! person. sent h beautiful cards and booklets. . Still they' ste coming. pred 'Miss M. Bongard is teaching groom was ef ool at Cadmus. H, Brandon. Miss' E. Emmerson attending Mr Cool school in Toronto. the offices Mr. 8. Bruce was in 'Toronto, Company) | recently, aad Jom Miss D. Purdy is attending the ol tar : hr College in Whithy, oats « Sp aI LI iss M. McLean is teaching in Globe (Daily) cei .iins ; A Bae ey He the ritiary class' of 'the Public Mail: "Empire (Weekly). . BB RS i School, - (no premium at this price) 1 Herald... wale eX 80 ly Sun .... Weekly Witness Daily World .. .. Evening Star (rural offices). Evening News ... ee 3 x bo Chronic oo aa Evening Globe 3 76 Lo property. Mise ope Saturday evenings. Office wer Rose & Co's. Store; Queen' Sts Send STAR is absent PHONE 47 ao to the ime 14 i = Auction Sales : iroubled with Cutareh of the head | le gon SyiSEny +. EBBELS. | Gordon, Tot ts, soos BE putts | FOR J SALE-A bi Lucas. Reach , will after forsale' by Public Sure, ana hes € ot 3 Apply to] : 89 830,000, have with | Auct on, on Tuesday, Jatuary 16, a ob sander i investment at low- | 1912 all 'his farm stock and {mple: dB We J estate. Heute. jas Mr, Gordon is giving A.C Th up farming, everything will besold : +I miscellaneons shower 3 Without in ; Ee nd a Miss Ethel Doubt, + €0, Jackson, Auctioneer. iE it Jo ae Jieas. and ei. Price, or the combined t §iDr. R. Li. Graham gj Situ senie Successor to Dr. F. D, Can) DEN NTIST. PORT PERRY, We Have a Loras Assortment of Type Ready. to Serve You