gen rae at are kept u constantly, only getting the mu needed: daily: exercise at. irregular intervals and -in' consequence suff- ering from many ailments incident to. close confinement along with heayy feeding. (The Writer: was' well scqusinted; the covering of trash to protect with one of the most suoccessfu 'breeders of horses in. this country, a man who owned at ohe time over 100 head of thoroughbreds, many of them horses that are known from the Atlantic to the Pacific for theis successful performances on tho rf. ' ' TH was bis invariable custom to |let all of his studs have exercise in the open air whenever the wea- ther conditions permitted. . Brood nares stallions. and 'colts were all t d out to run about and get the. fit of fresh air and exercise, . Hager "even 'when the weather A d" unpropitious, ii as qf ntimes the stallions were | taken out and 'ridden from ten. to They 12] STOPS COURMNS Rica cauzs 6 same movement he slap over the fifteen miles 'a day. wou get muddy and dirty; but retained their vigor in the stud until an ad- vanced: age. : on The brood: mares and colts of all ages were kept in good condition by allowed to run around in paddock or field, gaining strength and vigor all the time. The farmer's team needs the same pecreation as does the race: horse and will not be ready for the p pring' work ftnless' be has proper care and attention dur- 1 ing the winter months. n the Far West North there a; are, no doi J vi i swelling 'out of Jungs with pure, ah 'air and in the end save vet- irs. THE ROADSIDE. 'many people have -the "Look here, Jenkinson u and if IT mi confession I dare' say yon won'd mind admitting on your side th you've been a little unjust to me, weather has already set in and all the tender vegetation is dry. Then, if the roadsides are burned, the 'insects in such 'places will be killed by heavy Ireeszing, as they asually do mot go very deeply into the ground, but seem to depend on them from the cold, This is a great bit more effective in the killing of hte insects than the spring burning Not only does the fall burning of the roadsides do good by the kill- ing of the insects that winter there, but it also helps to keep the 'road in better shape by allowing less 'mow' to. collect: in the drifts as it usually does in places where there is much grass and weeds.' Stina re speaker 'observed, 'Somewhat! pompouslyi== =. "On this: pleaspnt and auspicious occasion, Jenkinson, I would li you to feel that I wish you--the! same af you wish me.' « ¥ "1*What!"' cried Jenkimson, an- grily. "Are 'you beginning it again i' ibe AN rere THE SOOTOH. THiSTLE. The. origin of the thistle as the national badge of Scotland' is thus iven by tradition: . When the Panes invaded = Beotldnd, 1 was deemed unwarlike to * attack the enemy by night, instead of pitched battles by day ; but on oneseecasion the imvaders tried & night attack.' In order to (prevent their tramp being heard, they marched bare. footed, and they had euctce€ded in creeping close up to the Bcottish forces unobserved, when 'one them: stepped on- a thistle and ut- tered a cry. of pain. e alarm was given. and the attack was beats en off. Out of gratitude the this tle was adopted as the insignis of Scotland. All 'Sugars de not look Grgoer knews this. on having fir 'pound. QUALITY IN SUGARS alike, if placed alongside each other. Every We want the. Consumer to mew fi. You will mot only have a good Sugar, but the best on the market. The clear whité color proves fhe superiority of "Redpath" Sugor, When buying Loaf sugar ask for REDPATH PARIS LUMPS in RED SEAL dust proof cartons, and By the The Canada Sugar Refining Co., MONTREAL, CANADA. Insist Limited