"The Red River Coat is a pictureqi model for small boys. It is made of soft Navy Blue Black Mackinaw, lined thoughout "ib red flan nel. The hood is also lined with red and the smart pipings are of the same color. Double breasted style with:shoulder epaulets and close fitting a Sizes 4. 5. 6. and 1. years. s' College Ulster wi? CONVERTIBLE COLLAR he great feature of this coat is the collar which can be used in three different ways --as a high storm collar, a turn down college collar, or" the regulation lapel collar, according to weather" - conditions. Made of heavy all wool Tweed' with greenish brown cast and red or fawn stripes Sizes 26, 28, $5.50. 29, 30, $6.00. 31, 33, $700 34, 35, $8.00 rare opportunity to secure. a sylish at at a saving. "ON SALE NOW 26%. OFF MEN'S SHIRTS, NIGHTGOWNS AND PYJAMAS We are the only merchants in Port Perry handling the W. G. & R. shirts. This brand of shirts and collars is widely known as the best in Canada. They fit perfectly at the collar, the body is roomy and comfortable, and the materials are perfectly fast colored. NEGLIGEE SHIRTS--made from ex- cellent quality percale in fancy stripes in blue,grey,green,also plain blue chambry,coat shirt style. Sizes 14 to 17. Price $1.00 NEGLIGEE SHIRTS--in a large range of patterns, in tan, blue, grey; fancy stripes, plain or pleated bosom, also neat stripes and figures in black and white. Coat shirt style. Sizes 14 to 18. Price $1.26 FLANNEL OUTING SHIRTS--made from fine grade of Ceylon flannel in fawn, brown or blue, with narrow white pin stripe, made coat shirt style. Sizes 144 to 16. Price $2.00. MEN'S FLANNELETTE NIGHT- GOWNS -- in fancy stripes of fawn, blue, grey or pink, good, ample sizes. Sizes 14 to 17. Price $1.00- FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS -- made from heavy weight material in two pieces, tunic fastens with pearl buttons. pants fas- ten at top with drawstring. Sizes 36 to 42. Price $1.50. 'Men's and Boys' Underwear TURNBULL'S SPECIAL FOR BOYS Turnbull's all wool unshrinkable undeiwear for boys. Fine quality wool free from burrs, double breasted shirts. Satin facing on shirts and drawers. Shirts and drawers. Sizes 20, 22. Each 40c. Size 24, 26, 28. Each 50c, 30, 32. Each 60c. BOY'S NATURAL WOOL UNDERWEAR Boy's natural wool underwear unshrinkable, made of fine botany wool ribbed cuffs and ankles, double breasted shirts. Shirts and drawers trimmed with Satin. Size 20, 22 Each 50c. 22, 24 Each 65c. 26, 28. Each 75c. KLOSED KROTCH COMBINATION FOR MEN This is a new departure in combination under- wear, and a great improvement on the old style This garment is closed in the crotch like ordinary drawers and just as comfortable to wear, made of all wool yarn, unshrinkable, ribbed cuffs and ankles. Sizes 36 to 42, per garment $2.50 FLEECE LINED UNDERWEAR Mens fleece lined shirts and drawers, good winter weight, soft wool fleece lining, single breasted. Well finished in every way. Shirts and drawers all sizes. Each 50c £ Underwear, Gloves. and Hosiery. LADIES' UNDERWEAR INFANTS & CHILDREN'S HEAVY COTTON UNDERWEAR # INFANTS' VESTS. fge. 28¢ EACH Big lot of seconds and sample © Worhen's cotton underwear in grey or | infants' grey wool vests, buttoned 'white. © Vest is made full fashioned, soft and | 21! the way Sown front, 3 mos. to smooth inside, . Drawers to match in grey or } youl, Tov oT price 3, 25¢ white. All sizes. . Each 25c. Childs' warm' vest in -durable quality of unshrinkable wool. Well WOMEN'S MERINO VEST, 60c EACH | fashioned, long sleeves, buttoned Women's fine merino vest, a mixture. of ; front. Sizes 16, 18 each gfe. cotton and wool, made in natural color. Steet 20, 22 cach 40, ¢ Size 26, each §Qc. Children's Plush Sleepers Children's one . piece sleeping garment, made of soft. fleece-lined stockinette, * Closed with button fastenings dawa and across back: A warm, comfortable garment for the youngster, 4 to 7 years, gc. 8 to g years, gfc- INFANTS' BOOTEES, 15¢ Infants' bootees, crochetted from fine soft wool, in white "or mixed -eglors, Bos pry FW, MCINTYRE fell-made high neck and buttoned front. Sizes 82, to 38, each 50¢c. Drawers to match h 60c URAL WooL VESTS, $1.00 EACH Women's ' natural 'wool vests, "naturalf , color, tnshrinkable. = Made in plain weave fashioned to fit the figure. One of our best sellers and: gives exceptionally serviceable} wear. Size 32, 42, each $1.00. Drawers to 'match each $1.00 WOMEN'S COMBINATION SUITS, $100) pe Women's merino combinations:in cream} close weave and soft finish carefully shaped. Absolutely unshrinkable, and g winter weight. Size 32, to 38. "Each Very few churches the size o PROSPECT can boast of a ladies' A ch as we have, Another very sccessful meeting" was held on' 1a" ine sun 20 people sat fn to the ptuous Tepast by Mrs Somerville.' eV White, 'of Oshawa, who Been spending a few weeks at x Martin's has returned home Mo ohn Thompson, of Wick, days w Somer- We uaderstand that Me. Albert Thaxter intends ?) ne pis + EE rueDy aid a wh | Epon ar eng sde the reds] . PRINOR ALBERT Mr. William Taylor, of the Tor- onto World was calling on his old id | friend Mr. Raben Bond oa Batarday Our enterprising farmer 'Mr. Geo. McKay: two valuable milk cows on Friday at the large salé held in Port Perry. Miss Irene Belknap sang "yery sweetly a solo on Sanday afternoon at the church, We are pleased to report that Mr Senge Kilpatrick down af Cedar is improving nicely. ca Sunday School 'gave an ex- on temperance ony. Fey ri" 4 af Jouist day of the. "year among: the "lr We Mores wa 1a th city last week on business. - : J shiciy vised a Me, 'Thos. White's Miss Elsie Forman made.a flying visit to Toronto on Monday lass, Mr. Milton Balfore is working with Mr. Boyce, of Port Perry fot the winter. We were. to see Mr. Isaac Wheeler of Edmonton, in our village lately. Mr, and Mrs. Trevarton have moved to their home in the village. "A number of 'handsome monu- ments are being erected in the cemetery. ' - 'Miss Annie Webster visited Mrs. Ramer last week. Mr. and Mrs. 'F. Franklin, of regret the ili of M ye snd hope reat rr onbe uly od Telephone line is being crected through onr village the choir y RE Miss 8. Tewkesbury spent the week-end at home, - Miss Evelyn Turner spent the week-end with friends at Manilla Mrs. Coomb has returned to her home in the village, The choir of Prince Albert isin the habit of holding socisl evenings at the homes of the mem- bers, Miss Ads Coombe will entertain the choir this week. An enjoyable evening is anticipated as usual. Miss Frieda Savage entertained a few friends (<n Monday evening. 'Mr.'R. J. Harury, wife and daugh- ter attended the Thank Offering at Pinedale 1ast Sunday. 8 Grace Burnett is attending School at Port Perry. "SEE-------- FINGERBOARD The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs G. Smith on Thursday atter- noon in spite of the blustery weather there was a very gooa attendance, Mrs. A. Gillson, and Mrs. D, Stevens attended the Womens' In- .|s'ftute meeting at Mrs, Melville was | Gillsons and report a very pleasant and profitable time. Miss Leiilian Webster, of Oakwood gave a dem- oustration on the making of candy which was very interesting, both in watching the process of making the candy, as well as the disposing of it, next meeting will be neld at the home of Mrs, KonKle, at Soy, "A mookle contest to be held" ladies and bring. your an exchange of Cheigt- pe which will be. very inter esting. ar oe 1 'sports are improving er lesiure time in roaming the Ae funding rabbits. which ace- Mrs. George Smith and T. Muase visited friends at Port Perry om Friday last Miss Edna Smith has rettrned to her home in Toronto. Miss Mary King, Cadmus, is visit- ing her brothers Messrs. Frank and Duke at Pleasant Point. Mr. W B. Galloway held a sale of hardwood on Wednesday last|h which was a decided success he having disposed of some eight acres of ti mer to the neighbors; this tran- saction will keep our boys employed for the winter, and the inhabitants will be bearing the old time music of the chopping axe and cross cat saw of pioneer days. Our local telephone subscribers held a meeting at the home of W B Galloway on Thursday evening for for the purpose of discussing busi- ness matters in connection with the telephone system, which is becoming such a convenience in rural districts several new rules were proposed and the Officers were elected for the en- suring year; for President Mr. C. Moase and Becretary Mr. H. Will-| y, jams, Fall ploughing and threshing are about a.] done, the roots sre all har- vested, and the farmers are prepar- ing for a good time, just attend the stock, and in the meantime, amuse themselves, playing checkers and sitting areund the kitcken fire, and then they are not satisfied; but wish for the good old summer time. ae THIN HAIR * A LIBERAL OFFER the hair thins out on the top of the spot is _gettibg CAUSE FOR ALARM Loss of Appetite or Distress After Eat- ing a Symptom That Should not Be Disregarded foruppetite | is just a natural desire stomach tress afer eating indents dyspepsia. Over: ba dangerous to a pe 13 if | It is not what you eat but what you di- and assimilate has does you good. ome of the strongest, heaviest, and healthiest persons are moderate nd There is nothing that will cause ae on than a disordered stom contract dies simply Awd thou, bh disregard We urge all i in Port Perry from any Scamach dey ion, or dyspe, chronic, to try Rexall Dyspepsia. with the distract will refund their without or formality, if after reasonable this medicine, they are mot satisfied with the results. We mend them to our customeérs and have yet to hear of nT ne one has not been benefitted by them ly believe them to be without They ge very prompt relief, ize the gastnc juices, the digestive organs, to bowels, aad | thus to promote trition, and eradicate all "unhealth, symploms. try 8 35. bax urge you to all Dyspepsia Tablets, which days treatment. At the end of your money will be refunded to You are not swiitfed. of ronic cases, we have two Lr you can obtain Rexall Remedies in community only at our store--The all Store. A. » Davis Otte. i Belial i who angement, whether ¢ hi fi Fp 2 sk 2 Ii Peg A BARGAIN INDEED Two cents a week is exactly what it costs to guarantee you the greatest treat yon ever enjoyed. That small BTOW | amount per week or one dollar a year will' sectre You. 3 amount of n : had on this C