William 'others. can soarcely. be bold > bmilks consi ei Me bs : Hubby--1: won!t say. marriage is a. failure, but some are more for- | they = get. th: Wifie--You .« are' quite t; dear; ifor instance, you. got me, but T--got only you. © y ial pt tunate in. what id There is no { sun: Even our : made Before 'eases ou "hut.when, wat: to the from 4 ah EAR 8 's best ah The next morning he found him self 'suffering from. tempor; of memory, Adlncinations '11 convulsions in the arms and legs. It was's week before Dr, 4 of | Kannegiesser's - iron constitut or ¥6 with | Overcame, the poisonous effects. 'Dodd's|. His observations ate spoken. of sion, but he says that he. wouldn't 'make 'another experiment :of 'this | #4 bkind for. all' uipdndies. J sees Men BEST CURE FOR SKIN SORES SANS J 8 . the wealth. of the UK | serious and chronic cases of ulcers, 'eruptions and sores is provided by R. H. Barker, of Glencairn, Ont. He says: SORTA "I would 'not have believed that if any remedy. could cure so- quickly, and 'ab the same. time so effectively, as, Ra Tn [2 "My. face became covered with a kind of rash," which itched 'and i ritiited. | This rash, then tuned to sores; which discharged freely and || began to spread. : I fifst. tried oné { thing. and then another; but.nothing good, a) is seemed to do me any , and the {eruption got worse and worse, yns [til my face was just covered with running sores. ME Gs .. "Apart from the pain (which was very. bad), my face was such a ter- rible 'sight that I was not. fit to go out. ' This was my state when some one got a supply, and; marvellous as it fluid," it cow's ve month every sore my face. was healed. I haye no, objection to your stat my_ experience for 'the bene- fit of other sufferers."- a Zam-Buk is purely herbal in' com- sition, and is the ideal balm. for jes and 'young children, for whose tender skin coarse ointments .are. so dangerous. Zam-Buk is a sure cure for cold' sores, chapped hands, frost' bite, blood-poison, varicose sores; piles, scalp sores, ringworm, inflamed patches, babies' eruptions and chapped places, cuts, burns, Bruises and skin injuries generally: - All druggists and stores sell. at 50c.. box, or post free from § Toronto, upon .re- : r Bk 2 'oronto, upon .re Refuse substitutes; fell "patronizes. the oesn't always go broke, but pt to 'come home that way. an L Linim ent Oo, Lim a : have used your MINARD'S LINI. ears whilst 1 onts I y . that 1. have bed between hands and 'ins A HCY d e6n + the Han qu it will mever fail to Th70he head in twenty-four CARPET DYEING very highly by the medical profes-|- vised: me. to try. Zam-Buk. 'I{g 'may~ sound, , within little ponder. a} never used And Cleaning This 9% specialty with' the | British American Dyeing Go': Send particulars by post and we kre sure to satiety: Addrons Box 188, Montreal. The Heart of a Plano is the ! Action. Insist on the OTTO BIGEL" : Plano Action R. A. LYON W, L. PLUMMER LYON & PLUMMER (Members Toronto Stock. Exchange) Stocks, Bonds and Mining StocksBought and sold on commission. Dealers In Government and Manicipat Securities. . './ 21 "Melinda Straet TORONTO WITH IT, . Yau would. not think tof cutting. down jour hay, or grain with hand soyihes, and you 'shonld not usé old 'pots. and pans. Install 'a. "Champion" and. mnke _more, and better syrup with less time and 'fuel,' © Mors revenue' at 'a reduced cost. Why not try thin? , We: hays one that will Just suit you. You are sure to win, Write for freé booklet." THE GRIMM MF@. CO. LIMITED, 68 Wellington St. Montreal, ue. " ¥ 'give your BusH A CMANGE AND WAKE MONEY wi EASILY; EXPLAINED, Visitor--"My good man, why are | ler Barber College, you here' 1 = Qonvict-- Chiefly: 'canse = they hain't. jined ;the open door move- ment here' yit." A Pill: That Lightens Life.--To the man who is a victim of indiges- tion the transaction of business be- comes an added misery. 'He can- not concentrate his mind upon his tasks and loss and vexation attend him. To such a man Parmelee's Vegetable Pills offer relief. A course of treatment according to directions, will convince him of their great excellence, They are confidently recommended because they will do all that is: claimed for them. Ships will be towed througn the Panama. Canal by electric iacomo- tives running on either side of the waterway. Tt a dose of Hamlins Wizard Oil taken at night will prevent your having a bad. cold in the morning, isn't it a good idea to have it ready %o take the moment you feel the'cold coming ? : * A floating debt is'a poor life rire: (gerver to keepia man's head above " ININE." OR BRON QUININE Ld tusé ol EW. GROVE; U ve Care We 'have fo offer several firsticlass bond investments: yielding 6 per cent. net, carrying our unqualified recom. WRITE FOR FULL DETAILS CANADA SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED CUD 178 Jamas Strast; Mantrea Bullding, TORONTO, * | 6 L : 5 14 Gorahill, LONDON, ENGLAND W. DAWSON. Toronto. QO BE FUNDRED | ACRES. = 600D uildings; near Brampton, rj WENTY-FI ACRE: FRU. I Brick; House and Good Sucamees ion 3 RUMBER OF GOOD BIOCK, GRAIN "and: Razms in: Halton, Peel, a a and Prince Edward Coun. e8. Mes eee SEVERAL GOOD. FRUIT A FARMS IN N 3) Niagara Fruit Beit. & BABKATCHRW, -Qolum! IT EARM--- 'Buildings; N, Al OBA, Bands, M A 'tay whd British in small or: large blocks.' F YOU WANT .TO BUY, OR SELL A I Farm, Nath H. 'W, Dawson, Ninety ,olborue Bt, Toronto. x 1GH-GRADE ; SBECIALTIES FO I Agents. mBIeon basis, D. E Ln.ug Oo, Tillsonburg, Ont.» = A ALESMENTSS PER WEEK SELLING one hand Eug-Hoater, Sample and 'terms 250.. Money refunded if aysatisfac tory. | Collette Mfg, Company, , Colling: wood, Ont. a no key GENTS WANTED, ~~ every home. Write us list of: agents "supplies. Kreatoyt -ageuncy. - proposition to-day. No outlay necessary. ©. 11. Cou: 228 Alhert St, Ottawa. HE WORK.~WE WANT 'RELIABLE families to operate our' Migh-speed automatic; Knitting. Machines at home; whole or spare time knitting for the trade; good wages, Far: all-particulars address, The Oanadian Wholesale Distri- buting. Cos Dept. Wi. Orillia, Qutario. HELP WANTED. T ONOE-MBEN'TO LEARN BARBER : trade; expert instruction; constant practice; tools free; always gure employ- ment for a. barber. Write for catalogue. "221 Queen East, 'LINE FOB for our;cholce We have the yin Canada Apply B. Toronto. MALE HELP WANTED. ---------------------------------------------------- Oru FOR YOUNG MEN irom old country to qualify for statfon service. positions in railway by Home-Stud biudies may be taken u and also in the Day.an Cull: or write for particulars. School Telegraphy, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS, HE and FARM SCALES, Wilson's Scale Works, 9° Esplanade, Turonto y Adukat, TUMORS, LUMPS, ew. lo» C wernal aud external, cured withoud win Ly ouf home treatmeut. - Write ue feiore too late. "Dr. bellman Medical Co. imited, Collingwood, Ont. TON BUALK GUARANTEED. Wilsons Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. GENTS ; WANTED. ~ A STUDY OR other Agency propositions convinces us that nome can equal ours. You will ab ways regret it if you don't apply for par ticulars to Travéllers' Dept. 228 Albert Bt, Ottawa. ' ST EUIALLSTS AUVICH 'FRE® us in regal 10 any. diseaso. i wes in drugs © all s8es tied 'by mail Send ment. Glisses fit by age. te for anything sol n #tho stares to Dr. Rellman. Collin FARM HANDS WANTED =:.. Alberta for eight months, 15th March to 15th Nav. for $820 and board. ' Apply by latter to ox 1% Totonte P, 0. oeloning at loast two srqnees from last jem) tate and farming experience. Cok y - Evening School. Dominion consuls Eitan hss art ng