A A Mo SE adil "Mock, at par, on from date o rE desi NATION SE ONAL tion Vite ras, DRON To t_controliing Natural ot Ws Sacuritied before fons. ot on 'this investment. castes 7 stock will pa; on' the market We are higher profits. 1 sy % . % 3 Mri at I ~ CORPORATION, LIMITED : "30 Board of Trade Bidg., MONTREAL In the New Home You want the best when starting in the new home, Above all, you want that home to be snug and warm and comfortable. You are sure bf warmth Smokeless Oil Heater. The Perfection is the best and most reliable heater made." It is a sort of portable fireplace. It is ready night and day. Just strike a match and light The Perfection is all aglow in a minute. ¢ the wick. The Perfection Oil Heater automatic device prevents that. It room and is is equally suitable for any nickel trimmings; RFECTIQ SMOKELESS fished, with or plain drums of cither turquolse-blue enamel and comfort with a Perfection does not smell nor smoke--a patent can be carried easily from room to room inthe house. Handsomely Apis do ets Sti r ferection 4 Sra Becca otany The Queen hr 08 Coun, Limited pa; "CLOSE QUARTERS OR, THE HOUSE IN THE RUE BARBETTE CHAPTER VIII. --(Cont'd) 'Even the . self-possessed Turk sould not conceal his amazement at «she manner. in which ett" strange vis- 'tar conducted, hims 'That i is a point we. have not yet decided?" "he said. "We ate "atrdngely unwilling to take the life of wx a brave man as yourself. If we were assured of your silence, we hop even be' disposed to permit | Lo. escape this time, with a exon warning not. «to cross our path, 'again. "But. we feel that cle- mency is out-of the question, There w» ls'one.hope--a slight one,:it is true wive--which may permit us to gag you'l 'snd tie you 'securely in this room, "where you will be left in peace for "HE at least forty-éight hours; after *. Which' Lune a telegram can be dis- ; paighed to any. sddress you choose 10. supply us o with. But really, ow- ving, to. unforeseen circumstances, % this chance of a reprieve. is remote. {#t 'wholly depends upon the arrival, or otherwise; at this house, of a * gentleman - 'whom. we expect at 1.15. 7 "Brett leaned forward in his chair i... and took out his watch. ' The other ) nishndossiood his moyement, and each of the other three promptly revolver, . "langhed quite heartily; : 'getiemss, *? he qried, nervousness is ludicrous." . , w that hat be yet had five min- 'self-constitut- 05 ould Procsed fo execits : pos "Turks. |i to write or that sort of thing ¢' "No,'" said Brett, "I do not think 80; it seems tG me that you have thoroughly misunderstood the pur- pose of this meeting. I came here in order to obtain from you parti- culars which will'lead to the release of Mr. Talbot and redeem his char- acter in the eyes of his-superiofs. I did zed Same here to be-killed, Hus- sein-ul-Mu am not going t» be' killed. ye you touch-a, air of my head you will only leayo this house for 'a prison, and subsequently for the gallows. And so, you see, you are talking childishly ° "when you dangle 'these 'threats and prelimin- aries to immediate execution before my eyes. Its not you, but Ij who will dictate the terms on; which we part. It may perhaps. interest you to. explain this new phage of 'the I, sityation - to your _fellow-country- men, and the, matter will also serve to that have to elapse before 11.15," Hussein ul-Mulk made no direct reply to this remarkable speech. a it impressed him was quite evi- ént from his manner. : Forthwith an animated but sibdued conversa- tion took place between the trium- virate. het While it was Py p! 85 8 'pecu- liar knock was in progress outside door ot Ses 'apartment. 2 Malle 1 Bodom" in. order to 'meet: the od He left the rool .| to himself, he would forthwith open issipate the few minutes yet |, '| complexion «became - like a young "big: oy 'are njllions oF Da: Fwhich is good." {'Have you intrusted t 'the Bultan's difmonds to the care of a scamp like this?' said Brett, addressing himself to « Hussein, and inwardly resolying that unless the conversa tion by chanee took a turn favorable fire on the gang and endeavor to escape. 'Yes,' cried the conspirator with a savage laugh. 'You have never seen them, Mr. Brett? Here they are. To many men the sight would be a pleasant one. To you it should be terrible, for the arrival of these diamonds at this moment means that you must die." So saying, he produced from an inner pocket of his frock-coat a large, plain morocco case. The pres- sure of a spring caused The lid to those in the room a collection of diamonds marvelous by reason of the size and magnificence 'of each stone. In the center reposed the Imperi- al diamond itself. For an instant Brett reflected that whilst the other men were fascinated by the spec- tacle he would have a good oppor- tunity to shoot some of them with- out mercy and make a dash for lib- erty. , But at the same ' moment. there came to him an odd thought. His friend the jeweller of the Rue de la Paix had not given him a lesson ia vain during the previous afternoon. The barrister suspected--in fact, he was almost sure--that the gems | gal. now flaunting their half-revealed] food glories in the light of the dayton] 24 not one of them; had undérgone thé], final process peculiar to the dia- mond cutters. trade--were not real stones stolen - from Albers | Gate but well-fabricated substi- tutes. (To be continued.) RED. It's the Red Blood Corpuscles that Proper Food Makes. An Ohio woman says Grape- Nuts food gave her good red blood and restored the roses of youth to a complexion that had been muddy and blotchy. She says: "For 10 years I had stomach trouble which produced a breaking out on my 'face. . The doctors gave; it a long Latin name, but their me- dicipes_ failed, to cure jt. = Alo with this I had frequent headaches, nervousndss and usually pain' in' my stomach aftér meals. - stopped them and coffee off 'short, and 'quit eating everything but for my table beverage. "The headaches, stomach trouble that when the causé was removed. and 'geod 'food and drink used nad ture was ready to help. § "My 'blood was purified and my girl's; while my weight was inereas- ed from, 80 to 120. pounds in a few, months--good, » solid, firm | where it used to be soft and flabby. ; 'I recommended Grape-Nuts and Dostum, to one. of my friends, 'who' was roust 'be content to receive, ny pay: fly back, revealing to the eyes of} fruit'and Grape-Nuts, with Postum { and nervous weakness disappeared |' |almost like magic, which showed | afflicted a8 I had been." sShefis "4m, AND ENDS DEO. 30th, asm, [BOTH DAYS INCLUSIVE. LETTERS: RECEIVED AT THE OFFICE EITHER BEFORE 1TH NOV. 11, | {OR AFTER 80TH DEC. 1811, WiLL NOT BE COUNTER. PHP Ronis 2nd You have one answer ites TEA or COFFEE you bi Answers will be numbered in Ld | PUGGINS AND POPPETT. "Well; well, what's the matter, Tiddle Toddle Toddlekins #' said big brother Dick, as he saw his small sister sitting in the big arm-chair looking very disconsolate. "0. 'Dick," said - the little girl, whose name was really Gertrude, but who was called "Trudie" for short, and "Tiddle Toddle: Toddle- King' when Dick wanted to tease' a little, "I'm so worried about Pug- gins and Poppett, the little kittens Mrs, Spencer gave me. Their mo- |ther. died, and the r little things are too young to drin ok milk them- elven.s y ye must. find some way. to fhe, ha Eve tried {all orts JT oan't teach them to 'drink. Br 'are' getting go: thin I don't know what to do." the |: Dick thought a minute, snd then |. he said, "Come on, "Trudie ; T'know the very thing." to his room; and pretty soon came: back with something in his hand. | "Now," he said, 'come out where the kittens are, and let's see i 1 can get them to drink." * First they went to the kitchen and | heated a cup of milk, not really hot; | ; but just nice and warm. Then Dick | and. Trudie 'went out to the shed where the two: little motherless kite tens were. in their box. Really, they | they had eaten nothing "for two days. Dick took one -of the little 'Kittens up; and 'then': Trudie saw that 'what he had in<his:hand was ais "I' got disgusted 'with, the drugs; |" pons me,' said Hirsoin 12] wr vice, and | in a shor, "ONE 2oyND BEETLES a send to E or TWO Teak POTND PACEAGES 2S Op Ra Bag eg Ey NO EMPLOYEE sana TE RELATIVES WILL 'BE 'ALLOWED "To ENTER CONTEST, conpecutive order as th will be awarded by a.commitiee of disinterested Derioun an ved, and at the tion d he Mist of prize vie will "be given a 'MELAGAMA Tz TEA and COFFEE He: ran: up-stairs of: were very thin, for, as Trudie said, , THE OLD ESTABLISHED ¥IRM OF MINTO. BROS. + TORONTO. BY nice, new, clean fountain-pen filler (fed in the same way. 'Trudie: or medicine-dropper. He filléd' the | them' milk in this way for sey dropper with 'the warm milk and| days, until they learned to put one end i kit; 3 mouth, He milk out of a saucer. then press e rubber e thal "Phe Ckittons: are. aleck dropper, and kitty tasted the warm| ooo now, and well able to take ¢ milk in her mouth. How_she did of themselves. They have fo a and stiuggle to get more all about how they mused to mi Trudie held her in her arms and Dick fed her milk until she was sat- isfied." "Then Trudie put her back in the box, and the other kitten was the world. 1 rather think that gins and Poppeh think 50, EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR" 18 ABSOLUTELY. PURE... ;« y The. firet, and great essential of a food product, is " Purity; the Purity and Quality of. our. Extra Granulated } have, never been questioned: - ; .. Onde: make. a com parison with other Sutin ond you will not be satisfied with any but Redpath. & Dainty: Tea: Tables are always served with . , SARIS LUMPS to - be had in' RED SEAL : dust pr. "cartons, and . by the, pounds; "The Canada Sugar Refining Co. i. "MONTREAL, CANADA. milk ont of a medicine-dropper, Trudie has not forgotten, and | thinks Dick is the nicest 'brothe