Ws are; isdn of rtance in An rod of pare is good tor water 'used in half the ee i sd Ontario is nted, dec 4 Senator, is must be: died before the acme of. perfection lin dairy products or the whole province san tine; , "Cow-testing pore irr aa ividualizes and de bt 37 of animated 'machines \ enfin ol, y "of | productive SH "We Nave ih, mated at Ottawa that 30,000,000 hours are wasted every n k-| Odnada: milking poor es Sls BS, hnan gh A be conserved on "in {the farms of this young opunfry-dnd ys iets | cow-testing. is one of the most. ef: "was | ficient ways of doing. this."'. Mr. '4n- | C. F. Whitely of the yn of ar. | Agriculture at Ottawa made here r | interesting stateménts in 'an ad- dress to the Eastern Ontario Dairy- 86 | men at the final session of heir des It Paris, France, re. believe that the epidemic -amongsvagrants in Berlin was sindoubtedly Asiatic | cholera, and, that'itiwa¥ probably | oy Foduved "6. the German capital Y Way grants." td M ig a 'give an opidion. They point nt however, - that, the sanitary precan- ®. tions which have taken by Berlin authoritieh wre exact); the same + HE be Tronch for ehol- ofa. It if Pos: 5 nck pl ans 'say, that "he fo Ay Xo | pneumonias' plagie" vg raged with 'great ¥irilende' in Manchuria abdht a year ago.~A person ofthe {Youd 'highest autharity, he 8 Refused to. allow hig to be told a BE on Died, that | "the 'Berlin™"disease ' was surely cholera. meetin FIRED INTO HOTEL WINDOW. Ontrage Attributed to '6. T. P. " Strike-Rreakers. wii A des atoh from Melville Bask, says: Shortly "before mi Tuesday might a mimber. of a oo breakers working. in Grand Trunk Pacific' shops assembled' in front of the M§ Erie Hotel, and fired a number of shots through the windows and dgors at strikers. Bev eral' hotel guests, [udin Grand, runk Pacific solicitor, Winnipeg, Had natfow Sacapes, vs convention. ZAM-BUK CURES PILES; © Don't you believe that experi; ence. is better, than hearsay! It you suffer from piles, just try' Zam: Buk. * You can do so 'at onr ex- pense." 86 wssured are we of tho result that we will send you a reel oe trial-hox.ifyou send to our<Bonanta ik offices 'full. name and cons, and a one' cent' stamp bo pay 18! ty postage. ki Sgoses of people' daily wéqgirainl 8 with" the benefit they. 'Hane: de food from the vise of Zam-Buk: for piles. "Mr. F. Astrid ze ..0f Pant Bt. St Chifath says: 'For five ye a told agony The & pain Was so heat shoes 1 would almost ches, : %1 lost weight apd had no I 'tri eysrything. of for piles, But" wit fect. = {One day. a friend ve ime .a sample of Zam-Buk rs of! a friend of his who ha en cured. 1 1 decided to try Zam-Buk, and the} 18 'relief '1' got 'was eneovwraging. used three Boxes, and at théénd of that time Twas completely gured.? Zam-Buk will 'also:- be' found "a sure cure for cold sores, chapped hands, frost bite; ulcers; blood-poi- son, varicose: . gores, scalp. sores; ringworm, inflamed patches; babies' eruptions and chapped places, ents burns, bruises; and skin ipjuries generally. 'All druggisgs and stores sell at 50c. box, or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto,,upos re- ceipt. of price. You, are ; against ~ harmful Amitati i See: af tite. ne age. | Device: tor Gottibe' Yiijuor Into C bale; Aceidentally: Deteoteil." "'A "despatch from' Cobals a, nother method of bringin, into Cobalt' was disco the Provineial Police {oommercial: travelers ei 10 ed with' iskess ) } centens