SURE SIGNS OF KIDNEY TROUBLE If your back is constantly aching and 1f you experience. 'dull shootiug pains, your kidneys are out-of order. . If your urine is thick and cloudy, or 'your pass- ages frequent, scanty and painful, your kidneys and bladder are out of order. Neglect soon brings on rheumatism, dia- betes, lumbago, sciatica; etc. Mrs, John Wagner, of 110 Hollis St, Halifax, N.S., 'says = "Dull shooting pains would catch tne across the small part of my back, aud extend into my 'shoulders and neck, often causing me to "suffer with severe headaches and spells of dizzinéss. Spots would dazle before my eyes and everything. else would turn Dlack. woud fall fo the floor and be unable to get up aan without assistance A friend told me of Bootl's Kiduey Pilis, so 1 began their use. The first box gave me relieand + = am mow well and strong" mR TTT TEM All dry; sell Booth's ney Pills s0C box with a guar: antes to 37 / THURSDAY | FRIDAY and | ' SATURDAY] Take 'in the Beauty Show at McINTYRE'S when you come to the PORT PERRY FAIR. FIRST CLASS FARM FOR SALE, The undersigned offers for sale his fine farm being the North-half of lot 18, con 4 Reach, containing 100 acres more or less, on which is erected a splendid, commodious Brick Residence containing all modern conveniences., a new Barn 40 x80, hip-roof, stone foundation, and stables the whole size of the building, one large and one small Driving House. The soil is goed clay loam 1n a high state of cultivation. An Orchard, Hard and Soft Water convenient. This fine pro- perty is situate at Prince Albert Albert, close to the railways station and is within one mile of Port Perry. . Posssession to plow forthwith and full possesior this fall. For full particulars apply to the proprie- tor on the premises. * JAS. MCCULLOCH, Prince Albert, Ont. SEALED TENDERS addresssd to the undersigned, endorsed, * Tender for Dredging, Port Hope, Ont." will be received until Monday, September 18 -1911,at 4 p.m, for dredging required at Port Hope, Ont. 'Tenders will not be considered unless old | yiade of the forms supplied, and signed |e Sear with the actual signatures of the 1 Combined specification and form of tender can be obtained on application to ent 'of Public Works, Oua "Tenders must include es can be employed re Canada at the Formal Opening Display of Fall The new hats that will crowd the Millinery Showroom Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, will be more than mere aggregations of trimmings. masterhand inta creations of They are individual prod ctions wrought wi visible grace. Come and see the Beauty Show while it is at its best. As ever in the McIntyre Millinery the extreme is and the models exhibited sound the fashion 'note for the whole season. Qpening was the large variety of styles, each with an individuality of its own. will be the best we have ever made, and the prices were never more reasonable. the woman of moderate purse. Hats this season are smaller and trimmed higher. up all round, and a conical shaped crown--called the " Mother Goose " shape, The great feature of The showing There is nothing Millinery th the cunning of a avoided cur Spring this week to frighten "One of the most popular is a small hat with brim turned White will be extremely popular, in fact such is the demand in the cities, where the openings are earlier, that white felt shapes are very soarce on the market. Specials for Port Perry Fair Visitors You can go one better than the man in the old saying--you can kill Three birds with one stone. You can take in the Fair--sce the McIntyre Millinery --and secure the special bargains below, all in one day. White Lawn Waists 39c White lawn waists, plain tailored. Two rows of insertion in tront. Closes in front under panel of lawn A) Back is pleated. p) 8) Sizes 32 to 42. 89c Made of excellent quality wrap- perette in black and white, navy These wrappers are well made and pat- and white, grey and white. taffeta terns good. and $1.50. Price 39c good common sense handles. Regular value $1.25 | sell them right along at §1.25. Women's Wrappers| Men's and Women's Umbrellas 95¢ It may not rain on Fair Day, but it's bound to some day soon. These umbrellas are made of strong cotton , with best quality ribs and We Special price §§c 4 SEAGRAVE Nearly all our visitors to the National Exhibition, returned on Saturday or Monday, and all de- clare it excellent, especially the Coronation Procession and the Guards Band. Mrs. J. Calder left on Friday, to visit old friends in Myrtle, Brook- lin and Toronto, and will probably remain away all winter. There was no service in our church on Sabbarh, as the Pleasant Point congregation were holding their Anniversary. Next Sunday Mr. A. W. Smart conducts. the service at 7 o'clock. Miss Ettle Aldred is visiti.g friends in Toronto. Our Pastor took the Circuit work on Suu lay, Mr. Rus el Martin former P. S. teacher here, is spending a few days in our midst. = He intends taking the Normal School course this year, We understand Mr. Jas. Muuro has sold his valuable farm at Bethel to Mr. W, Bruce, of Cart- wright, for $9,000. We all regret Mr, Munro's final departure from our midst, as he has been a good neighbor. : Mr, Delve attended the District meeting, at Whitby, on Friday. Mrs, Johmston is enjoying lengthened holiday in the city. _ Thos. Heatlie, of Port Hoover, is 'engaged at John Short's finishing the carpenter work at the house. Mr, Fred. Lyle has rented the Manilla a farm recently worked by Jno. Mc- Lean; for a term of years... eve: 1. of onr v went overto Pleasant Point on Monday, ) a good time. . W. MCINTYRE | AT THE Election matters are growing warmer as September 21 approaches On Saturday night next a meeting is announced, for our village in the interest of Mr. Fowke. Mr. Wm. Pollock won distinctton at the Toronto Exhibition, by win- ning First Prize with his splendid two year old filly in a large class. Well done Seagrave? All were pleased with the fine papers given by F. Snyder and A. Smart at our League meeting on Thursday night. This week Mr. T. H. Watson talks on the interest- ing subjecy of '*Missions". Mr. Watson has purchased large quantities of crab apples of fine quality for shipping purposes, SCUGOG Once more Pettit's Pt. is deserted the last cottager leaving on Satur- dav. The bricklayers have completed ther work on the addition to Mr, J. Plowman's home. Messrs H Demara and O. Stone attended the Toronto Exhibition to- gether. Mr. Arthur Roy, Ottawa has been There you have the decisive verdict of a practical builder and contrac- tor--the verdict of a man whose knowledge of the science of heating largely determines his income. He always installs THE RIGHT GOODS RIGHT PRICE --~------] (New Idea Series) --It means quick sales furnace --is con- structed in such a way that the maxi- mum heat diffusion is secured with minimum fuel consumption. SOUVENIR Grates the SOUVENIR in houses built on spec' for the simple reason that this furnace means quick sales. staying at the home Mr. McLaren. Mrs, Loftens, of Winnipeg, visited Mrs. Robt. Jackson. Miss Mable Crozier visited friends Every buyer of a Souvenir 'urnace is presented with o legal bond on date of pur- chase, guarantees: against cracks or br any kind for 5 years. are simple, strong and easy to oper- ate. It's always safe to installa SOUVENIR fur- naee because it is t ile in Toronto during the Exhibition. 'Mr. Geo Sweetnan has engaged Hugh Patterson a young Scotch- mag to work for him. Mr. Vickery, of Port Perry bas assumed the duties of teacher of | Scugog Sec. No.1. On Wednesday Sept. 6th the Maple Grove School reopened with The SOUVENIR possesses many points of superiority that appeal strongly to discrimin- ating buyers on sight. The Firepot -- the heart of the THE HAMILTON STOVE 10 . uccessars to Gurney-' SW VP Sat always'\install" de SOUVEN L generally known to effeet a saving of 25%, to 50%, in fuel consumption. Let us send you our new booklet, The SOUVENIR fumace is made in Hamilton, the stove centre of Canada, by & HEATER COMPANY . Limited Co. SOLD BY W. L. PARRISH, PORT PERRY Mr: Hardy, of Oakwood as teacher. He is boarding at the home of Mr. pct. ackson, e Canadian voter was perhaps us at the present Won Sweepstakes at Toronto Exhibition Mr. Jos Stone, of Saintfield, is to be congratulated on his suceess in +} winning prizes on his cattle at Tor- onto Exhibition. He earried home first prize on yearling" steer, 3rd prize on 2 year-old steer, and Sweep- stakes for best steer on-the grounds. Send the Star to -Absent, Friends What Happened 'To Jones And a lot of other : People Is Described In 0G HOME PAPER STIs TAKE IT REGULARLY, i a