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Port Perry Star, 22 Nov 1911, p. 2

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PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS LEPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES OF . AMERICA. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Produce at Home Toronto, Nov. 21.--Flour--Winter wheat 9 per cent. patents, $3.50 10 $3.55, sea patents $5.50; second patents, 85, and strong bake org', $4.80, on track, Toronto. Manitoba wheat--No. 1 Northern, $1.05, Bay ports; No. 8 Northern, $1.02, and No. 3, 90, Bay ports. wheat--No. 2 white, red and mixed, new, quoted at 88 to 8%, high Pegs--Good milling peas, $1.15 to $1.18, Oats--Ontario, No. 2, at 4c, outside, and No. 3 at 43c; car lots of No. 2, on track, Toronto, 47 to 471-gc. oats firm at 451-20 for No. 2, and at 4412¢ Western Canada ie a SOLD WEEKLY Montreal, Nov, 2L+The demand for calves was good. Butchers' cattle, chofoe, $6.50; do., medium, $5.76 to $6; do., com: mon, $4 to $5; canners, $1.75 to $2.60; butchers' cattle, choice cows, $5.5 to 85. 50; butchers' cattle, medium, %3 to 83.56; butchers' cattle, bulls, $4 to $4.25; milk. ers," choice, each, $75; dos ommin aid medium, each, $50 to $60; springers, $3) to $40. Bheep--Ewes, $3.50; bucks and cu'ls, $3 to $3.25; lambs, $5.25. - Hogs, f.0.b., #6 to $6.50. Calves, $3 to $10. Toronto, Nov. 2i.--Individual choice butcher" cattle fetched $590 and' 86 per owt., but the prevailing quotations on good 'butcher cattle. were $540 'to 85.76, with common 'and medium cattle from $3.50 to 85, Cows were strong at $4.50 to $5.181-8 for good fat ones, and $2.76 to $4 for other grades. Export bulls were steady at $4.75 to $5.25. Oanners were very sale able at better prices even than usual, $2 to 83 per cwt. Stockers and feeders were traded freely at very good prices. Sheep and lambs were steady to firm at 43 to $3.95 and $5.10 to $5.85 respectively. The Hog Market was firm at $6.70 f.0.b. ----t ee WERE ALL READY FOR WAR. Close Shave for England and Ger- many Last September. 'ion, on Thursday, owing to the ys that for the first time for No. 3, Bay ports. Barley--No. 3 extra 88 to 0%, outside: feed barley, 75 to 80o. Corn--No. 2 old American Y8c, Bay ports. New No. 3 American, Vie, to arrive. Rye--Car lots, outside, 9 to 92¢ for No. 2. Buckwheat--60 to 62, outside. Bran--Manitoba bran, $23 to $23.50, in bags, Toronto freight. Bhorts, $25. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples--Winter stock, $3 to 84 per bar. rel. . Beans--Small lots of hand-picked $2.25 to $2.30 per bushel. Honey--Extracted, in tins, 11 to 120 per 1b. Combs, $2.50 to $2.75. Baled hay--No. 1 at $16 to $16.50, on track, and inferior at $12 to $14. Baled straw--§7, on track, Toronto. Potatoes--Car lots, in bags, $1.10 to $1. 15, and out of store, $1.30 to $1.35. Poultry--Wholesale prices of dressed poultry :--Chickens, 12 to 13¢ per 1b.; hens, 10 to 12c; ducks, 12 to do; geese, 11 to 12; turkeys, 16 to 180. Live poultry, about 2 lower than the above. "9 © BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE. "Butter Dairy, choice, in wrappers, 25 to #8 store lots, 22 to 24c, and inferior, tubs, 17 to 18c. Creamery quoted at 29 a8 AF rolls, 27 to 8c for solids, per b BePPirlotly new-latd # to 350, and Sieg aC25i60 26c per domen, In case lots. fhpess Large 151-4c, and twins at 151-30 per Ib. Bool) 2 rn iabom HOG, PRODUCTS. Bacon, long olear, 12 to 121-20 per lb. lots. Pork, short cut. $2250; do., 50° fo°$20. 'Hams, medium to 016 120; di, "heavy, 14 to 141-2; s, 1034 to lic; breakfast bacon, 16 to Locke a to ey Wharf 10, fable, 11540; pails, Maitezo0060 i1obav 203 9AKM 00 edn © wl BUSINESS «a7 MONTREAL. lagaveaic ov. ~21-0LH0OC- t0snadian Westpriy 0. 4742; 4¢ {4801 nEianadian n, No. 3 47 to 4112q; extra No. 1 PO a, No. 2 ~ white, 45 to #12; No. 3 local white, 451-2 46 #60} No. Salgoakyyrhitte. 45. to] 45300q Barley Mani |; 820; malting, $1.00 tq, ud Hane ay Eto. ahh Bpring wheat patents, firsts, $5.60; sec- sminiF85.000 strong: bukems'.Hek90} Winter 196°C) BOO mREyi 90 IE.) $2.50: i "BRG--B23G HDI, 3%; gm iddbinge, 827 to 4%: mopilie,, 837,40 B34. --No. 2, per tom, car lots, $13 to | SBE he ae 8 1580; finest Easterns, 14 to.1438c.. But ler--Choicest creamery, 2714 to 3:30 1d weonds, 26 to 2c. Eggs---Frosh, od, 2c; No. 1 stock, 241-2. Potat bag, car lots, $1.05. noise Lie 4 Sad £hase Tob UNITED STATES MARKETS: {aed a Minneapolis, Nov, ig V Fos 1.5 Charles who pleaded guilty to a charge of bigamy, will eat his Christmas diu- ner with his first wife meantime will have the opportu- nity of developing an appetite for the occasion by breaking stones with a little hammer. 5 1 f A despatch from London says: n the course of a debate at the Radical M. P.'s new Reform Club, which aims at greater Parliamen- tary control of foreign affairs, Ar- thur Augustus William Harry Pon- sonby, the member Burghs, referring to the Anglo-Ger- man irritation, asserted that the countries were on the very verge of war in September. North Bea fleet was cleared for ac- tion, and had torpedo nets out, ex- pecting an attack from German torpedo boats. Ryles, of North Salford, quoted the Kaiser as saying recently: "I am the only friend that England has in Germany." from Stirling The British - William Pollard --_------ FIRST WIFE IS FORGIVING. Will Take Husband Back After He Serves Term for Bigamy. A despatch from Montreal says: Mann, the ex-detective, but in the He appeared for sentence before Judge Choquette on Wednesday, and on his first wife's offering to take him back was sentenced to thirty-five days in jail. --_-- ENGINEER A FUGITIVE. Responsibility for Fatal Wreck r-- Placed on His Shoulders. A despatch from Medicine Hat; Alberta, says: A corone}'s jury has rendered a verdict in respe Radcliffe wreck, in which Bishop and Bravesmen Begin were killed last week. The finding places the blame on Engineer Carr for running into the yard at high speed. Carr has jumped the country. to the eran i... RARE RELICS STOLEN. Church in Belgium Plundered of] $200,000 Worth of Enamels. yA despatch from Brussels says: The Church of Ste. Macle, at Stave- lot, in the Province of Liege, has 'Beet' plundered of brass wares and renames of the value of $200,000. Bhare.ds no clue to the robbers. bh | whichever prize you choose, - If you 'will | sell 4o sets we will give you a lea | mt 'A'despatel' | ial eclat 'of th in the history of the Dominion, the Vice-regal throne in the: of the blood, who read the from the throne, first. in Engli and then in faultless , much to the delight of the Canadian members of the House. " TEXT OF ADDRESS. The.address reads: Honorable gentlemen of © the Senate, gentlemen of the House of Commons: - - : f It is with much satisfaction that I meet for the nrst time the Parlia- ment of Canada, and avail myself of your advice and assistance in fulfilment of the important: charge which has been entrusted to me by his majesty the King. I can a8- sure you that Iesteem ita: privi- lege to be called upon to administer to the affairs of this prosperous and growing Dominion; and to as- sociate myself with youn in the im- portant duties which you are about 'to approach. It affords me great pleasure to congratulate you upon the con- tinued and increasing prosperity of the country. Our trade, both with British and with foreign countries, is rapidly expanding, and there is every prospect that its volume in the present year will be largely in excess of that attained at any time in the past. CROPS AND CENSUS. Although there has been some damage to the crops in certain dis- tricts, the harvest has on the whole been abundant and it is believed that the returns to the husband- man will exceed those secured in any previous year, } The results of the census taken during the present year will be laid before you, so far as they have been tabulated. © 'While the inc¢reéase in population has not fulfilled all the sanguine expectations 'that had been formed, yet it has been sub- stantial and encouraging. REVENUES. BEST YET. You will be pleased to learn that the revenues for the current fiscal year have, up to the present, large- ly exceeded those during any similar period in the , with every prospect that this increase will be maintained. The - advantages that would re- sult from a wider exchange of products between the various coun- tries of the Empire are undoubted, in view of the wonderful variety and extent of those productions, and negotiations have Deen opened for improved trade arrangements AUTOMOBILES BURNED. Fifty Thousand Dollar Fire in a Garage at Ottawa. Benate | §, | chamber was' occupied by a Prince ro with x manifen.. A bill Ib ds in & 'country possessing so great an area oT forte land as that with which Vals Dominion. iv : dowed, the great hasic industry is agriculture. My advisers are con- vinéed 'that the time "has come when greater aid and encour. ment should be given to those who 'are emgaged in the cultivation of the land. To this end a measure will 'be introduced under which it is hoped that there may be co-opera- between the Dominion and the vari- ous provinces for the:purpose of assisting ~~ and . encouraging our farmers to secure 'the best results in production; and at: the same time preserve the fertility of the OWNERSHIP OF. ELEVATORS A measure will be introduced revising and consolidating the acts relating to the inspection of. grain and providing 'the means by which the Government can secure; through a commission, the conurol and operation of the terminal elevators upon the great lakes. ! A bill will be introduced to pro- duce a permanent tariff commis- sion, whose duty. it shall be to as- certain by investigation ahd enquiry such information as will furnish a more stable and satisfactory . basis for tariff legislation than has here- tofore been available. ne Bills will be laid before you with respect to the department of external affairs, the archives and other subjects. . : The selection of the best route for the Hudson Bay Railway is en- gaging: the "attention 'of my advis- ers, and an announcement will - be made to you of the result of their enquiry. Gentlemen of the House of Com- mons: The accounts of "the last year. will be laid 'before you. balance of the estimates for the current fiscal year, as well ag the estimates for the ¢émjing year, will be submitted for your approval at an early date. FINAL COMMENDATION. Honorable Gentlemen of the Senate, Gentlemen: of the House of Commons: I commend the subjects which I have mentioned to your best consideration and I trust that your deliberations under the bless- ing of Divine Providence may tend to the welfare and good Gov- ernment of this Dominion. a. THE PERRIN ESTATE. Mrs. Perrin of Lindsay Looking After Big English Fortune. A despatch from Ottawa, says: Fifty thousand dollars' worth of automobiles were burned on Fri- day afternoon, when the garage of Park and McVeity on Sparks street' caught fire by the Pi of a gasoline torch" held by amechanic. Fifty automoblies 'were stored on the premises, but half of them were saved. Three hundred gallons of gasoline were stored in the tanks elow, but they proved the worth of a fireproof construction. 'The value of the building burned was $15,000. 1 prtnree Meee FREE TO GIRLS Beautiful French Dressed Doll, 18 tach es tall, with eyes that open and shut Roll* ed Gold Locket and Chain+ Guaranteed "Starr" Hockey or Spring Skates; or Sol id Gold Signet Ring free to any girl. Send us your name and we will send A despatch from Brantford says: Josiah Armitage, acting for his sis- ter; Mrs. J. J. Perrin of Lindsay, is here looking up members of the Perrin family, the 'members of "which; according. to, a recent de-| spatch from Ban Jose, Oal., are heirs to four and a half 'millions, which have accumulated in Eng- land in the past two hundred years. Mrs. Perrin is the wife of the late John James Perrin, said to have Thomas Perrin, who are announcement "made from Oalifor- :{ nia she had sent a lawyer to Eng- land to jpquire 'into the fortune. Mrs. Pe 'says that direct trace of her family is available back as farias 17PR Son cope aE you 30 sets of beautiful Christmas Greeting | «ese and other post cards to sell at ten cents a |: set (6 cards. ina each set) When sold send us the money and we will sedd you | folding go-cart for dolly, a rolled gold ex- || | tension bracelet, or a toy sewing machine repay | HOMER- | nesday does teal sewing. We. COAL STRIKE AVERTED, | Delegates of British Miners Voted ff happily en- | : YE; The annual report of the superin< The | been a cousin of Drs. Charles and a direct heirs to the estate. . Prior to the|; "A despatch from OF tendent of insurance on companies surance in Canada was transacted by sixty companies. Of these twen- ty-five 'were ' Canadian, nineteen British and sixteen American. Cash received for premiums during the year in Canada amounted to $18,- 726,531, being greater than that re- ceived in 1900 by 81,676,087, and the amount paid for losses was $10,- 202,893, which is greater than that! paid in .1900 'by $1,645,567. + The THE EWS IN A PARAGRAPH QAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE IN A NUTSHELL. Canada, thiz Empire apd the We'd in General Before Your Eyes. CANADA, Rev. J. J. Connolly died sudden- ly 'at"Bault Ste, 'Mare, : A deputation from McGil} Univer-: sity asked Premier Gouin of Que: | beo for an annual grant of $100,000; } Sawit Bte. Marie Council have | decided to apply for incorporation. as a city, ' 2 : Friday, Dec. 1, will be a public holiday in Hamilton, in honor of the Duke of Connaught. The steamship Manchester Spin. ner, arriving at Montreal from terdam, brought 2,400,000 ~ quart bottles of gin. i Lieut. Lord Allister Graham was found' guilty 'by the gourt-martial of allowing the Niobe to ground and sentenced to be reprimanded. Hon, Adam Beck interviewed the 4-nistere at Ottawa regarding a scheme to provide Hydré-electric power in eastern Ontario, The Duke of Connaught vit at tend the inau £ of Oanadian Public \88 - Montreal, a 13. eo ternational | Waterways 1m reorganized H. A. Powell as com i rtporind Sc fen rom ! alo a be double tracked in : opring, at an estimated cost ioners t. is other than life" show, that during 4s the year 1010 the business of fire in fr Report of Stperintndént Shows Ho B - iness Is Increasing: = than the loss rate of the previous year (50.72), Eo es ss wom: than the average loss rate (63.63) the past wenty.five years. 0 J ; ; ¥ RT. HON. A. J. BALFOUR, who h resigned from his position as lead of the Unionist: party 4 s . - - - BANK CLERK SENTENCED. Two Years for AR. Running, Whe Robbed the Royal Bank. A despatch "from Port. Arthur say: A, R. Running, ex-bank clerk of Fort William, who b to rubbing iv Royal Bank of 86 839 on October 23, was two years in Stony Mountain P: | tentiary by Judge OF on nesday, who, at the same made some caustic comments 'the character of the- Central reform. ; £2 "France and Spain' "will negotiate to determine the & of Spain in M > LE iA reign of terr ; Nanking where the is still slaying all neues.

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