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Port Perry Star, 15 Nov 1911, p. 7

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WL SHONTAGE IN BRITAIN. : tunity for 2 ere to Blond Cob is Deparment of ade 4d Cop : ain were 75 per cent. of the usual total. sequently Jed will be very source this winter. Cana. hay was selling for toh, with prospe rise.' Canada and the Uni are practically the only outside Sources of supply, as the imports 'from all European countries are rohibited owing to foot and mouth : a, Belgium has made inquir- 8 in the Kingdom for sup- plies, and it is quite probable that 'other European: ¢ountries are also ghort in their expected supply. VEGETABLE DIET BEATS MEAT - Brothers Demonstrate the Relative Value of Foods. atch from Denver, Col., t vegetables' are more than meat is being made Jesse B and War- uffum, brothers," who are 'naross the goutineut as an ment under the n., vard University.' They preceed- ; from hére on their journey to- ward the Paeific Coast on Wednes- "day. One is eating meat and the © other vegetables. They arrived in Denver on. Tuesday night and slept on the roof of a local hotel. They 'have not slept in a bed since they started from 'Boston, they say. ~ When they started west there was £ A des; says: nourishi evident ron H. . pounds 4 nly three aads difference in their eis . Warren Bulium, vege- le eater, is now ¢ heavier than his brother. FRAG . Lo NUMEN? 70 KING EDI ARD A despatch from Montreal, says: At a meeting. of the Board on Con- trol on Thursday afternoon, a let- * ter was vead from. Sir . Thomas Sogo, smn of the com- tee, Ww. 8.00 funds for erection of a monument 'to' ste satsend Canadien. Frpotts} a r "Gotlected 'S SUBSIDY GROWS. Will Increase Next Year. 'Government will 'be increased 'pulation in 1861. last previous - census. present it has for the first time next year. ee WOLVES NEAR COCHRANE. Was Visited. A despatch from Cochrane, says rane, was who killed his two dogs and of meat left by the raiiréadl rifle. climb ferocity of the wolves. Demands 'of the West. the west for state ownershi oly ot Tie at, rome ' p40, Venera OO oz oe , SHORTAGE OF MILK. BGA gat Wie dg gene There is"M pd $a 5 a8 .| the barrel of an air gun blowing off hy Federal Government A despatch from Toronto says: Ontario's subsidy: from the Fedetal y 3191 $970,000 as a result of the growth of | population shown by the recent cen- rely SUS: As the population now exceeds 9,600,000, however, the rate of pay- 'iment will be reduced from 80 cents to 60 cents a head." Until 1007 the subsidy was paid at the rate of 80 cents a head on the basis of the po- At the Provin- cial Conference of 1907, however, it was arranged that the subsidy should always be calculated upon the population as indicated by the Until the been paid on the number of people in Ontario in 1901. The increased subsidy will be paid Section Boss on Transcontinental The work of the section boss on the Transcontinental is not merely a matter of watching the track, The section' boss "at eighty-four; about fourteen miles east of Coch- ted in his shack bya pack of about twenty timber welvés, vour- of | 8d to the last ounce an old cache He shot one with his The next day he' had to a telegraph pole to escape the attentions of the same pack: The fact that there are no red deer in the country may account for the STATE TERMINAL ELEVATORS. Government win Shortly Discuss A. despatch from . Ottawa says: The "Govérnment. will shortly take into; consideration the demand of ship of the He fond of ions. od a 5 oro' Money in It Than in : Lonahned. w _severely injured at Belleville b Rev. Dr. Workman was awa by Mr. Justice: Weir $3,500 damag against the Board of Governors o the Wesleyan . Theological College for dismissal from his professorship -{on alleged grounds of heterodoxy. 'GREAT BRITAIN. Another 'O,P.R. steamer, the Princess Sophia, has been launched at Paisley : Thé King and Queen departed from England on Baturday for the Durbar at Delhi. ' The Right Hon. A. J. Balfour has Unionist. party in the British 'House of Commons "yy The: ' British Premier, Mr. Lord Mayor's banquet, and made an 'important pronouncement on foreign affairs. I . GENERAL. A fierce street fight between Arabs and Italians in Tunis result- ed in many deaths. The Turks and Arabs made a de- termined but unsuccessful assault on the Italian lines at Tripoli on Friday. iI. PEAT AS FUEL. Canadian Pacific Railway May Take Over Government Lands. . A despatch from Ottawa says: The Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany has opened negotiations with the Mines Branch of the Govera- ment to purchase its entire peat plant at Alfred, Ontario. The com- 'pany desires to continue the indus- try on commercial lines, and supply thé City of Montreal in particular with peat fuel. It regards the suc- cess of the Government experiments as incontrovertible proof that peat production in Canada has now be- come a commercial enterprise of much importance. ere eee TRADE WITH SOUTH AMERICA Direct Steamship Line and Trade Agents Promised. A despatch from Montreal says: George F. Johnston, who has been working to arouse the Canadian manufacturers to go after the trade of South America, is back from Ot- tawa with the assurance from the Minister of Trade and Commerce that, if the merchants show that they are after the trade, he will provide a direct, Bouth American steamship service, and will appoint a trade commissioner in each of the South American countries. STEAMERS, IN. QOLLISION. | The, Empress , of Britain Collidos v4 of 4..,With a Steamer. , "A dedpatoh 'from Liverpool says: The Canadian Pacific ++ Stearaship 'Company's: * steamer ' Empress of Britain arrived here on Friday af- | ternobn 'after. being in collision | with ailocal steamer off Calf of Man, "a:small,island ip the. Irish Sea near ithe southwest; extremity of the Isle of Many; on; Friday merning.. The | liner, sustained very little damage, | but t hor vessel, was less fortu- 4 i bar in the Isle n CRiam hbo Fields Yot 9 per cant. i | altoha. Sours--~First patents, $5.50; secend S| 06, Buy ports; no. 4 Northern, 10312, resigned the . leadership . of the Asquith, was present at the annual . ¥ ACE 2 7 3 > Toronto, Nov. 14--Flour--~Winter wheat, patents, #5, streng. bakers', S480, on Manitoba wheat--No. 1 Northern, $i. and No. 3, $101, Bay ports. : Ontario wheat--Nb: 2 white, red avd mixed, new,: 87 to 680, outside. . | Peag--Good milling. peas, $1.10, outside. Oats--Ontario, No..2 at.44 to #120, ont side, and No,'$ at, 430; oar lots of No 3, on track, Toronto, 4712 te 485. Western Canada oats, 450 for No. 2, for No. 3, Bay ports. Barley--No. 3 extra 8 to 9c, outside: food barley, Go; aww 0 Fo No. 2 old Americar yellow. 78 1-2, Bay gorse. A 9 Ad » yey | r-- i. BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE. Buber Dalry, Sholod) {n"Wippbis, 25 to 2601" wtord luts, 88 to' Zo; ofeamery, 8 to 300 for rolls, #6 tof for solids, per Ib. Bggs--Strictly new-laid, 31 to '3c, and fresh, 250 per dozen, in case lots. Oheeso--Large, 15¢c; twins at 151-40 per # v © COUNTRY PRODUCE, Apples--Winter stock. $3 to $4 per barrel. Beans--S8mall lots of hand-picked, §2.- 25 to 82.30 per bushel. : Honey--Extracted, in tins, 10 to ilo per BD. Combs, $2.50 to $2.76. | Baled hay--No. 1 at 815 to $16, on track, and inferior at $12 to $14. Baled straw--#$7, on track, Toronto. Potatoes--COar. lots, in bags, $1 to $1.05, and out of store, $1.20. Poultry--Wholesale prices of dressed poultry :~Chickens, 11 to 120 per lb.;.hens, 10 to ilo; ducks, 10 to 120; turkeys, 19 to 2le. Live poultry, about 2 lower than the above. | HOG PRODUCTS, Baocoa, long clear, 12 to 12120 per M., in case lots. Pork, short cut, $22.50; do.. mess, 19.50 to $20. Hams, medium to light, 16 to 161-20; do., heavy, 14 to 14120; rolls, ;10 to 110; breakfast bacon, 16 to 17c: backs, 19 to Blo. : Lard--Tlerces. 1lc; 111-20. tubs, 111-40; pails, BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Nov, 14--Oats -- Canadian 461.2 to 470; No. 3 local white, 46 to 461-20; $5.60; seconds, $6.10; ents, $4.15 to 85; strong bakers', $4.90; 81.95 to $2.05. Rolled oats--Per barrel, 85.25; bag of 90 lbs. 82.80, - Feed barley-- Car lots, ex-store, 82. Corn--American No, 3 yellow, 8134 to 820. Millfeed--Bran, Ontario, $23 to $24; Manitoba, $23; mid. dlings, Ontario, $27 to $28; shorts, Mani- toba, $25) mouillie, $26 to $32. Bgge--Se- lected, 261-2 to 28a; fresh, 38 to 340; Na. 1 stock, 2212 to 240, Cheese--Westerns, 14 --Cholcest, 27 to 271-4c; seconds, 261-4 to 26 3-4, . UNITED BTATES MARKETS, Minneapolis, Nov. 14.--Close~Wheat--De- cember, $10318; May, §1.0834; July, $1.09; cash, 'No. 1 hard, $1.0458; No. 1 Nothern, $104 18; No, '8, Nowthérn, 181. 0134, fo /8E018; No. § wheay, 8619-10 99180, Corn--No. 3 yellow, 730, Oats-- No. 3 white, 4 to 460. Rye~No. 2, bo. Bran--$2¢ 1. $32.86. Flour--Rirst patents, $5 to 85.301 second' patents, 84.60 to $4.90; first clears, $3.50 to $3.85; second clears, $2.40 to $2.80. i Buffalo, Nov, 4. --8pring wheat--No. '1 Northern, carleads;-gtore, $1.083-4; Win- ter, No. 2 red, 0yiNd; 3 red, %o; No. § 0, 3 yellow, 740; No. 'teagk, through billed. k No. 3 white, to 43.60, fairly air at $90 to 85. ides 'at from 84 to perowt. lower. Z ¥, 14. ~Choice heavy cattle DREADGTUIES. Pal LKR TY and at dc Western, No, 2 48 to 481.20, car lots, ex. store; extra No. 1 feed. 471-8 to 480s No. 3 0. W, 47 to 47120; No. 2 local white, No. 4 local white, 451-3 to 460. Flour -- Manitohs Bpring' wheat patents, firsts, Winter whemt pas straight rollers, $4.25 to §4.40; in bags, to 14149; Easterns, J35-8 to. 137.80. Butter; wt. | sechel, of. this bt | Tangy age used 10 describe' its Nisngusg ost city in China, formally de- Thursday, when the Dragon of the new Government was fired: Canton is a. manufacturing especially fof rsilks, fireworks ood and iron wares. trade in 1908-exceeded $55,000,000. It has a good waterworks system, which was constructed by British' engineers 'af a' cost of over $1,500, 000,' and &lso an electric lighting system. The city has now a popula [tion of "1,900,000 "and dates back 2,700 ars. £2 ! . 1 on Josphtch trom" Amoy, China, says: Tho city of Fuchow, capital of Fokien province. is in the hands of the revolutionists, After tak- ing it they wiped out the entire THE SUNDAY SCHooL LESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON, NOVEMBER 19. Ezra's journey, to Jerusalem, Ezra 8. 15-36. = Golden Text, Ezra 8, 22. Verse 15. Gathered them--The previous part of the chapter is de- voted to a list of the heads of the fathers' houses, who went up with Ezra to. Jerusalem. Ezra's first step was to assemble his company on the banks of one of the artificial rivers, or canals, in the neighbor- hood of Babylon, at a place called Ahava. This enabled him to make a review of his: forces befors actu- ally beginning his march. The in- terval of three days, lasting from the ninth to the twelfth of the first month, gave him tine to secure the services of Levites. The sons of Levi--Zerubbabel brought back with him 4,289 priests, of whom only 74 were Levites. Fzra has difficulty in obtaining even few- er. The reason seems to have been their absorption in the service of the high places, and other forms of idolatrous worship. In the later reforms this class took a prominent place. They wore chosen men of patriotic impulse and religious spirit, who were willing to sacrifice their position in order to serve 16. Then sent I for Fliczer -- The proposition here has a peculiar value, the meaning being, appar- ently. not that Ezra summons these leading men into his presence be- for sending them upon a definite mission, although the English says 80 much ; but, that he actually com- migsioned them, on the spot, the following verse giving the details of their mission, The marginal read- ing of verse 17, 'I gave them ocom- mandment,"' is in that case prefer- able to I sent them forth, 17. Iddo--He held some position of authority, perhaps over the {ours Levites, and Nethinim (a y' of temple servants who were detailed ta do the more. menial tasks, such as 'drawing water and hewing . wood)... At,. Casiphia, a small settlement in the vicinity of Babylon: there may have been az kind of college of these young men. We need' not sippose, however, that Iddo belonged to this second class of mere drudgers. * The text is difficult at this point. But tho meaning muss be that Iddo presid- ed over all these.young men, the brethren mentioned being the Le- vites, : ' n us--This js a frequently. occur- ing' phrase "in the chronicles of these, times. It signifies the merci- "| ful favor of God, 'In-timés of ad-| versity, "the 'hand of Gdd is, répre- sented as turned against his 'pdo- | ple. %:1It is*lobked upon as & proyi- dential occurrence that a man of discretion (which, as the margin 8 way he othe mmo; -1¢h, descendant of Lars, ogether with thirtyeeight "and -two hun: [dred twenty Nethinim 19 and 20), are fo | Jews on" oa -21.36, Events' of th cluding preparations, and a tion of the journey itself, at Jerusalem. . by, in- descrip- and the to] © 14 fast--That it was 'a strictly exercise is evident in the was a symbol of hum n be : , & season of r for a course free from dan- olared its independence at noon on | wasilowered and a #slute in a} The tye] 18. The good hand of our God up- T A Sospaon, i residents of the Fd Soten Oity residents' of the Forbidd are taking in great quantities of rice and pee we hundred 'infantry and 500. cavalry. of the Manchu First Division, who fled from Shikia, after the a of General Wu Lu Cheng, arrived 'here on Thureday and éntered the 'oity. The Legations consider that | al hope for the Manchu dynasty has vanished. ' oid 5 -------- had confidence thab, if: they sought the Lord with faithful hearts, they would 'need-no- help of kings. and armies, for-$he Omnipotent hand would be upon them for good. The great leader had already intimated this to the king. If now they were unequal to their foes, it would be an evidence of the ' wrath 'of 'God turned against them for forsaking him. ' 24. Twelve . . . priests--It is dif- ficult to decide which is meant, whether that priests mean Levitet (margin), and that there were twelve of them, including Bhere- biah and Hashabiah, who have al. ready been mentioned as Lovites| or, that there were twenty-four in all, one group consisting of twelve priests, besides (margin) which there were the two Levites named and ten others. ' 25. Weighed--Monay was reckoned largely by weight. The offering silver and gold and vessels, made by the king and others, has already been described in Ezra 7, 16-19, Tha sum has been estimated at about five million dollars, ' 98. Holy unto Jehovah--Tha priests and Levites were by this aot separated unto the saored se of the Lord's house. The solemn- ity of this votive offering was ia. ténsified by an appeal to their here- ditary connections. The mere men- tion of the God of their fathera would cause their memories to turn back upon a past in which the hand of God was evident. 20. Watch ye, and keep them -- They are- precious treasures, con secrated to a high purpose, and ara to be vigilantly and jea ously guard< ed. ut _ Cbambers--Storerooms (1 Kinga 6. 5) connected with the outer buil ings of the temple, 31, Departed , . . on the twelfth day--The actual march did uof, therefore, begin' until this day,| Ahava was simply a convenient place of assembling and taking pre liminary steps for the long journey, The first month was Nisan and cor- responds to our March-April, ' 33, We caine to Jerusalem--This! was on the first day of the fifth month, or about the middle of July.| In all about .108 days were gonsumed in going a distance of not less than 900 miles. * It was in the midst 0 the heated termyitltc company was) large. and. the: cazavan was heayy:| 33.. Weighed , ... into the hand, of Meremoth--He and his three com panjons. were doubtless chofien:. JTepdérs to: receive the otf after oarefully 'determining 1th corresponded vifh tlie writer libs dnd 'to convey them to the treae qury. There were two, priests and two Levites, corresponding to. thq two groups commissioned by Hzra.: he number(34) 'of the vessels and gifts, and the weight' of the sity: and 'gold were 'bxactly inventol k t and thelist preserved. +. | © 36: They furthered the people = This was-'s new: turn-in events, Ip wah W' great thilig thrhave)ofeiald like the satraps, and governors bes, yond the River Euphrates, helping instead 'of hindering. * The royal de; | cree determined everything. The, fing a eommissions are get forth in| zra 7. 21-24. * i: ------F : ~ LUMBER IMPORTATIONS: Ruling of. Customs Board 'Altned ati . Alleged Evasions. A despatch from Ottawa says: An alleged. evasion of the Customs act is aimed at in a ruling of thej day in regard: to:lumber importa- tions. Lumber dressed on one side| only comes in free, but when' also dressed on the edge it is subj a duty of twenty-five per cent. Canadian Lumbermen's Associa olaims that. the. Americans after Dominion Customs Board on Fris|

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