4 wil we istered 2 trom the doors "prefecture and stood in ¥ Where now 1 sid: Rairholmes: ws "@aisthe shotel,'" replied : Broth, yearly, . "I must have sleep, 80 1 consign the Turks, and; the Bul tan's diamonds, and every one con: ith .the Albert Gate mys: g Derdifion fg the next eight LES. Notwithstanding his 'weariness, ) Brett rose early next morning. His Wi dompanion' slept Tiké a top; and the i "hagrister "hadi to shake the carl soundly: hy:thésshoulder before the Jatter:wolse 1ntq eonscious existence Zand sat up in hed. sleepily demand: Ng: " "What's up! . Where's the fire 1" "I want you to dress at once," said Brett cheerily, "and 'join 'me at breakfast. You must leave 'for London by the 11.50 train." # Am I Sich' a nuisance then that 1 have to be packed off at a mo- ment's notice i' said the earl, "By no. means, ; Decidedly the wr soontrary, in fact. As matters in Trance evidently require persist- 'ent attention 'on my part for many 'days, 'perhaps weeks, T think it is hardly fair to leave Talbot in con- finement any donger. Your mission if 'to Testoré your prospective bro- thir-in-law , to the. bosom of his family, and. I regret that it is im- rm for me to accompany you.' ? "#Are you serious, old chap I" was the startled answer. 'What has 'Mappened gince one o'clock this morging fo make you so confident?' "Nothing; that: is not already known to you. Had I succeeded last night in following Mdlle, Beau- caire to her destination I might ""Jave been able to accompany you to Tiondon: this morning. As it 1s, Heaven: plone knows what sort dance she may lead me. However, you completdyour toilette, my dear 1 gellow: T- have ordered kreakfast to be' served in 'a quarter of an Then you: can eat and lie ton! During the first portion nl the repast Brett seemed too busily . gaged to unburden nis mind. It Svas not until he had lit a cigarette and pushed his chair away from the table, so that he cou'd assume a posture of complete case, that; he ocommenced-- : #¥ ou slept so soundly, Fairholme, that youchave not had: time to.1e- view 'all the circumstances of yes- terday's adveatus as, . Otherwise 1 am sure you would have reached the same conclusions , as Eugpe: themselves to we. Cuvionsly enough, although dog tired when i went to bed, T woke about seven o'clock feeling thoroughly ~ rested _. both 'in mind and body. "1 procured + some coffee, took a bath, and went out for a stroll, with the result that 1 returned and aroused you after reaching finality in some of 'my conclusions, deciding, on a de- *Gnite plan of action for both of us." "14 is really very decent of.you, Brett. constantly to assume ae can see as far through a: brick {'monds. Yet nerve to return to: free- |. on them a collection of 'dunimy dis- he actually had: thei: Rue Bai bette later inithe 3% i ge, £0 little scoun- y dead or '& prison in Hussein-ul-Mulk's': fiat: is; loannot permit myself to partic pare in 4.mubder or even in an fully' compelled this morning 10 take the police into my confidence and 'infé¥m them of which escaped their penetrafiol yesterday.'" , NEL Te Fairholme whistled. # «1 must say," he cried, "I gave a passing thought to 'the incident myself last evening when your #py reported "that 'the Frenchman re, mained in No. 11 after the Turk had quitted it." {HE / "Yes," said Brett. "You Bee; all you need to cultivate is the ha- bit of deduetion; and you will: soon become a capital detective." "Well," said the earl dubiougly, "that is a new point of 'view for me at any rate.' ; "It 'isa fact nevertheless. But we have not much time, so we must reserve any further eonsideratipd of your abilities. - The fate of the Frenchman 'must be determined to-1h day, and to decide the iestion: 1 must 'act. through the police, 80 a conversation with our friend the wommissary = becomes inevitable. and now to return to the hypothe tical part of my conclusions. 1 be- an cbvious fact! Ho has 10t| Rava % Bh & hake egal Siwprisonment; 1 Gh Yegret- : ; 'They. must be md LAEMy elie difficulty 8 that. § commis" A CIR y' if, i Thinginb, we ANEYY lo thief captive'in the Rue Barbettd.: So ian see actions are speculative. Yom the; other hand, will be ' fair ial 1 ith. 1el3 "Rather," cried ithe ei butler isa 'aplendis rghap en. 1ne pL & dozen, PL tle "disputes with" his fists." _ +!*Telegraph him to meet ypu ab gan hy assuming. that. the individu-{, al who planned the Albert Gate outrage and subsequently sought to bamboozle his employers by palming off on them a set of spur: ous diamonds, is far too acute to attempt to dispose of the real gems for many months yet to come. He obtained sufficient funds from the Turks, in pursuance of what may be termed the legitimate part of his contract, to enable: him: to. live far a considerable period without fu ther excitement. Closely 'associat ed with him in the present adven- ture is La Belle Chasseuse. Nei: ther would endeavor 'to procure safety by flight to a foreign coun- try. They will seek insignificance by living in a normal and common place manner. What more easy, for instance, for Mademoiselle than to return to the life of the circus, whilst her lover--granted that he wished to remain' in her company will obtain some suitable employ- ment in the same dircle. There is a suspicion of a joke in' the state- ment, but I am quite serious. The mere consciousness 'that they have in their possession a vast fortune, which time alone will enable them to realize, will serve as an induce: ment to undergo the period of hard work which means safety. You re- member that the 4 father, Gros Jean, visited the Gare de Lyon yesterday 1' . Fairholme nodded. J think you will find that he was depositing there the necessary lug- gage for a contemplated tri the interior, so that might slip out late and unnoticed and iselle pate, ] 2 ful or gon: will meet you geant, of olics yu hear & "¥oy gelled after a few ¢ uld be able to sat Whethersor ok! the opens the door fo you. when yon visit 'that flat; is AS a genuine part. You can pretend what like, but if admission: is deni you I want you to force your way inside and see that invalid lady at all costs. In the event of a gross mistake having been committed you must apologize most abjectly and assuage the wounded feelings of the servants with a liberal .donation whilst the ex-sergeant of police wil advise you as 'to any 'other place which may demand personal in: spection. I do nob conceal from w: you the difficulties of your task, or | the chance that you may get mto trouble 'with the 'police. Bu the fact remains that Talbot, alive dead, is concealed somewhat in the neighborhood: of the Carlton Ho: | vented ly! present: 1 oh Lad stance is stimu 1 Sy tip ose you | : de. 5 Bleeplessness is someti by a hot foot bath fore going to bed. de /Hiccough can 'generally be stop-| ped at once by eating a Jump of sugar soaked in vimegar. i A bag of hot sand app! part of the body affected ralgia will bring, reli f.! * In the early stages tingy or tonsilitis a rile 'made by add OI powders KET Sil Ea 'a teaspoonfu a tumblerful 'of he recommen 3 F571 or yr a 5 warm. water tel, and it is high time'that this| - portion of the mystery attending his disappearance: should be ma: clear. Do you follow me®™ isely," said ' Fairholme. e appears to be yery ick down any door trip into{l a --------