UNDING TOWNSHI ONESDAY, SEPTEMBER a7, ioir. § (Mr. Wm. Smith, of Columbus, ~~ elected by an estimated "majority 61370 in South Ontario Canadians have said that they da not want Reciprocity in matural products with the Unmited States, They have made the most emphatic expression on this question that has been made flor many years. Having made this decisicn it is ours to accept defeat gracefully." The attitude of the Star has been to discuss the issue before the people without heat or personality. - Both sides of the question have beea placed be- {fore the people as fairly as could be. As we favored the reciprocity agreement, naturally the best we could say was said for the side in which we believed. The electors did not agree with our conclusions. We accord to them the- same «courtesy we wish for ourselves--the courtesy of a fair hearing without imputing motives that are unworthy of men. ond M cphive wit stop. Diarrhoea and Dysentery, but' remove the cause, NyaFs Wild Sk ompo nd contains' no "opiates, but. by its antiseptic qualities 'removes poi- jon osits from the bowels. Its healing Al ng tion' soon restores the bowels toa normal condition. © ny "We know what Nyal's Wild Strawberry Compound will do, and that is why we so cheertully recommend it'to you. EDW. B. FLINT ~~ Scientific Optician and Druggist The shouting is over and in a short time responsibilty i. === | will have begua. Then the enthusiasm will be but a memory RDA LL || to inspire, not a guide to solve the problems of office. i. rT i Te g : i | (| A V : E : Y ' S ; Those who bgoke their party ties should receive the il Na ahs respect due to men who are willing to be guided by what they yr ROYAL ; PU RPLE a believe to be right rather than by blind party allegiance. The 7 J : NT Conservatives would not be in power to-day were it not for We have secured the agency for the Rayal Purple I the fact that many Liberals voted against their party. It is a Stock Foods, and auld * aie 2 Purple a Food ll| matter of good policy if nothing else to be courteous to those = bod rer Jatstior fo EA for ailments of the i who oppose us, else their opposition may become permanent | Bowels, 'Sto ch, Kidagys; of horses, cattle, hogs, and bitter, k | and sheep. ~ We want you to dry a package and see the) ------ fi result, Per: package H0e per tin $1.50: Mr. Wm. Smith's majority was about 370, the largest Royal Purple Poultry cifice--Excels every given by South Ontario to a candidate, at least for many known preparation as an egg producer... It is a sure road | years. The demonstration given in honor of Mr. Smith was ll to success. Per package 50c. A sve and spied cure] quite in keepirig with the big majority he received, very large Royal le hr Bl Cure ~ in Float such as heaves, [flland very enthusiastic. Hers hoping he may live up to the a ie at the nose." || high expectations of his friends. - We shall watch his political rple Lice Killer --nicans death to Lice, will | career with interest. Me on an | a am, ice 00 Smale and pouluy., fil - A word in your ear, Mr. Liberal. Don't be down- = Ui hearted, and don't let the other fellow * jolly" you until you {are sore and show it. It is fifteen years since the Conserva- [tives have been in power in the Dominion. Naturally they {feel jubilant, aod some may enjoy seeing you squirm as they tell you for the fortieth time that they have rescued the coun- Lom ruin and ion. * # tell try | ALL SIZES OF NEW. Yon have probably been fighting fur what you believed to be a thing. "If that is the kind of fight you have been 2 fo , you will not give up because you have been beaten. You will save your strength, add to your knowledge, be courteous to * opponents (even if they forget to do the same), and then pide your time. refor, | brought about after much failure and by infinite patience and : One thing has been accomplished -- Reciprocity has been brought before the people, and they cannot help think- {ing of it and making comparisons as facts daily come before | their eyes. - The people will think more, and having broken | party ties once they will more readily do so again, EAE Of course, greatest heresy according to some, is to think for yourself, but the world has blessed many of its heretics---after they ad. igures are not official, are the most reliable blished. reforms are generally f To the premises of Mr. Frank|Temp month ago, yearling "wamaen OF CANADA A Savings Bank Department at Every Branch, » Port Perry Branch: . #8. 6. GE SON Blackstock Branch } Ww. J. WHITE, Nestleton Station Branch Acting Manager, Branches alse at oI manville, Oshawa, Brathay. Claremont. ITEMS OF INTEREST FOR HORSEMEN AND OTHERS There is a farmer who lives near self to be master of his business, trouble he has taken. bis work, and does not Seagrave who has shown him- and he has been well repaid tor the That man is Wm. Pollock, He 1s enthusiastic in believe in doing things by halves, About six years ago he undertook to raise some good horses. He knew that good colts do not come from poor mares, made him spend $500 to buy an imported mare of fine that time the progeny of that mare has been sold for § Pretty good interest on an investment of 8500. Every little while you see Wm Po] winners at Fall Fairs, took first on his colt--a $600. That knowledge quality. Since 2400, which ig ock's name among the prize Recently he went to Toronto Exhibition, and prize of some $40--and then sold the animal for If you were to suggest to some farmers that they would tell you that they don't like to risk so animel might die. It is probaple it would. man who doesd': take care of his stock. they buy a $500 mare much money. The Bad luck does ehase the Good mares are too scarce, and the big price they command has tempted many to part with their animals wheo they should have beea kept on the farm to make more money for the farmer. a ---------------------- Knock Me When I'm Dead The following selection was handed to us for an esteemed subscriber I've noticed when a fellow dies, no matter what he's been, A saintly chap or one whose life was deeply steeped in sin, His friends forget the bitter words they spoke but yesterday, And straightway find a maltitude of pretty things to say, I fancy when I go to rest, someone will bring to light Some kindly word or goodly act, long buried out of sight, But if it's all the same to you, just g've to me instead "I'he beuquets while I'm living, and the knocking when I'm dead. publication by Don't save your kisses to imprint upon my marble brow, While countless maledictions are hurled upon me now, Say just one kindly word to me while I mourn here alone, And don't save all your enlogies to carve upon a stone. What do [ care if when I'm dead, the P, and G. Gazerre Gives me a write up with a cat in mourning border set, It will not flatter me a bit, no matter what is said, 80 kindly throw your bouquets now, and knock me when I'm dead. It may be fine when one is dead to have the folks talk so, To have the fiowers come in loads from relatives you know, It may be nice to have these things from those you leave behind * But just so far as I'm concerned, I really do not mind. I'm quite alive and well to-day, and while I linger here, Lend me me n helping band at 1imes, give me a word of cheer. Just change the game a little vit, just kindly swap the decks, For I'll be no judge of flowers when I've cashed in my checks. NOTICE Additional Locals Old England Lodge No 9. * 5 Mrs. McEachern will receive on 5 0.5 roe Wet ngs the first and second Friday of each o esd . - month, beginning with Friday, As matters of interest and |Qctober the sixth. concern to every Brother willl" My. and Mrs. J. C. Macnab and be discussed, a full attendanceliittle son, of. Uxbridge, have re- of - 'members is . requested, [turned home after spending three H. Doubt T J Wilden weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Letcher : : Sorrate Alfred Shrubb, the English run- Pres, Cretary | ner, has been enjoying a duck TRAYED [fhoton Lake Scupor S R The local Women's Christian \ mpé Union wish to thank who so kindly assisted oviding the supper for the pro- public on. Fair' night: The fet 'eon 11 Reach alt ¢ same by iden si town fora shoot, * 1 [Sxpatites Apply. to|proceeds were about $60. ; 0 B LEE 1 Mr. McCorquodaie, of Markham, papi bods