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Port Perry Star, 4 Oct 1911, p. 5

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INABLE FURS AND FUR COATS. ON DAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY, OCTOBER sth, 6th, 7th our immense stock of New furs will be displayed in the Fur Department on the second floor. While the weather at present may not indicate it, still the calendar assures us that the fur season will soon be here. Furs are very practical, and a good investment if they are of reliable quality.' This store has for years had a reputation for dependable merchandise. = Every piece of fur is exactly as repre- is warranted to give the utmost service for the sented, and the fur you buy money. © Whether you wish to buy or not, examine our stock while it is at its best. FUR SETS ~~ Mink Marmot Throwover scarf, 64 inches long, "lined with brown satin, Price $5.00 : Mink Marmot 'Muff, Empire shape, lined to ~match scarf, silk wrist cord. Price $5.00 ------------ . Western. Sable Stole, 82 inches long, heavily furred, satin lined, trimmed with paws and four tails, Fre bond Price $16.00 Western Sable Muff to match. $8.00 RRR Western Sable Ruff, double fur on neck, front is satin lined, trimmed with four tails. Price $10.00 Empire Muff to match. Price $8.00 LE ~~ Grecian Mink Stole, in new collarless style, shapes well into the neck at back, extending 7 inches, front trimmed with six tails, Tength 54 inches. lined with satin, Price $6.00 "Empire Muff to match, satin lined, trimmed with _ heads and tails. Price $6.00 Wallaby Throwover Scarf, 66 inches long, paddle shaped: ends, a rich, soft, fur in natural color, lined with satin. - Empire Muff to match. Price $5.00 Price $5.00 » ALASKA SABLE SET $25.00 Natural Sable Throwover Scarf, 52 inches long, lined with brown satin, a splendid fur for the money, Price $10.00 Large Imperial Muff to match, heavily furred, satin lined. Price $15.00 Alaska Sable Ruff, 66 inches long, neck piece is double furred. fronts satin lined, ttimmed with heads and ten tails. This is No. 1 quality Alaska Sable and a beautiful fur. Price $18.00 Imperial shaped Muff to match, made of fine, selected skins, form of best quaiity down, satin lined, Price $20.00 PONY SETS - $16.00 Through an exceptional opportunity in buying, we are able to offer you a set of this fashionable fur at a price greatly below the regular value. Ties are made of best quality Russian Pony, in either crossover or straight front style, lined with black satin. Muffs are trimmed with black satin bands, fin- ished with frills of satin at the ends. Price per Set $15,00 we cordially invite you to come in and Persian Paw Tie, 42 inches long, fronts divided at bottom; a very stylish neck piece. 6 i Empire Muff to match. $6.00. _~ MOTHERS PRESERVE YOUR CHILDREN'S % "HAIR A E mother should see that her <hildren's hair is dressed with Parisian Hair restorer and 8 itfle:neglect on your now, mdy-mean "loss of beauty when your girl grows up. 'PREVENTION BETTER THAN es CURB Parisian. Sage is 4 rigidly guaranteed Baie ot smi coms al A cre pl g to man. i Sr chm a foie rr he sells at SoZ, and Stands. seadv to refund your money if it fails to'do its work. By mail « postpard from Giroux ring Co, uit Eric, Dot. Ses that the Gidl_with 'Auburn. Hair ison every age + Sold and guaranteed by E. B. Flint; Ee AUCTION SALES Mr. Jos. Kennedy Lot 9, con 4, Reach, has decided to give up farm: ing, and is offering all. his farm stock anid implements for sale by public auction on Friday, Octobér 6 at 1 pm. The offering: includes pattigome guod horses and" cattle, Geo. Jackson, Auctioneer Seven Mile Island has been sold and Mrs. Albert Stevens will offer for sale by public anction her farm stock, implements and some house- hold furniture at lot 8, com 11, Scugog, known as Seven Mile Island on Tuesday, Oct 24, Sale at one o'clock. Geo Jackson Auctioneer Mr. J. 8. Pollock, lot 5, eon 5, Cartwright, will: sell by public auction on Friday, Oct. 13, I91I, all his farm stock, implements, and some household furniture. ~ Sale at one o'clock. Mr. Pollock is giv- ing up farming and everything will be sold. without reserve. Geo Jackson, Auctioneer. Mr. Cephas Butt will sell by pub- lic auction at lot 23; con 11, Reach, on Tuesday, Oct 10, 1911; all his farm stock, Implements ete. Sale to commence at 1.0'clock, .. George Jackson, Auctioneer W.C T. U Does Local Option Kill A Town? Liskeard is considering a Local Option by-law, and the subject was debated at a recent meeting of the board of trade of that town. According to the speaker a certain Mr, Montgomery who espoused the antl side made the statement that "some 900 people had departed from the town of Orillia owing to the fact that Local Option is in force there, and Orillia wags in a fair way of going to te wall «ince the citizens had decided to trv ¢; 4 water wagon" This is & f+:r sampis-of the lies that are told iu ord r td discredit Local Option. 'But asa rule such state- me ts are not made publicly or so far from voting day. We give a few statistics for the henefi; of Lisk- eard people and other outsiders who may be interested in:the facts. Far from.going back the year's assess ments roll shows an increase of al- most 800. in. Orillia's population, which is now nearly 6,500.. When Local Option first came into force thefe only abou. 5,000. The with erysipelas, having been con- assessment has gone 'up a round million prin gh year. Official statisties show that there was more |bwiding dope in' Oriltia in 1910 .| than"any other'town in the Province, Welland. The bh A Pk F. W, MCINTYRE THE FAVORITE LAXATIVE One at Night Makes the Next Day Bright 0 Charge if It Doesn't Because of its extremely gentle and effective action, Rexall Orderlies have me the most popular Remedy for Constipation. . We are so positive that Rexall Order- lies will do all that is claimed for them that we positively guarantee to hand back the money you paid us for them upon Jour mere request, If you are not entirely satisfied. Rexall Orderlies are eaten like candy, are very pleasant to the taste, do not Rripe, cause niusea, or any other annoy- ance usually experienced when ordinary cathartics are used. Rexall Orderlies have a positive regu- lative effect upon the bowels and tend to provide permanent relief from Constip- ation and the myriad of associate ail- ments. Besides, they help to overcome the necessity of the conatant use of laxatives to keep the bowels in normal condition. We honestly believe there is no similar medicine so good as Rexall Orderlies, especially for children, aged, or delicate people. They are prepared in convenient tablet form in three sizes of packages. Prices, 10c; 25¢; and 50c. Why not try them at our risk on our guarantee! Remember, Rexall Remedies can be obtained in this community only at our store--The Rexall Store. A. |. Davis PRINCE ALBERT Mr. D. L. Williams is quite. ill fined tothe house for some time. "Mr. and Mrs, Moriey Campbell, of Edmonton, have been visitin Mr. J. C. Campbell. Mr. Campbell received a hearty welcome from | bis: many friznds here who remem er him as one of the volunteers at the the time of the Boer War. rs. Braund and little son of say. are visiting Mr J; C ot » ' ouse by: placing -a cement ] bik: Edwin Hartry is improvin foundation under it and making repairg. jutant Sa of the Salva- n Army is-again with "us and ill conduct the service in. the i church. ere on_Sunday APERINES.-- We are showing this season an especially large range of this sensible style, so comfortable for those driving. Mrs. Claughton and Miss Nettie are visiting in Unionville. Mr. A. Bagshaw, of the Bank of Montreal, King City, was a recent visitor at C. Aslings. Mrs. Gale, Bowmanville, called on friends here on Thursday. Mrs. W. Foster, Uxbridge, is spending a few days with Miss K. Terry. Miss Minnie Lambe has returned to Toronto, after spending a few days with her mother. A number of our young people attended the Epworth League convention in Unionville, last week Mr. and Mrs. Boyes, of Man- chester. spent Sunday at S. Wil- son's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Mole, Ashburn spent Sunday with Wm. Costello. SEAGRAVE Mr. Wesley Frise recently pur- chased a new White engine for his threshing outfit. It is working splendidly and giving every sat. islaction, Wes is having a big run this season, Mr. Arthur Miller continues very poorly, in spite of the best medical aid, Mr. W. McCoy is busy filling silos chese days, for the fortunate farmers who grew corn and baile their silos. He is using ;W. Frise's old engine and cutter. Mr. and Mrs. John Osborne speut Sunday at A. Miller's. Mr. J. H, Brown spent last week in Manvers and Cartwright, erect- ing windmills, . Mr. Earnest Wooidridge, left on Monday for Toronto, to attend the Ontario Vetinary College. All wish him suceess, An old Seagrave boy, Mr. Herbert Cobb, probationer of the Sashutche- wan Conference, preached an inter- esting and instructive sermon on Sunday night'to a' good _andience. Herb has been preaching in the West for 'two years: with good College, Belleville to pursue his studies. His many friends were pleased to see him 'again, and he received a very cordial welcome. Mr. Morley MeDongall of Toronto Success, and now goes to Albert] From $5.00 to $18.00. Mr. Cephas Butt is baving his sale on Tuesday next, October 10th All regret his early departure to Port Perry. Mr. Donnie McDougall of Salem is visiting at T. H Watsons, and is improving after his recent illness. The Epworth League held a very enjoyable social on Thursday even- ing. Fxcellent addrestes were delivered by Reve. 8. T. Tucker, ot Greenwood. and R. McCulloch, of Greenbank. Music was furnished by local talent. It being the hirth- day of our District 4th Vice-Presi- dent, Mr. Smart, he took advantage ot the occasion to provide refresh- ments for the meeting, giving cake, coffee, sandwiches biscuits, etc. All report a really good time. Mr Willie Watson is attending the Ontario Business College, at Belleville again. . Our pastor and family ret fcom Ovono on Friday. oo Mirs Gertie Beadle had her arm broken while playing at home. , . Mr. 8. Eaton and family recently moved into the house lately occupied by Mrs. McKin'ey. : Mr, Watson's storehouse is creep- ing up. Messrs McKinnon, Me- Taggart and A. Martyn are doing the work. ' Mr. Jas, Broad, of Lindsay, is visiting his daughters, Mp, R. Martin and Mrs. 8. Wooldridge. Mrs. J. Calder is back with Mrs. Mitchell, atter a visit South. Best arrangements are being made for our snniversary om Oct. 15 and 16, Rav Robins, of Black st: ck will preach and Miss Jessie Alexand r, Canada's premier Elo- cutionist i* engaged. - Also Sonya Ladies' Quartett, and other talent which will be announced next week Miss M. Short and Miss E. Stevens are spending the week in Toronto. Q 0. Give the young folks a boost. Lat them have an education of the.right 'kind --00 waits tin.é, no useless ¢x- was home for a short visit. pense--$30--3 months, Se

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