ich enrich the | Pi ; 5 . : o thie 3 tend, thus ] to er , Shay tage. The following case interest to any who suf- this terrible malady. Mrs. Mather, Bancroft, Ont., says:| little son, Clive, at the age of was stricken with &pasms. or nd despite all we did for him : okt five years wagaititled Bom: a) iy growing . er.the care, at ve different doc- him no good. He ' time, 80 fad herwould gome- welve of these spasme in twenty-four ra, I sent hi 8% the Sick ren's 'Hopital 'where they pronounced the trouble i ilepsy, but did not help him. ter he was treated by a special- ist 'but fo no avail. ' I'was almost in despair When my mother advised me to give him Dr. Williams' Pink | Pills. I got the pills and gave them (fo him, strictly following the direc- & tions as to the diet. He continued f taking the pills for several months, i the spasmy 'gradually coming less ¥ frequently, and with less severity, and finally they ceased altogether, It i8 now about two years since he # took the last of the pills, and he has not had a fit in that time, and 8.00% as well and strong as other his age. I have great rea-. i be grateful for what the: pills have dene for him, and hope 'thit may be:df value to some other auf: ; illg wre 861d by all medi: ersior may be had by mail is "a box Jor ; ix boxes. for. i DF. Williams' Medi- eine~Co:; Brockville; Ont, 2 Many a man's' wisdom is thkén i. for granted because of the smart "things he doesn't say. iting i The Poor Man's Friend.--Put np «win saall bottles that are 'easily portable and sold for a very small (sum, Dr. Thomas' Felectric Oil JoBsessen sore power in' concen- trated form than one ; hundred times the quantity of many ungu- 'Tents. Its cheapness and the varied 'mses to 'which it can be put make it thé r man's friend. No dealer's stock isicomplete without it. io Ibis; the man: who knows all about it who has the least to say on the subject. 'Minard's Liniment Cures Carget in Cows. While 'waiting for something to Burn up it were. better® to get the plow ready. for turning something up les So Bad Was Ashamed ticura Ointment § 'there are over ig but Did It No Good. tube sulphuric acid. H "friction lights' in 1832, co sulphur, antimony, sulphide ate, iron, oxide, and ' gum, and called them 'lucifers" = +; But friction ' lights were previ: ously mude in 1826 by John 'Walk- er; these weré with sulphur and ignited by being drawn through sandpaper; Phosphorus matches, ignited by being struck on the box, so-called "congreves,"' were pros bably introduced "by Bir W. n- grove, the inventor of the war rocket, 'early in the 'thirties; bey were chiefly' taken dp 'uns der that name in Germany, and: in Austria, "and contained, in addi tion 'to ingredients - already - men: tioned, 'frequently nitrates, .pows dered glass, chalk, starch, and ia blue dye. Phosphoric Sifax light- ers came from Vienna early in the 'fifties. The chlorate; 'Engineer: ing" adds, was, about 1838, replac- ed by lead oxide, which 'Preshi (Vienna) mixed with nitric acid and dried; strips of red phosphorus paper were manufactured by Bott- gor in 1848; but they did not "find favor ~ until reintroduced" from 'Bweden. ------ BABY'S HEALTH IN WINTER ------ During the winter months the mo: ther finds it very difficult to keep her little ones well. Colds come on quickly and the discomfort to the baby affects the whole household: To keep baby well during the win- ter 'he should be warmly clothed, 'have a daily bath, lots of fresh air, and Baby's Own Tablets should he given him occasionally to Keep' his little Bowels working regularly, as nothing will. br quickly as a clogged. condition of the bowels." Ba are the best medicine a mother can give her little ones. They break up eolds, cure constipation and in- | digestion, expel worms and make baby bright and happy. TheiTab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by. mail at 25 gents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Byock- ville, Ont. $ ein Me Any fair-minded man who argues for a thing long enough 'can' con vince himself the 'opposite thing is right. or : DR. Only Ons "BROM ININE." pa RACERRRROSIINS. ron 8 * . World over to Unre a Cold in One Day. bo A man can be a good deal surer about how you should invest your money. than about how he should invest his own. It you are a sufferer from: colds get a bottle of Bickle's Anti-Con- sumptive Byrup and test its quali ties. . It will "be found that no praise bestowed on it is too high. It does all that is claimed for at, and does 'it 'thoroughly. ' Do not take any substitute for Bickle's Byrup, because it is the beat, hav: ing stood the test of years. Allthe best dealers sell it. In Great Britain and Ireland ninety thousand public-houses. F ks | Ways wi i and 'well. Bix the kidneys," Do righ Disease, 3 sp, with: "I advise all from Backache o 10 use Dodd's like thousands of other { Canada Mr." St. Pierfe fi cure in the good old Can ney remedy. ' : And his indeed was a particulars ly bad case. His eyes were puffed) and 'swollen, his appetite was fit- ful and he was always tired and nervous, while the pains in his bagk | made any form 2X wark something | * Dr to be avoided. ' To-day he is stron boxes 'of Dos Kidney Pills worked: the 'transfo mation. pol More and more in this neighbors 'hood init becoming 'a motto, 'If the disease isof thy pkidpeysion on y ; : ney will cure it," Thay ¢ e. been g ¢ in many cases of backache, rheu- matism; Inmbage and' Bright's dig ease, and in' no case. where they have been given 4a fair trial have they failed to: cure.) » : REMARKABLE RENTS. Anelent Customs: Which: Prevail in Some Parts of England. One of the most curious rents in existence is that! paid yearly to the King by the Corporation of London. This Sonsish of ore sixty-one nails; and: two faggots the annual rental 'of a moor in Shropshire and a forgesin St. Ole. ment Danes. Er Another strange rent is paid y ly. by the Duke' of M o io gor W tate; Accord Sithe the duke must sénd bring en colds. Eo |1 's Own Tablets | y the Crown. | Long ago St. Olave's G ar Sohool; in Tooley Strest, lat a field opped. Quite recently th ough Couneil institut I's rent as re markable as those-instituted in past years. A military band is permitted to practice twice weekly at a certain place in the borough in return for four free performances yearly in Fulham parks. 3 Birra Every time a man has a cold in his. head he is expected to take a DOSE lot of advice : fon When T'Y Murine Eye Remedy Fulham Bor || Have Jou ever nope how misers able and... py littl i and akan ong? A 'sti cut; badly ehapped hands; a: burn; a sore, foot, a poisoned 'none of 1d 4 ments | ever likely to'cause serious trouble, | 'but bad enough to put an edge on one's temper and spoil good looks, ake this aioe W men, by nurses, and fo serious: cases. Keep it-handy in the kitchen, the workroom, and use it immediately you get some injury. t have § : BarrettysHarmony /S., says: had an ail, which Sised me Sometimes the pain "oould not slébp. It diseases and accidents it is only fof it] was mich easier, and I: eontinued the treatment. The result is to-day the toe is sound and I ave no more trouble with it.' Zam-Buk cures piles, eczema, varicose" ulcers, 'cold sores, ab- scesses, blood 'poisoning, "ring- worm, and all similar skin diseases. Bold everywhere at 50c. .a } bs rom: Zam-Buk Ca. rice. : Your BERRI St ye Need ions Tad | me s ERR : at sc50c : Care EE Aseptic Tubes, Hood, Remedy Co,, Chicago | en It is mitch easier to forget what : ou ought to know than: it is to : now what you ought to forget. . tid Peevish, pale; restless, and sick- condition to ly children owe their | Eprints oo vn : T Wikl 18) a