he Baving acquainted the police of- re, None of ua have ever Hoon in ficgr with the exact oon ck the Marseilles before, you kiow.* We "gr : 'There she To! { "Paris ame the whole of ww gman, quick? Helpointed to & roW: Do not visit the Qabaret Noir | tall, well-dressed female, wrapped | fon the purpose of polite inspection | up in a" fur' cloak, and wearing a i a late hour--long after mid- | large feather hat. Luckily her veil t--when the cafe is empty.and | was up, and the electric light fell th Boulevard 'compatabively' de- | fflly on her 4s she passed. se .- It is only a mere guess on | was undoubtedly La Belle Chadge- my part, The Turks may not be | use, and I bet you anything you there. II they are, they should like she Had Just come away from belsot at liberty and not question- | the music- -hall where she is per- ed! Tell them they owe their es-| forming." cape to me. Ifyou do not find them | «pig she see youl" demanded yo may make other discoveries of | Brett excitedly. geleral interest to the police, But| «Not a bit: she was gazing at abbve all things, I do not wish you | the passing tram- -cars, and evident: toginterfere with Gros Jean or his|ly on the look 'out for some par hohse until the next twenty-four! icular lined hofrs have elapsed." "What happened next?' demand- he commissary assured him that | ed the barrister. 'Where is Miss hid desires would be respected, and | Talbot?' sdon afterwards Brett 'went up-| "Edith has gone after her," said | ¢ stairs 'with they full'determination.| Fairholme. 4; tofsecuie a long night's sleep, ofl, 'What!' cried Brett, more start: whlich he stood muchiin need: . ..4led than he cared Yo own, \ He had. reached the sitting room Veg '% broke in "Talbot r refetved for. the nse of the party |*'She heard my words when Talbot, and Lond. Fathom, 1y. Sesider "to follow | bulkst in 'excitedly. that the' womah knew th of 'us, We have seen her |!' zped the | and might easily Iqateck us! Bag abe; Bo eafl. Edith was! ri How to and | § Sed bag rister! 'Ma: oes Batienirert' eed wots and _ darted + off Fes V8 Talbot; % thé» wonian who! atcoms "greyhound before 1 we gould op pahied Dubois in his flight from he A bi andons# I ¢ jrssogairen er instants); heir, eagerness, 'the two mon [A Woman wh fo dlose' the d ready' judgment is well able to" he ; to it and 100k8H dub in| care of tisreel. Uiless Fam mutch sage td ledrn "if theiy 'mistaken, we shall see' her within i p wards had! perchance' Theéit' oveér- rdtwas well for hen neave of mind | ; When othe younger abn thst Sir Hubert | he re-ghtered" and said iietlysl Fitzjamet Had 'gone: to 'his Soom | Bow did you happen to meet soon alter the 'party reached: hay 1754 A seiko | Hotel, Had she irascible bavone op } front "mhust he kept' ight. ov, Contrary to: the opinions expiess. | &d by. the two men, Mdlle. Be ¢aire did not board a pass par. To Edith's eyes" sh seemed ho. might pass he small open carriage Marseilles ' take the p I ndon hanson, Even. ay she" an ly. wa mn. Wi street mademoiselle { aot: nized. 'each' vehicle" that overtook or; and ones; at a busy rossing, she deliberately. stopped... ] course," slackened her 'pace, and simultaieously became aware' How incongritous Was her appdavence at pith an; hour dn. such a $horough- are... a Mitch {alle Frenchwomman, n English: tailor- maior oor her smart straw hat and well tracted the curious gaze of the pas: arsby. : Ba Miss. Talbot naturally at- Instantly itfoeonrred to her! that me | baie attention" de It chanced tat where she stobd for 8 moment"a fruit seller occupied a $iny 'shop' squeezed tightly between Hiehurchirandy a restaurantes) They nterior was dark: enonghy/ fon; > conple: of flaring: naptha lamps. ros, disposed as to cash their fi Bo brilliancy cover 'and' vegetables 'the 'pavément. The woman: neds sad a + indy: 'and seintented face, cherry ripe dn ek. an and from a pair: ALFYYINg wv ing or fle ling glance that La Belle Chasse i remained motionless and nt at' the crossing," i "Whilst you were wiistiing with known of his niece's mission; no |i the ' feléphone;!' said :Faitholme, |' Dower on earth could have restr a" dith and Jack andl! went to: the ed; him from setting every. po ice 3 . Marseilles her track ple 6 de six pages. to; giving a detailed. Soconut of : idle has just apy th © "Medical oo Two eva nples, the figures being taken Jr da pub Hohe in the ** British Medidd