Globe (Weekly)... . Globe (Daily) eeiv..oreranss 4 50 Ih Empire (Weekly). . «+ 1.60 no premium at this price) ity Herald... sc. .civ0..1 80 Weekly Sun ,. J v Witness . . HU DailywWorld ........ v3.75 | Evening Star (rural offices). 2 30 vening News ...... +2 30 Evening Globe «cu. :.uye.i0 3 75 EE ------ -------------------------- Send; STAR to absent { Friends HUBERT L. EBBELS Murvister, Solicitor, etc., Port Perry MONEY Severa 3 B10,000, have laced with me Sor immediate dE Sop at low. jAuction Sales Messrs Holtby 'apd Goodison will sell at Public Auction a carload of firstclass 'Dairy Cows;-at Myrtle] Btation; #6'9.30 a, m. Feb'y 10th, 912. Geo. Jackson, Auctioneer. Dr. R. L. Graham Buceeseor to Dr. F. D. MeGrattan) DENTIST PERRY, : ONT hn n Investment He 0 Fs arf we have a foothold in. the 'com- ie ot i invasions in our land; 13 And whereas obr [ndian women tection 1.751 Auction Sale of Holsteen Cows! Mr. Metcalfe, fom J moved inte the house lat ly ¢ by Mr, McKenzie. town for th Si Mr and 8 -- Rss =e |" Miss Daily : in od ge We. t to report the serious |. illness of Mr. seo th Miss Pearson, of Bartle, is visits ing her mother. ' REABON BIOUAR, "i 'Froe+**Don't you 'could live your life over or Foee--"Well'T should: sa i marin "1 hia : Mr.D.W s ret from Burks pe Falls,