, Principal nad, ap EE T= Sittings of the Division Courts UNTY OF ONTARIO 1911 WHITBY Clerk, Miss & L. Macdonnell, it ard Je on oly, Sep ath, Bet fy Nov Baw I cle ia LE Lu No th, ts y--Jan. , 6th, Mar. 3rd, re June '8th, uly 4th, Sept, 13th, 5c, 3d, ov. Bth, Dec. fan, 16th, 1012, 2 BROUGHAM-- Clerk, M Gleeson, Greenwood-- Jan, 18th, by) 6th, May 4th, July sth, Sept a lo ls 1913, » PORE BOE parca, Po Jan, wth, Mar. , May sh July . 15th Nov. oth, an. 18th, 1g - Ox + J, Moors, Ux Mar. 28th, May 16th, July 28th, opt 1913, To May 1 an. uth, gra, as, M. Gwdon, Beaver- Jr 87 . 10th, 1912, "Eierk, David Leonard, Upter- grove--Jan, , Mar. sist, May oth, July ath, Sept. 19th, Nov. 14th, Jan. oth, gra. Byorder, ' {. B. FAREWELL, * Clerk of the Peace. 7th, July ath, (Successor to Dr. F, D. MoGrattan) ated at Whitby Nov sist. Dr. R. L. Graham wq10 'A Fort pERRY, DENTIST Store. A.J. Davis residence of each member of the firm must be giver. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works equal to ten per cent. (10 p.c.) of the amount of the tender, which will be forfeited if the person tendering decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do s0, af fail to complete the wark contracted for. If the tender be not accepted, the cheque will be returned. The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By order, R. C. DESROCHERS, Secretary Department of Public Works Newspapers will not be paid for this advertisement if they ifisert it without authority from the Department. YOU NEEDN'T DESPAIR Here's an Offer that Should Interest Sufferers of Skin Irritation. First of all we want to explain that the remedy we are about pie] you of carries our. promise of ¥iotiey back or the mere asking to an not thoroug pleased: with E use. Y That should un ukstionably establish the sincere faith we have in jt; Parasite or Ferns cause eczema, and eczema is probably the most prevalent! cause of all skin ailments. To overcome them, the remedy must of necessity de . stroy-or remove t| € parasite or gern be- fore relief can be obtained. Possessing remarkable antiseptic germ: | ici cleansing, soothing ang § power, the curative value of Rexall Esema Ointment is very pronounced in the trea. ment of eczema and allied skin diseases, whether of the dry scaly sort, the i type, where there isa flow of iEomeling : excretion, or the intermediary kind, uu as pimples, discolorations, ring- worm or acne. It is very useful for treat- ing hives, nettle rash, insect bites and wounds, It is ideal for the skin ailments intment is white in color, has a pleasant odor, 2 d is. or] cleanly for use, If youarea form m m in in irritations or erruptions in any whatever, we urge you to try a box atour risk. At the mere hint of dissatis: it is'only sol at our store -- The Re Dates of Fall Fairs 191i. |New: is not only a loss to, upon, the progressiveness of a community. Such Ways grow trees, and if the proper species be. chosen, will valuable timber, healing | the in Canada 'has this 160 acres of land municipal watershed, and adopts rol up. areas wa The Ontario Goverment | bought several thousand acres "of worn-out farmsin diffe in: Southe intention of faction you may have your mon back. Toons and $1.00, Remember, tg as for agriculture. detract from the [ ring property. Their unproductivi aL, the proportionate burden of taxes on the commutity and renders such public works as roads 'and bridges unduly portionately the waste land is sand it isin many localities blown about by the wind so as to destroy or decrease ' the value of adjoining farms, There are instances of shores of Lakes Ontario, Erie and expensive or pro- poor in 'quality. : If this along "the uron. In every way waste land but' a drag land will al- -~produce Waste land not far from centres of population can be bought for five dollars an acre or less. some districts it can be bought for two dollars an acre. happens to be, as it frequently is, covered with young trees of val- uable species, In If this land the cost of planting considerably reduced. In Can. ada waste land can be planted to young trees, about eight gosts of the land, the cost of plang- ng, tection and taxes, interest at three and one-half per cent., brings the cost of the plant- ation to about $160 per acre at the age of sixty years. e. g., white pine. for dollars per acre. The the cost'of management, pro- with compound There are no sixtv-year-old plantations of white pine in Can- ada, but studies which have been ade by foresters in white pine forests on similar land in Eastern America justify the prediction that an acre of planted b age will prodnce 80,000 feet of rest at that erchantable timber. Timber will be worth more in sixty years than it is now, and as Ontario lum- bermen are paying the government ten dollars and over for the privi- ledge of cutting forest-grown pine rather inaccessible regions, it is safe to say that plantations of pine settled districts will sixty years from now be worth at least ten dollars per thousand feet on the stump. plantation worth $800 without the profit on the small| trees, thinning "and cordwood. This crop rental o ear of the life This would make the standing, $800 represents a per acre for every of the plantation, -addition to three and a half per at $3.2 cent on all- money invested. - This well tried and method of securing a turn from waste land Hotta. : usiness like financial re- is one which to many Canadian There are evi- that the idea is bei d. The, city. elpl eader in mi pal is year bought constituting the has ed a plan for 'planting it to table trees. e country of ork; in Ontario, is considering a plan of purchasing 'and planting of waste sandy land, has ent districts with 'the them into of covering fitable forests. % which have been ¢leared of timber but: never 'used | I a 4 Such areas are usually wastes of | ugliness which value of the neighbo Kitchen Conveniences - WHEN HELP IS SCARCE it becomes necessary to have everything as convenient as possible around the kitchen. -A-good ~~. ro Eng Be ote - - * x £ - Kitchen: Cabinet soves many steps, keeps things clean; idy and together-- just where you need them. Come in and ock one. of these cabinets pver, It will last you maagy" years and cost you buta trifle in comparison to the benefit you get. We have a splendid line at $16.00. TOWN & SPEAR UNDERTAKERS AND FURNITURE DEALERS PORT PERRY. -'- ONTARIO 400d Drivers Youcangeta good horse--onethat will gowithout 'shoving on the lines' and a clean up-to-date rig at any time by call- ing up Phone No 2. CAWKER'S LIVERY 3 x v ' CR AN oi 3 BE 15,000 Bushelsof APPLES wanted at the evaporator |delivered as-soon as pos: sible after the 25th of August. EES ~ Prices will be five cent more than per 100 pounds last year. oe A ___ JOSEPH BIGE