ARD. WEDNESDAY, "~ 'AUGUST 23, rg1r 2 JURY Se eg he past has been its extensive dressgoods department es, it is (as one of our customers aptly putsit) in the epartment is bigger and better than ever. Better buyin our goods shipped direct from England on to sell the newest goods at better "OUR WINDOW DISPLAY this week. NEW DRESS MATERIALS "FRENCH SALOME A swell material for light weight dresses, silk and wool mixture, and comes principally in evening shades, Colors Nile, Champagne, Copenhagen, and Mauve 44 in. wide Per yd. 85¢ cr NA Ty Dressmaking he Department opens Sept Ist The satisfaction Miss Shields has given to our customers in the past two seasons is finding expres- sion in the rapidly increas- ing number of orders booked for suits and dresses for tall. NOT ONE COMPLAINT has been registered for poor fitting garments or defective work. FANCY TWEED SUITINGS ~ All Wool Tweed suiting 44 in. wide in 'mixéurés of grey, brown and green, From present indications tweed will be extremely popular this season for. plain tailored plain tailored styles, with | 0% Fer yd: 78¢ EN or ng trimming. bod Skirts will be a little wider. : -- SATIN GLOTH All wool satin cloth, with a firm but soft weave, glossy finish, 44 in. wide. Cardinal, 44 in. wide. FANCY BLACK VOILE Black French Wiol Voile, with fancy black silk stripe, 40 in wide. Per yd. T§c TWO TONE DIAGONAL ~~ 3, a Two tone diagonal suiting, rongh 'tweed finish, in Xn B dG ot ing, rangh. 'we: ' a resp Plastic re black and grey. 54 inches wide. Makes a very serviceable colors, while the rough tweed suit. Ty Per yard $1.25 effects:in cloths are most REE . I GREY FRENCH VIBOUREUX Separate cats are shown All 'wool French Vigoureux ina two tone grey shade. Heavy diagonal weave with a hard worsted finish. Can be "made of double faced tweeds, "lapels "and cuffs trimmed had also in plain Black, Navy, Brown, Green, Amethyst : Per yd. $1.25 and Colors Black, Navy, Green, Price T5c This is an unique record for a dress making depart-- ment. We ean give you the same satisfaction. Every garment we send upstairs to be made we send with a positive guar- antee of satisfaction in fit and workmanship. Leave your order NOW. FRENCH BLOUSE CLOTH . Blouse cloth, wool with silk warp, Grey and Black mixture in striped effect, makes pretty separate waists or fancy dresses. Per yard 7§c With the reverse side of cloth, BARGAINS IN BOYS SUITS FOR THE AUGUST SALE The holidays are nearly over and the boys will soon be back at school. stand the wear and tear of school life, We never had boys' clothes that gave sich good service as the You'll need one tor your boy, and they're a 'are a few left which we're clearing out at bargain prices. BOYS' BLOUSE SUITS $2.98 Last year we had a line of suits specially built to se worsteds, There snap at the price. AT $3.25 Here is a gieat bargain if you can use the size, we have size ox only. The material is a fine black worsted, the suit is well made, and well lined, and sells AT $4.76 $3.75 "Boys Worsted Suits (special school make) 7 only. Boys' Tweed suits in brown and single or double-breasted styles, made of grey stripe, material strong tweed, Pants special hard finished worsted ia grey mixture lined; coat single or double breasted. Good and dark grey stripes. Sizes 29 Boys' blouse suits made of all wool navy serge. blouse trimmed on front with braid and brass buttons, V- shaped neck piped trimmings. Sizes 29 to 33. Best - linings and serviceable lining, and trimmings. to 33. Regular price $4.50 and $5.00. Regular price $6.00 Boys black worsted stockings all wool, in fall weight. .Sizes 614 to 10. _ DISTRESSING ; HEADACHES .. Headaches are largely the result of ; disordered kidneys, % Mrs. Hall, 84 Flora St;, St. Thomas, Ont, says-- . eT suffered for years with headache of 'a most distressing nature. Special price 25c. PRINCE ALBERT Mr. 8. Vickery has returned from a two months' trip to the Old Coun- try, and gives a very interesting account of the Coronation and the many places of interest = visited by him, . ._ Those who attended the union 8 8. picnic at Whitby last week report a good time, . Mrs. Allan Hayes and. Miss Mary |Souch, of Enniskillen, are most wel- come visitors here just now. CL Miss Edith Miller and Miss Boyn. | ton, of Torento, are 'the guests of | Mrs. Boynton, - Miss Reed, - of Toronto, is the guests of Mrs, Reuben Bond. Miss Lulu' Smith is visiting relatives in Parry So Miss Elsie Leask has arrived home after - spending 'afew. days with friends in Greenbank, A few of our boys have gone out | West for the harvest, a , SEAGRAVE * Miss Eva Moon spent a few days last week' with relatives at * Finger- board. iis Harvesting is finisbed "on several farms; but a few fields remain to be Mr. Chas. McLean has installed anew. piano, and there's lots of with white pique. shield of with red ornament. Hy LL usual for the G. T. R. to send a train by this route on the Sabbath, Mr, and Miss Hooper, of Black- stock spent Sunday with relatives in this vicinity. T. H. Watson's special Sale, Aug. 7.t0 19 was finely patronized by largecrowds. } 'We are fortunate in having secured for our new Public Sehool teacher, Mr. Brokenshire, of Lindsay, Messrs. John Watson, T. Clark- son, Alex Boe, Roy Gibson and Hurry Stephens have gone on the Harvesters' Excursion to the West. Miss L. Rogers is visiting friends in Terouto and Whitby, Mr. T. H. Watson fs packing apples of the Duchess and St Law- rence varieties, . Mr. A. Mille spent Wednesday last at Pleasant Point -visiting his tenants Messrs Osborne and Eagle- son, ml SONY Mr. and Mrs, Gogan and son. of Por: Credit, have been visiting at the Manse during the past week. Miss Constance Ferguson has re- turned from Toronto, Miss Alda Bateson, of London, spent a few days last week with her friend Jobn Watson. i 'The August meeteng of the Women's Pastitate was held at 'the bes EF The contraet of painting church is let to Mr. Oakwood. We are all glad to hear that Mr, William Mc Taggart, who hag been on the sick list for the last six weeks is improving, Don't forget the lawn social to be held at the home of Mr. E L. Williamson, on the afternoon and evening of Tuesday, August 29. Greenbank Band, baseball match, good. tea, grand concert. Bert. Harvey will be on had to make you laugh, Admission 3sc. By-Law No. 659 The Municipal Corporation of the village of Port Perry enacts as follows: -- Schedule *'B" of chapter 248 R. S. O. is amended as follows: -- All privy vaults, Cess pools or Reser- voirs shall be cleaned out as often as they become foul or offensive. Earth closets shall be cleaned out during the summer time on or before the first day of May and at least once every two months until the First of September, and as much ofténer as they become of- fensive. ; It shall-be-the duty of the San- itary Inspector to inspect each our Bert Prouse, of | premise in this locality at least two : | times a year and to enforce all the provisions of 'the Public Health Act he Inspection to be once during the month of May and once during. : month of August. Samuel Graham ishereby appoint- e Saicary icipality at a Salary of | thirty-five dollars'per year The Inspector shall 'also be entitled to whatever. fees may accure to him on account of litigati a ey 7 oard of Health shall meet ar after inspection. The ; "report. to ch' Meeting Lo Size 3, Inspector for this Mun- | self trimmed 4 and 5 years. regularly at $500. \We have seven suits of this one size. GAPS AT 15¢ Odd sizes in boys' and mens' caps many serge and fancy tweeds regular 23¢ to 20c ----ee ~ : Tm, SOUVENIR (NEW IDEA SERIES) certainly does OME folks dread the winter-- : s - S i ie" the furnace troubles el imi nate Antiquated heating Det ane fu rnac e, bothers tainly a nuisance. sometimes deadly gas fumes, all over ot air like a breeze the house. Or across a desert waste--poisonous, dry, health-destroying air. All because conservaslve manufacturers would ~~ hot consider New Ideas in heating. The SOUVENIR furnace makes the hot alt system the healthiest, cheapest Every buyer of a Souvenir Furnace is presemted wich a legal bond on date of pup. chase, guaraniecing Arepol 0gainst cracks or breaks of any kind for 5 years. It's built right--A solid, one-piece iron fre. tar i ating surface. © to radi- The grate is simplicity itsel{--aghes dumped by a simple turn of the lever No place for clinker troubles, From base to di SOUVENIR furmace Js 10E, cvery Ask for our new booklet, The SOUVENIR Furnace is made in Hamilton, the stove cenire of Canada, by The Hamilton Stove and Heater Co. _80LD BY W. L PARISH DEFECTIVE VISION |, DJ SCOUNT OF . Causes more headaches than all bodily ailments, ~The remedy is roperly fitted glasses. We can Hit" vou. .1 Ed 20C per ton ON: og Scranton Coal