a. op TE bem! How still we see thee lie: of Ma - ry, And gathered all a . bove, -- How $i. lefit<ly! The wondrousgift is .givihl shem! De. scend to us, we Pray; ---- 80 by; Their watch of wond'r - ing 1 S-- The bless.ings of His heavh Be in us to = day. co . | settlement if not pr «Moved by Mr. Huicheson, see- onded by Mr. Forman, That aff = taxes and Eletric Lightaccounts be = collected at once. That Mr. Brown hand to Mr. Harris a list of nupaid accounts and take Proceedings for aid at once, Another 'disciission arose as te placing leaves axd other rubbish on the roads. Mr. Cassidy was in- structed to see that no rubbish be 80 placed and that uo: ashes be laced on roads to in anyway intes ere with the sleighing. _ Af the conclusion of the Cottnell 'Meeting, Reeve Gerow entertained some, and some of the tows als at a guniet but very pleasing and well pak dinner at the Sebert House, where a most enjoyable evening was speut, Open Letter Oshawa, December 16; grr. To the Eleotors of South Ontario: he Returning Officer W, M. Real; Hsq., having declared we elected as your representative for South Outario in the Ontario Leg islature for the coming" Parliainent. I take this early opportunity of thanking you for the honor eon- ferred, and to expressthe hope tht I will be enabled to represeiit yom all* satistactorily, 'regardiess = of | party, race or creed; in the forems: ing body in the Province ito-extend to you all my best wish jes for a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous and Happy New Year. "wir Vours very truly, 1 Buy-Hero nice box of Station ary, box Candies; , Fquntian Pes, x Ca 'guntian | Mirror or 'Hand bag at Drug Store, A CANNING FACTORY Correspondence is being carried on between Mr. 'Joseph Bigelow and Mr, Simpkins, of Aylmer, re- garding the Mathew-Ed: facto:y down by the railway stat jon." "A proposition is being made to convert the building inte 4 Canning Factory, The rature of the industry and the reasonableness of Mr. Sitap- Rin's r quirements . should Eoth commznd themselves to the people of this town: and. locality, = Aug such indus.ry whose raw' material can be prodaced at the doors of the factory h#s a distinct advan tage over one that has to imp:s its raw material. Cznning factories are safe and profitable investments Mr. Bigelow' continues 'to tale an active part in promoting . the welfare of the town, and itis to be hoped 'that the day may soom come whe the "Egg Factory" will tie a thriving place of business again. The fcllowing is a letter eceived by Mr; Bigelow regarding this St: George St. Aylmer Om: Sir: --~Replying to you h 24th ult. © At the cad- nity: Iwill r:0 dowase 1 ake a look oper n;. This will not he nning of the New mea: time you