'These suits are' "style. 'The material is g up on plain tailored s panel running to bottom. Bargains in Misses' & Women's Suits ~~ MISSES' CHEVIOT SUITS, $7.50 in every way and. this season's cheviot, and the suit is made Skirt is seven gored, with front Side panels stop at knee, finished from knee down with inverted pleat. Coat is well tailored, lined with Italian cloth, collar and lapels immed with silk braid. 'Sizes 14, 16, and 18 years. , WOMEN'S $16.00 SUITS FOR $10.75 Women's tailored suits of Amazon cloth in fancy striped worsteds, in grey, blue and green. Skirts are seven and eight gored models, well made and finished.' Coats are tailored plain or with braid trimming, medium length. All are slightly faded on shoulder and side. - Sizes 32 to 36. WOMEN'S $25.00 SUITS FOR $17.76 Most of these suits are in perfect condition except that the coats are the long length. The material is the best grade of serge, worsteds, and Venetian cloths, in brown, green. grey and mustard sh des. Coats are silk lined and perfectly tailored, and skirts are modelled after the prevailing styles. / If desired the coats can be shortened to suit customers without extra charge. Tih GOAT, $9.95 La neat! a oi Eh » up in a y tailo: en, with one, go re Material is a re | in green y mixture, . Collar and of black silk. 34: 36. Regular price Ws $10.00 COAT FOR $7.95 'only, women's coats of all wool kersey in brown 'grey and amethyst. "All are slightly faded. Collars are mili tary or ordinary. lapel. = Made full length in plain tailored style. Sizes 32 to 36. x Stamped Linens for DRESSG00DS FOR CHILDREN'S WEAR Christmas Fancy Work STAMPED CENTREPIECES, 25 Stamped linen centrepieces for braiding, and solid or eyelet embroidery ina large choice of designs, Size 18 in. STAMPED GUEST TOWELS, 25c EACH | Guest towels stamped ready for working in "Old Bleach" linen towelling. Scalloped Fine wool serge in navy blue, and cardinal, 36 in. wide, good weight. The value is unequaled at the price. Per yard 2fc SHEPHERD'S CHECK, 25- Shepherd's check in a fine twill weave. Has a cot- ton warp and will wash without shrinking. 38 inches wide, small check. COLORED TARTANS, 25 Tartans are popular for school dresses for girls. Tough. hard wearing material in fancy tartan. Patterns QUILTED COMFORTERS Reversible comforters made of printed silkoline in pretty designs, in shades of b'ue. green, and rose. Whites pretty fancy stitched pattern. Sizes 60x72 $1.40 REVERSIBLE COMFORTERS Made of fancy turkey red chintz with white filing stitched quilted design. "Size 60x72. $2.00 Handsome Eiderdown Comforters The cover is made of English downproof sateen in handsome floral designs of green and pink, terra cotta and pink. Sides are combination colors. Sizes 60x72 border with pretty wreath design for an J in brown, red, green, blue, 36 in. wide. initial. Size 15 x 28 in. STAMPED CENTREPIECE, 50 Stamped linen centrepieces for silk or cotton em- broidery in many new and handsome designs, Size 21 inches, stamped on ' Old Bleach " art linen. EXCELDA HANDKERCHIEFS, 16 EACH Excelda Handkerchiefs in the large size for. mak- "ing fancy aprons. work bags etc. for Xmas gifts. Plain white centres with colored borders, in polka dot and oriental desigps. CUSHION TOPS 26¢ Cushion tops on plain linen colored ground with dainty designs in floral, conventional and landscape effects. They are made very effective by edging with silk. | F. W. MCINTYRE | PRINCE ALBERT CARTWRIGHT The Christian Culture Clubs meet-' Miss Eunice Sanderson bas re- ing was held at the home of Mrs turned home after spending & month |' Coomb on Saturday evexzin, on ac- 'with friends in Peterboro and count of bad weatter on the usual Omemee. night of meeting (Friday.) Thetopic| Mrs,-W. T. Marsball, of Toronto, was "Am I my brother's keeper." 'spent a few days last week at Mr. The service wag both interesting and J. Sanderson's. helpful. | The Presbyterians of Blackstock The next meeting will be beld [ptend holding their Christmas tree at the home of Mr. R. -Bulfour at' on Dec, 22. il 9 p.m. All are. cordially invited| Manvers, Cavan and Cartwright | to join and help in the good work have organized as the North Durham | !. The topic for the meeting is Endure County Sunday School Association |' Hardness as 'a Good Soldier, the| = Mp. Staples, of Cavan, is Presi-|| present war and rebellion will be|dent; J. E. Elliott, Cadmus, V. P. used to illustrate this. - J. S. Ferguson, of Pontypool, Sec- * Mr. Ramer bas returned from Treas. Minden, where he has been on a hunting trip We congratulate Mr. Ramer on the fine deer which be has brought howe. Prices $6.00 Three Special Values from the Hosiery Dept. 25. PAIR 36c, PAIR Women's plain Cash- 3 PAIRS FOR $1.00 mere hose made of Our special 3 for $1.00 line--a strong good wearing plain black cashmere hose, made yarns in correct weight of pure cashmere yarns in heavy . t for Fall and Winter. winter weight. This is our leader, and the best Has double-ply heels value we ever had for the money and toes. Size 8} to 10. VERY SPECIAL YV VALUE IN WOMEN'S RAT-LINED Mink Collar Coat - B Women's rat-lined coat, 50 in. lo cut in a graceful semi fitted style. She 1 sof all wool F rench broadcloth. ina pretty green shade. Lining is made of selected winter rats,-perfectly tanned, soft and pliable. ~ Collar and revers of exquis- ite mink. : a A splendid e coat and 'excellent value $60.00 50c. PAIR This hose is made from the finest grade of Botany wool yarn. Cleap and soft yet tightly twisted to give lasting wear. The weave is plain and entirely seamless. Double heel and toe. Sizes 815 to 10. Sizes 84 to 10. 3 pairs for $1.00. 2 nd; "BERLIN WOOLS Zephyr, single and double Berlin wool in stock. All Shades, skein 8c. EIDERDOWN WOOL For knitting aviation caps, etc, now in stock in Sky, Navy, and Cardinal. will bay for the STAR from now tothe end of 1912 SEAGRAVE 'Mr; T. H. Watson was in the ity 'on Thursday in" connection with his Xmas trade and brought a large consignment of 'merchandise home with him, "The Iudian Summer expected by 80 many has not arrived and may be long delayed. = Certainly the . winter bas set*in most geverely and DISTRESSING Christmas HEADACHES Headaches are largely the result of disordered kidneys. Mrs. Hall, 84 Flora St, St. Thomas, Ont., says-- " suffered for years with headache of a most distressing nature. They would come on me suddenly and would last for days at a time. These were usually ac- companied with spells of dizziness that would leave me unable to attend to my household duties < My back wa Booths weak, and caus ee me much Ahab suffering thro'gh 3 hemes hed WIBTALTIE doctored for years, but all to 0 UE no avail. Noth- ing benefitted me and my con- dition was grad- ually becoming werse. Messrs - MeTaggart and 'Martin plotad the sibsebouse fast friday the e The meeting of crranization was | held at Bethany on } w, 10. FROST ECT Owing el:her to a mistake on the |' I learned of E. N; _Hartry is all - smiles these days, Itisa girl. We are sorry to-report that Mr. : Barker is not mueh, if any better. Mr. Thos Jeffrey wife and two children returned home from Colon- part of the correspondent cr a typographical error, last week's issue stated that the attendance at Mrs Somerville's Ladies' Aid was 29 instead should have been 80 Booth's Kidney Pills. One box gave me complete and lasting cure. I have not had a headache or dizzy spell since, and I feel like a new person.' Booth's Kidney Pills are sold by all' druggists, soc. box, under a guarantee to refund your money if they fail to relieve | 'PNR Mr. R. M. Holtby is doing ecn- siderable remodelling -around. his ~ barn, Bob always seems tobe mak- ing some improvements, On account of the fnclemency af the weather Mr. Porteous' sale was not as lurgely attended as might 'I have been expected. : Mr. R. W, McCHntock attended : part of Jan wobk the Lakey-Smith wedding. at Utica arning hose € Satur- last Wedoesday. = u : baa UTIOA 4 i Mrs: Jam 00! n spent. mother Mis, Thomas Hc say, Sask. having spent the summer p any disease having its origin in the kid- | | $here, eines on account of Mr. neys or bladder. Postpaid from the R | T. Booth Co. Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont. Sold and guaranteed by Edward B. Flint. | Es MeBrien. of Toronto, and Are Now In Order Send the Star to business of you best trienas. Why not ove | Absent Friends | uits _ v Are Here to Do Your Printing We Have a Large Assortment of Type Ready to Serve You Es What You Want, ~~ .. The 'Way You Want t White, of his er | 2 Sunday Ni ee Cottages Pn. to